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Utherpendrg Protection Paladin


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Charater Name: Utherpendrg

Spec: Protection/Ret

Armory Link: http://us.battle.net...erpendrg/simple

WOL: http://www.worldoflo... ... 173&e=4766 Heroic 4 kings

http://www.worldoflo... ... 057&e=3389 heroic spirit bender to show good cd usage

UI: http://tinypic.com/v...pic=313hnb6&s=6 Taken a few days ago I am more then happy to take one in 25 man raid tonight if needed.

Alts: http://us.battle.net...kolonius/simple

Been trying to gear this guy as fast as possible for alt runs/ main runs if the fight calls for it.

Realm: Area 52

Real Name: Nick

Age: 28

Time Zone: Est Vermont a.k.a Ski Country!

Hobbies outside of WoW: I am a huge Hockey fan been that way since I was 4 or 5 I try to watch most of the Ranger games on tv even though there in last place right now they are still my team. I actually went to Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals in 1994 with my uncle I thought the roof was gonna blow off the garden when they won. I am also a huger Wrestling fan and will be attending Wrestlemania this year as well as Monday Night Raw the night after ( April 7th and April 8th). I have been gaming since NES back in the day starting with Super Mario Bros and Legend of Zelda and moving on since then. I actually use to hold the number 2 rank on psn for the fastest Resident Evil Code Veronica clear at 3.5 hours. I love watching Sons of Anarchy and How I met your mother as well.

Computer Specs: I use comcast for my internet and my comp is a dell xps 1.5 tera hardrive, 16gb or ram qaud core processor, and Radeon 7750 video card. I normally play on ultra getting 50+ FPS in 25 man.

About My Paladin: My spec is protection and I have chosen the Control/Mastery made by Theck making the spike dmg smooth out and giving the healers more time to react to healing me. The build is basically Stam> Hit (to cap 7.50%) > Expertise (to hard cap 15%) > Mastery > Haste > Avoidance. This makes your holy power generators not miss,dodge,or parry so that you SoTR dmg reduction has a better uptime. The second set I am building is the Control/Haste Build which is just like the Control/Mastery build but increases tank dps the stat weights are a little different Stam> Hit (to cap 7.50%) > Expertise (to hard cap 15%) > Haste> Mastery > Avoidance. that covers reforges. I am spec'd unbreakable spirit but switch it out for hand of purity for heavy dot dmg fights. I switch out Fist of Justice for Burden of Guilt depending on the fight as well. Come 5.2 it will be switched to Hand of Purity full time for the extra 10% dmg reduction every 30 seconds but It will be shortly switched back to unbreakable spirit because of the prot 4 piece. For class improvement/theorycrafting I use EJ yes I know I said EJ lol but since Theck posts on there all the time I use that and sacredduty.net. shitty ret for OS. I have not played Ret since Blood Queen Heroic progression in ICC. I am willing to learn it and download CLC Ret for the 1 tank fights.


Glyph of Alabaster Shield. Increasing my single target dps

Glyph of the Battle Healer. Helps alot with raid healing since we use Seal of Insight full time now

Glyph of Holy Wrath. Now I use this one on and of depending on the fight very usefull on elegon for P2 stacking the adds.

Glyph of Divine Protection. Now 20% dmg reduction may not be much but for a minor cd mixed with a hand of Sacrifice it can be a paladins best friend. I will use this for most fights depending on how much physical damage or magic damage there is.

Key binds and Macros:

I use macros for Bop and Ds cancel aura's. I also use them for sacred shield to mix it with sotr to help with my uptimes. last but not least I use /rw mixed with my dmg reduction cd's so just in case healers aren't listening to me talk they know.

I use Key binds for dmg reduction cd's, bop, bop cancel, ds, ds cancel, salv, devo aura, hof, trinkets if there on use ones, av, hv, hos, potions, lock rocks, loh, and symbiosis (When I am given it.)


I have chosen Blacksmithing for my first profession for the extra sockets to gloves and bracers used in my protection spec for the extra stamina gems being that it is our best survival stat atm and for Ret I use to for the extra strength gems. the second reason I chose BS was to make gear for my toon for the current lvl of content most of the time the crafted gear is bis till heroic modes. For my second profession I have chosen Jewelcrafting for the Serpents eyes making my health pool go up and increasing survivability. For Ret it makes for a nice dps increase with the bigger strength gems. The second reason I chose JC was that it makes me alot of gold. I use the Chun Tian spring rolls for the 450 stam for the food buff, I use Flask of the earth for increase stam, and potion of mogu power for when I pull the boss and Health pots mixed with lock rock when needed. The craftables I will make myself with Blacksmithing.


For the first tier I chose pursuit of justice making my base movement speed 15% at all times making me move out of bad faster helping healers out with mana it gets swapped out for certain fights for speed of light or long arm of the law depending on the fight

for the second tier I will use fist of justice useful for Imperial vizier for mc phase on normal at least. and for 4 kings because I am the subtei tank. helps on adds for elegon the little ones and reglyph to stun elementals.

for the third tier I chose sacred shield absorbing dmg every 5 seconds taking less dmg I love to show my healers love.

for the fourth tier I chose holy avenger for every hp i spend I get 3 maximizing my sotr uptime and increasing my dmg done and reducing my dmg taken once again I like to show my healers love.

for the fifth tier I use execution sentence for single target dps or for a heal for a low player when needed. for aoe fights I switch to lights hammer.

Guild History:

Vanilla- Elitists and Vagrants on Nathrezim was there till BC when the whole guild went Horde. I was the recruitment officer

BC- Comatose on Aegwynn was there the whole expansion. I was the melee dps officer

WotLK- started in Comatose on Aegwynn till they disbanded when the GM left for Iraq. Joined Backlash for T8-T10 was there main tank and raid leader.

