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Status Replies posted by Noesis

  1. So THIS is what midterms are like. WTB time to play games lol.

  2. Pretty high chance of partying with Mike Jones tonight.

  3. GTA 5 here I come. Just had my thyroid treatment and took a day off. Not a bad day afterall !

  4. Recommending on netflix: Bottle Shock. Great little film based on true events.

  5. First day of Judo, and it was pretty fun

  6. Dear Peyton Manning, refrain from throwing 7 TD's when I'm playing against you in fantasy. Sincerely go f**k yourself :)http://i.imgur.com/AsUAmsd.png

  7. 4-bedroom, 2-bath apartment all to myself. This could get lonely, at least I have my anime.

  8. One of our auditors is incredibly hot. :O

  9. Went to Japanese today thinking my prof was going to be a guy.. turns out to be a rather attractive female.. going to be difficult to concentrate. Also, she is willing to give bonus points for coming to class in cosplay.

  10. Somewhat slow day at work, trying to not log onto gw2 at work, so instead, I'm on a forum posting rampage instead..

  11. Somewhat slow day at work, trying to not log onto gw2 at work, so instead, I'm on a forum posting rampage instead..

  12. I guess I caught the SoH insomnia bug. Boooo! Actually I'm OK with it. 5am works well with FF launch. Afterwards I shall need to fix!

  13. I guess I caught the SoH insomnia bug. Boooo! Actually I'm OK with it. 5am works well with FF launch. Afterwards I shall need to fix!

  14. http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-842558 Kids these days.... What happened to stealing your parents vodka, and replacing it with tap water, or buying a dime bag that contained more basil / tobacco then weed
  15. can someone plsssssssss give me a hearthstone beta key?

  16. http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-842558 Kids these days.... What happened to stealing your parents vodka, and replacing it with tap water, or buying a dime bag that contained more basil / tobacco then weed
  17. geez my desktop has been in "power saving" mode for who knows how long. Whats the point in having that option on a desktop

  18. Probably late for reset tonight, have to mow before the rains start again...

  19. I may have finally seen a quasi-attractive male at work today. No, he did not have a backpack.

  20. Going to Ottawa and Montreal this Sunday, anywhere I MUST visit?

  21. Tiny got promoted!!!!!

  22. Is it sick that House of Cards gets me excited about politics?

  23. So little hype from the ESO preview...

  24. Looking for a new book? Amazon and Overstock.com are in a pricing war and deep discounting new hardcovers...srsly discounting them, as in selling them for less than they buy them from the publishers.

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