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Wucream- WoW Huntard Application


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I'm a returning player looking for a new home. I have a great deal of previous raid experience and other then my recent break from the game I have played since its release. I am looking to get back into form as far as raiding by using the expansion and leveling to catch my hunter up and also use the time to get to know the people I'll be playing with.

The basics about me: My name is Avery. I'm 37, Live in Jacksonville, FL. Prior Marine now working as a Firefighter. I'm pretty much an open book, part time smarta** but only in the spirit of having fun. Anything else you would like to know let me know and I can see about getting you clearance. :p

About my hunter:

My prior guilds:

Lobster Brood/Thunderhorn- Character name Jaided. I returned and took over as Co-GM of this guild shortly after the release of CATA. We managed to field a decent 10 man and cleared the first 3 raid zones. As we started pushing into heroics players started leaving or not showing up until the better players had enough and left. I was unable to keep the guild afloat. The server has a declining Horde population and I couldn't find players without going backwards. After completely burning myself out I let it go to someone else and as far as I know there are about 3 active players still there.

Did It For Whitney/Malfurion- Character name Jaided. I raided here for almost a year until the 5 night raid schedule they had then started interfering with everything else. It was a great experience playing with such high caliber players and at its peak while I was there we reached US 29, and I obtained several mounts and titles including a server first Death's Demise.

Lobster Brood/Thunderhorn- Character name Jaided. This was my initial invite into Lobster Brood. I raided here for the Burning Crusade expansion. At this time Lobster Brood was the #1 guild on the server and the only guild on the server to finish Sunwell pre-nerf. I remained here until WOTLK through the clearing of Nax and Ulduar. Some key players left and the raids slowly died out and I transferred to Malfurion with 4 other members to better our play experience and situation. I learned a lot while playing here at this time.

Raid Exp:

Overall I have raided and cleared every zone at level since Molten Core and the original Ony. I have GM, and Class Leader experience. I also assisted in raids with strategies and raid leading. For me raiding is the ultimate when it comes to Warcraft. When my hunter is up to date I am rarely chasing anyone on damage meters, and if there is a strategy or video of a fight, I most likely already read or watched it. If I'm not where I need to be I fix it. I'm not full of BS, or an elitist. I am just very competitive and want to win, and if someone has a way for me to squeak more damage or does something that makes us win, I'm all over it. As far as the basics, I read forums, try different specs, look at the armories of hunters in the top guilds, and spend time at training dummies working on shot rotations and trying new things. Gold and consumables has never been an issue for me as a player. I like farming and using the ah and I have so much crap I have 2 guild banks.

I didn't want to make this super long on the verge of needing a cup of coffee to finish reading. I'm happy to clarify just how sweet I am if needed haha! On a side note, I'm looking to play and stick around for a while, I'm not a hopper and I'll contribute. I won't disappoint anyone if given the opportunity to play.

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Hey there, Wu, thanks for posting an intro.

In my days of yore, I spent some time on Thunderhorn and I do remember Lobster Brood -- how scandalous to see a familiar guild name (what a small WoW world)!

Exactly which Whitney were you doing things for? I hope not Houston, because that didn't end well.....

Always a hunter? Have you played any other classes/have any noteworthy alts?

Are you looking for a US top 30 hardcore raiding experience again? Do you like to be yelled at? Can I call you Private Pyle and go all Full Metal Jacket on you?

How does firefighting and WoW mix in your schedule? Are you called away often during raids? Do you have to go pull kittens out of trees and remove gators from garages? Do you have to stay at a firehouse? If yes, how can you find time to raid while surrounded by topless men posing for calendar shoots? Are you a Mr. December or the like?

Other interests/hobbies outside of WoW?

Most memorable WoW raiding moment?

Thanks again for stopping by!

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Thanks for all the responses! Hopefully I don't miss any of your questions. I can link my armory. It has always been just the one hunter. I've had to change it's name in the past because one or the other was taken. I tried an alt code but it just made it a pain for people to invite me or do things etc. Wucream is actually taken on this server. Most likely it will go back to Jaided upon any transfer.

I have 3 alts that are still on Thunderhorn and once I find a home I'll try to start moving them.

Splif 85 enh shaman- my newest toon

Pancakes 85 ret pal

Peskie 85 druid- actually my first toon, healed Molten Core with him until my hunter won out my play time.

I have a level 25 guild that my hunter is in that I'll transfer over. I have too much gold and crap to bring just him. Guilds name is Primetime and I am the most active member out of all one of us.

I have a level 7 guild on Thunderhorn with my alts in it. I'll move that with my shaman. Guilds name is Ad Limine. I actually chartered this guild at the start of cata. I had a good core grp of players once taged in Lobster Brood and we actually ended up ditching it and merged with Lobster Brood which is when I took over as GM.

As far as raiding and my work schedule. I am able to play at work. We have wifi here and I simply use a headset to avoid bugging anyone with all my noises of distruction. My station is not very busy (on an airport) at all and it has never been an issue. In the event that we do have a call I would have to say something and would go afk until it was done. I can't remember the last time it ever happened to where it was more then a few minutes and on a side note i may miss 5 or 10 mins but don't randomly miss raids. As far as cat rescues I'm not a cat person so testing the lands on their feet theory would be more alluring than climbing a ladder to grab one. Now if it was a nice sweet puppy wanting to play ball thats another story.

As far as the hardcore raiding. I think no matter where I've been I've always been a hardcore player. I think a huge part of that is the time you invest. If I'm not raiding on my hunter most likely I'm playing an alt or doing something to that effect. I had fun playing on Malfurion but it was just like I was punching a time clock. Keeping that schedule and playing alts and doing other things I found myself on WOW all the damn time. I like having the option to play on off nights. From a content stand point the object is to win. I like doing the meta achievs, getting the titles and mounts and some of the things that are more timeless in the game then gear and other items. You only get those pushing and finishing the raid zones.

Most memorable moment. Have to be 1991, Summer, in my friends basement, her name was...oh wait you meant wow. I started playing Warcraft on Medivh and was there for the world first AQ gates opening event. I just remember tons and tons of people and I had just got my first epic riding mount on my druid.

As far as the firefighter calendar haha. It would depend on who is asking and how single she was lol. OMG Warcraft girlfriend is like a unicorn, I've yet to see one damn it!!! I pretty much work out and play warcraft while at work so I do alright i guess. geesh such complex questions!!! :p

My armory, keep in mind I've kinda let him go and I'm pretty much soloing the mount instances and farming gold.


Edited by Wucream
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Hey Wu,

I know you have been following up on your app frequently, so I'll post here and also try to connect with you in game. We like the app and especially that you are very deep into the class that you're playing. I think you'd fit in well with our team / guild based on what I've seen.

For now, though, I think we're going to try to fill our last spot with a second paladin rather than a third hunter. I hope we can keep in touch during the first few weeks of Mists in case either of our situations change - maybe we can work something out down the road.

Thank you for the app. :)

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