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Everything posted by Estarriol

  1. My parents have said awful things in record time this visit. The winning line comes from my mother this time. The kid of a family friend tried and failed to get into my college and my mom said, "maybe you got in because you'rea girl." Thanks, mom.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chibikuma


      I understand that feeling. My mom used to do that to me all the time. Until I just had to tell her the truth and now she's very supportive with her words. :) Sometimes they just don't know!

    3. Inedit


      Parents are supposed to be nice???? That makes for weak children! You should talk to her though, or, be equally nasty back.

    4. Estarriol


      I told her that my year had an unprecendented number of women, far beyond what affirmative action would support, so I must have gotten in on the merit of my abilities, grades, and test scores.

  2. Poppa always used to sing "Que sera, sera." Since his death, it's always made me sad, but it's also kind of a reminder that things can keep on going. The guild isn't dead and we can continue if we're determined to. It's a setback like any other.

  3. Talked to my landlords and they replaced the ethernet cord and said if that doesn't fix my problem they'll pay for a private internet connection for me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Midri


      Wow, so nice!

    3. Estarriol


      I'm getting the internet connection. =)

    4. Araenith


      seriously, what amazing landlords. That is incredible.

  4. Ragebarr's a friend of mine I met after writing my prot guide. Everything I've seen from him has been good. We did a few achievement runs through openraid and he was a huge asset. I believe he would fit in very well here and I do not doubt his ability to step up to the challenge of heroic raiding.
  5. I can't wait to kill Lei Shen tomorrow.

  6. What I was trying to individually lead people into a few days ago is the realization that both are viable and are better suited for different situations. I asked in what situations might each shine and no one really satisfactorily answered me. Essentially, RC seems to be extremely powerful in hectic fights or ones with more consistent damage. BT would do exceptionally well in situations with large, somewhat spread out hits. Being able to pool your charges is a huge asset in times when you need that extra DS right now, but when you have a bunch of things going on and the damage is relatively consistent it turns into more of a liability as it is one more thing to keep track of. I do not see any reason to not utilize both talents.
  7. I really like that you went out of your way to answer additional questions and put thought into subjects others have brought up. Bravo!
  8. Nice. In a pure environment, then, Runic Empowerment is clearly the winner. Similarly, in a pure environment, avoidance outshines mitigation in real damage reduction. Yet we know that we shouldn't be stacking pure avoidance. Given that, why do you think Runic Corruption is so prevalent? We also know Blizzard loves situational talents. Where might each talent shine, if at all?
  9. To be completely honest, right now I am underwhelmed. I am not equipped to start digging into your logs just right now and I don't feel excited and compelled to do so. At this moment, you're a commodity to be purchased or passed on and your advertisement is doing nothing to make me take you home. You seem to be telling me over and over that your skills are mediocre. I don't want a mediocre tanking partner. You say that other applicants may very well be better tanks than you are. Wow. I'll give you a few points for not being arrogant, but that is the main reason that I feel no need to look through your logs. How can you sell yourself better? What can you do to make me excited about you? What are your strengths as a tank? How do YOU use your unique toolkit in challenging situations? Other than that, your intro post clearly took time and some creativity, but I still don't feel like I know anything about Rizorqt, the person. What are your hobbies? Do you know how to do the dance of joy and honor?
  10. Superman doesn't leave his raid for phonecalls. He is a good guy.
  11. Hi! Nice to meet you. You say pally, but didn't specify flavor, so now I am curious.
  12. Ooh, musician! Welcome to the forums. I really liked all of the colors you put in. And the musician part. I played trombone briefly in high school, but my passion is percussion. What is your favorite genre to play?
  13. It's too late for me to doing anything more than say hello and welcome! Other than that, some basic get to know you questions: How old are you? Why goblin? What's your favorite Disney movie? What do you do for non-WoW funtimes? Do you like to cook?
  14. I did not see him online yesterday, but I will make sure he gets an invite as soon as I see him.
  15. I'll try to be around about then.
  16. There are a few standards that everyone in the guild is responsible for upholding. They aren't onerous and occasional slip-ups on some of them (specifically language) are forgiven, if frowned upon. Ultimately, it isn't about whether an individual is offended or not- it's about making a home for everyone. It's about not making guildmates feel like they are unwelcome or stand out for being different. It is that atmosphere and that level of respect that are the primary reasons that I don't think I could endure raiding with another group ever again. This is my home now and I think everyone here feels that way, more or less. The guild doesn't necessarily frown on cursing, but certain alienating phrases are avoided. (After all, we all can enjoy a good fuck every now and then.) Outside of raids, we tend to be pretty close and friendly with one another, so it is important for us to get to know you and get to know whether you're someone we'd want as a friend. Edit: I think long, well thought out posts are generally preferred. Length tends to matter less than whether or not you've addressed everything, so I don't think you really need to worry too much about being long winded.
  17. Welcome! I always like tormenting meeting new healers!
  18. I am around all day. Need to study, so I will stay logged into mumble/wow and you can poke at me when ready.
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