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Why didn't I get these questions when I app'd, KT-burr?

Probably cause you were like the 3rd rogue applicant that had my shoulders and posted. I was too busy contemplating murdering you in a jealous rage.

Please stop making this poor druid think I'm an awful person!

I forgot to say this earlier but you have a very nice and thorough app. Awesome work!

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Hello again everyone! I will try to address all the questions thus far with this post.

@Ashin: I have really been enjoying 25 mans with Exordium. I’ll admit that I did prefer 10 mans for my previous guild for Firelands. But once I got over the initial shock of so many bodies, and my raid frames taking up more screen space, I realized that there was more to heal, which is much more fun and challenging. I also like the fact that it is easier to have more than just 2 healing classes involved on the fights, so you can take full advantage of each healer’s unique skills/cooldowns, etc.

I have had to turn my graphics settings down a little bit (I used to run with everything on full for 10 mans), but not to the point where it affects gameplay.

I will address your question about my thoughts on Resto Druids and Mists in a separate post.

@ Hip: your question about Brownprobe is a good one, and I can appreciate where you are coming from with it. Brown is one of the members who was invited to leave Exordium. The offer was not a package deal. As such, I do not have a space to go where he is going. I have come to terms with the fact that Brown and I will not be raiding together for MoP.

My goal is to find a home for MoP and beyond. I don’t like jumping around from server to server every few months. It is, quite frankly, a hassle that I could do without. When I left Mal’Ganis, I did so out of necessity. My guild had fallen apart and ceased raiding. I did not have enough progression experience to meet the aggressive standards of the top guilds on Mal’Ganis, so I took to the WoW forums, and eventually found a home with C&E on Sen’Jin.

I learned a lot from them, and I feel that they helped me to raise my game a couple levels. But we stalled out as a guild, the officers quit the game, and a few players left for Star Wars. Big Crits was just a temporary place to make sure I got a full clear in every week while I figured out what to do next. Exordium was a lucky break for me, since they gave me a chance despite my track record being only 1/8 hard mode.

While I hated jumping around from guild to guild, the most rewarding experience was definitely raiding with Exordium in the first month or so. I was forced to raise my game even more. I learned a lot from their healing core, and was blown away by how much more their DPS could do. It opened my eyes to a whole new level of elite WoW Raiding. This filled me with a desire to do whatever it might take to earn my place among them.

I had high hopes for Exordium, thinking it would be my home well into MoP and beyond. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond my control caused the group to fracture and the raid team to fall apart. Now that I’ve tasted the possibilities of raiding with an elite guild, I wish to find a similarly skilled group – but one that isn’t throwing in the towel and tired of raiding while waiting for MoP to arrive.

I want to join a raid team and guild where I can make friends and be part of a community. I want to share in the excitement as we anticipate the upcoming release of content. And I want to do all of this before MoP comes out, so that I can build some rapport and friendships before MoP’s release, so that I have friends that I can enjoy the grind of racing to level 90 with.

Long-winded way of saying: I’m not a fickle server-hopper who leaves guilds at the first smell of drama. I am loyal, and have always stayed with a guild through thick and thin, until the guild or raid team disbands. If I find a home with SoH, I plan to put down my Tree Form roots, and hunker down for the long haul.

@Darlantan: Thanks for your comments. I am always open to feedback and constructive criticism. If there are ways that I can improve my performance, or knowledge of a resto druid in general, I am eager to hear them. I love resto druids: that is the class and spec that I get the most enjoyment from playing. I never want to reach a plateau where I stop learning, or looking for ways to improve. I will greedily accept anything you or your guildmates can share to step up my game.

I do very much enjoy Spine. It is a very fun fight to heal. The most intense experience for me was on my 2nd week with Exordium, with the nerf at 10%. We 5 healed it just to see how hard it would be. I almost had a heart attack, but we pulled it off.

@Stegosaurus: I’d have to go with Giganotosaurus. (insert that’s what she said joke here…”

I’m not a huge fan of in-game fishing, but I have been working on getting all the achievements for the Salty title…

I’ve never been good at PvP, mainly because I’ve never played with friends. I’d be game to work on that (especially since raiding until MoP won’t take a gruelling schedule!).

@Kantankerous: Paper and Plastic! Why should anyone have to chose?

Whole wheat with cheese.



I’m married, so I know allllll about celibate.


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@Ashin: ok here are some of my thoughts on Druids (Resto in particular) and Mists of Pandaria:

I think Wild Charge will be cool. It will allow me to jump to an ally. So kind of like a priest grip, but in my own control.

