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Status Updates posted by FallenSoldier

  1. Pretty cool video of guilds wars 2

    1. Tyrlis


      Haha, that's pretty good! I don't know why it took me so long to realize that the vistas are perfect for machinima like that.

    2. FallenSoldier
  2. A Cop pulled me over today and said my right turn was to wide(which was false) and then gave me a ticket for running a stop sign....yeah

    1. FallenSoldier


      wondering is it even worth my time fighting it in court

  3. God left for dead 2 gaming community is sooooo bad nothing but a bunch of troll just sucks out the fun of the game for me :/

  4. hmm does anyone play guild wars 2 still because everytime i log on there is only one person on ?

    1. Dililah


      Lots of people off for the holidays, still active on WvW nights. Come play with us!

    2. FallenSoldier
    3. Owl


      I think a lot of people are still traveling and taking this period as a time to recharge and play some other games.

  5. I found a quick way to make 50 Gold in Guild war 2 right now there's a Winterday vender in PvP right that sell 10 Gaint winterday boxes for only 200 Glory which one Gaint box sells for 2.5 silver if u had 48,000 glory in pvp you can get 2250 Gaint Winterday boxes and sell and get around 50 gold. I hope my tip will help you make gold

    1. Atrael


      This looks so much like a gold bot spam I had to look at your profile. :)

    2. Owl


      Good tip. Thanks.

    3. FallenSoldier


      lol im not a spam bot :p

  6. I had A blast doing guild mission with you all last night,I really did miss talking to you all

  7. sigh,got side swaped and the guy run and got away lol

    1. Makiko


      Oh no!

      Hope you're alright, and the damage isn't too bad. Claim hit and run incident with your insurance company.

    2. FallenSoldier


      lol its was my 1995 ford ranger its only worth 1'100 my deductible is 500 not realy worth it. i might just got to the junk yard and find a ford ranger takes the parts from it and fix it my self lol

  8. Skyrim sigh...so buggy that it makes me want to throw my PC out the window

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Huntyre


      lol.. I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just telling you how I played and enjoyed it.

    3. FallenSoldier


      yeah i know i had to download mods to just to fix all the game breaking bugs. and no bugs game im loving it again

    4. Lindels


      I don't want to jinx myself but I've yet to experience any major bugs in my game. I'm enjoying it quite a bit :D

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