Cataclysm- I started Forlorn on Arthas until late T12 when we disbanded due to heroic Rag. I was GM,main tank, and raid leader. I joined No Chicks Allowed on Crushridge for the end of T12 and start of T13. I was there OT. Sadly after the first week of Heroic raiding they felt best they use Blood DK/Prot Warrior for progression so I left and Joined Severity Gaming on Kel'thuzad was there for 7/8 Heroic T13 and was there MT,officer, and Raid leader. I left Severity Gaming in may when a lot of drama happened with people complaining about loot and mounts so I joined Warfare on Frostwolf until MoP started as there OT and decided to go casual until I found employment, when I did find employment my spot was filled.

Mop- As MoP started I thought my WoW career was over until I got bored of other games lol. I join Criticism on Area 52 and I do like the GM they play alot of favorites with who they call out and who they don't mistake wise in vanilla I was always taught when you make a mistake own up its better then trying to hide it. I want a more serious raiding environment.

Raiding History:

Mop- 5/6 Heroic MSV, 6/6 Normal HoF, 4/4 Normal ToES. Attempts on Blade Lord reaching sub 10%

Cata- T11 12/12 normal 9/13 Heroic Blackwing's Bane pre 4.2. T12 7/7 Normal 7/7 Heroic Firelord pre tri force nerf and Pureblood Fire Hawk. T13 8/8 Normal server first Destroyer's End and 8/8 Heroic have glory of the Dragon Soul raider and mount from DW. Tanked on my paladin the whole expansion.

WotLK- T7 Cleared all expect Sarth 3D, T8 cleared, T9 5/5 10 man and 10 Heroic have insanity mount. 5/5 normal and 4/5 Heroic 25 man. T10 12/12 normal 11/12 heroic.

BC- T4 cleared, T5 cleared everything except Vashj and Kael, T6 made it to Council before WotLK. No SWP

Vanilla- Server first Rag 40 and Nef 40.

For upcoming content: I usually go to over to Illidan and talk to Blood legions main pally tank Absalom or if he isn't on go to Arthas and talk to Wallhacks TGs Prot pally. I spend time on the PTR and Beta for the new raids as well.

In Closing: My app may not be the best its because I am a better speaker then typer. I have been playing since BRD was a 10 man in vanilla and would be a great addition to your guild. My current raid exp is not as high as your current but if given a chance I know I can compete as a tank in this guild. I will always put 100% into whatever I do inside and outside of WoW Thank you for reading my app.

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Thank you for taking the time to post a thorough app. We will try to have some feedback on your logs and armory shortly!

In the meantime, can you tell me how you found us and what grabbed you about our guild in particular?

Also, we are curious (a) why not just spell out 'dragon' and (b) do you intend to disguise yourself and sleep with our wives. If you could address these concerns as well, we would appreciate it.

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Hello there welcome to the forums,

In your eyes what makes Pally better than the other tank classes? Also, I found it interesting that you Gem straight Stam in some of your sockets, most of the Mastery build I've seen it either straight Mastery or M/S in socket where you get bonuses. What are your thoughts on the Haste build in which situation do you believe it would be better than your current setup. Also, whats your thoughts on eternal flame in 5.2?

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@ Ashin I found the guild on wowprogress.com and read what makes SoH stand out and I loved what I saw automatically. The name Utherpendrg well I had a former friend back on Aegwynn with the name and I always thought it was a cool name so I used it. No I will not try to sleep with peoples wife's I respect the ring.

@Kem Paladin tanking is on par right now with other tanks I think. Certain classes of tanks do things better then others ie aoe dps, bringing the raid cooldowns, or taken less dmg then others, I have always been a fan of bring the player not the class. The one purpose in BC and early WotLK raiding were pallys were pretty much add tanks but now any tank can really MT a fight. The stamina gems tbh I have been looking at what other paladins have been doing for the control build I have spoken to a few different paladins and as long as the hit to cap and expertise to hard cap is there and your following your rotation you can gem dodge (not that anyone would) and still not see a measurable difference as long as you're executing the rotation properly. The haste build I haven't really messed with it but on certain fights were the dps has to be spot on in order to gain a kill would benefit more. The Eternal Flame in 5.2 now I think blizz is trying to make prot a little less of a cookie cutter spec. BUT I think it could be used for a small oh shit moment gonna have to test it to see. The T15 2 piece is gonna make us WoG or spec Eternal Flame every 15 seconds to keep the 40% block up. so right now I have 31.73% block with might on so I will have 71.73% for 15 seconds which I think is awesome and a nice incentive to use WoG. its gonna come down to what the fight calls for. I prefer to use SS but gonna have to see. My gems if I need to go straight mastery or Mastery/Stamina I will I am very flexible when it comes to spec, gems, enchants if it will make me a better player all around. I can handle the criticism lol.

@ Raer Nope not at all.

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Good afternoon Utherpendrg,

*organizes papers*

I have questions for you in regards to your application. These are incredibly serious questions.

How do you feel about disney films?

What's your favorite color?

Are you optimistic or pessimistic?

How do you feel about fish?

Do you speak any other languages?

Do you play any instruments?

How do you feel about drunk escapades into other games with the guild i.e. Starcraft 2, Planetside 2, Borderlands, etc?

Do you like to dance?

How do you feel about social events within the guild, usually mumble or chat related? We like to have a close cohesion to the guild, inside the game and out.

What's your favorite movie?

Do you like plaid clothing?

Thank you for your time.

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