Cenarion Ward is an interesting new tool for us. Not sure yet if I’ll use it regularly, but it may be a neat way to compound the HoT’s on a tank, knowing that it will only kick in if the tank takes damage. That said, I do like Nature’s Swiftness, and may default to that instead. Having that as a 1 minute cooldown will be amazing.

I like the fact that Blizzard is integrating all the different forms that Druids can be, and allowing a bit more crossover regardless of your spec. I’ve always wanted to be able to pull out a Typhoon or some Treants while in resto. Now it’s possible! This may not be feasible for raiding, of course. But it’s fun to see that flexibility in our class design being introduced.

Mass Entanglement is cool. A more valuable AoE CC tool. Might be better for PvP, but who knows. It will be fun to experiment with.

It is more likely that I’ll use Incarnation than Force of Nature, of course. I think it is interesting that I’ll have Incarnation to give me the Tree of Life cooldown, but that I can also shapeshift into tree form freely (Glyph of The Treant).

The level 90 talent choices are all so cool! I can’t wait to test them out. I actually think there may be some value in changing spec choices from time to time, instead of just having a carbon copy build for an entire expansion. This will be a fun addition to gameplay in my opinion.

Ironbark is a neat addition, giving me more choices to reduce dmg on someone other than myself. That would be helpful on Impale’s for Heroic Madness….

I think the thing I am most excited about is the Wild Mushroom being adapted for a resto spec! Being able to plant up to three mushrooms, then causing them to “bloom” and heal ALL allies within 12 yards. This has the potential for MASSIVE AoE heals, even rivalling the OP Pally Holy Radiance! Look Out!

I love the new Lifebloom glyph, allowing me to apply Lifebloom to a new target, and they receive the same number of stacks as my previous target.

And Glyph of the Stag?? Should provide some entertainment!

All in all, I believe that Resto Druids will be a valuable healer in Mists, and I am eagerly looking forward to the release.

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It seemed to me like Mists was every druid's dreams come true, although I understand Guardians are not totally sold yet. Some of the changes made me yearn for my moonkin.

You've certainly put a lot of time into your application and we really like to see that. As for next steps, on my end I need to have a conversation with my officers. Personality wise, I get the sense that you'd be a very good addition to our team and our community. And we definitely need another healer. The thing making this tricky is that we have a resto druid currently undergoing his trial period. So the decision to invite you is partially based on our assessment of where we think he is headed and also on whether we would feel comfortable possibly having two resto druids assuming you both earned promotions to member. (We'd certainly have no shortage of throughput!)

I just like to be candid so you know exactly where things stand on our side. And I know that you are likely interviewing with other guilds as well. Let's try to connect over the weekend either via e-mail / real id (bobbank@gmail.com for me) or possibly have a chat over mumble.

Thank you. :)

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@Ashin: Thanks for being open about where you are in your process. I respect the fact that you have another druid in trial phase, and that a spot for a 2nd is uncertain.

At this point in time, I have not put any applications out to other guilds, since I really liked what I read in your recruitment thread. I get a good vibe about how you run things, and it sounds like something I would like to be a part of. If it takes another week or so for you to make a decision, that won't give me any grief.

I will be out of town this weekend visiting family. I should be back on Monday, and could schedule a chat in Mumble to evaluate personality and fit a little more (fully understanding that there are no guarantees, and another candidate in play). I prefer not to use RealID, but my battle tag from D3 is Zywrath#1642. I have found the battle tag system works on the WoW platform now, but you might have to input the friend request on D3. I just prefer to keep my real life name out of the game if possible.

One other point I'll throw out there for you to think about. I do have a raidable Holy Paladin and Resto Shaman on Mal'Ganis (where all my alts and gold still sit). I would prefer to raid on my druid, but I would be willing to bring another healer over to the server and alternate between whichever character would best suit each fight. I would rate my proficiency as Druid > Shaman > Paladin, but I can still pull pretty good throughput with proper cooldown management on each of them. They are lesser geared, since I don't have a progression home for them. They are:

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Gramppz/simple (pally)


http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/Shamz%C3%BD/simple (shaman... please don't laugh at my dps trinket... it's still better than anything else I have!)

I will check the forums periodically on the weekend. Also, you can email me at the address I have registered with for the forums.

Thanks for your consideration.


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Would you be interested in trying out as our resto shaman and playing that full time? If yes I can extend an invite without hesitation.

But I certainly understand if you want to stick with your first love. Just let me know. :)


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Recruit accepted and this one is coming in hot tomorrow night for the craziness. Welcome.

Mumble info:

http://www.sohguild....r-mumble/��(not a bad idea to skim through this forum generally)

Code of conduct:


Raid itineraries and so on go here:


Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow night. :)

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