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Badmoo BDK 527 ilvl


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Thank you both for the thorough commentary. Time for me to chime in as the non-tank in the group.

First as a minor point, could you please respond to Hip's questions about your UI?

Second I would just congratulate you in the sense that normally by this point in the dialogue Hip is fairly discouraged with the applicant. But I can infer from his response that he was overall pleased with what he saw. I particularly thought your response to the bone shield clipping was a smart one. We think it's especially important for tanks (but really for all raiders) to be able to supplement their "rotation" per the textbook with their judgement about what's actually happening and in needed in the fight. Your response shows that kind of thinking, and few of our recent applicants have offered us that.

Trying to marry these topics, I think its fair to say that we're seeing a smart player, but the concern is always in our minds about how different 10m and 25m tanking are. This can be covered more in an interview but I can't stress enough how much more demanding 25m is on the tank this expansion compared to 10m. When is the last time you played as a tank during 25m heroic progression in a legit team?

Taking a step back, with some general questions..

What made you change from your prot warrior to your blood DK? How would you describe the relative strengths and weaknesses of prot warrior, prot paladin and blood dk in the current raid environment? And why is your prot paladin so mad??

What has you interested in our team, in particular? You've already invested a lot of time in your application. What makes SoH sound like a great home to you?

Lastly, what do you do for the Discovery channel? What's it like to work there? In a way I consider them rather pioneering - there are a thousand variations on nature / travel / science / cooking channels now, but I feel Discovery was really the one that started it all (or I suppose credit should go to PBS first).

I will set you up with Guest access so that you can see a bit more of us.

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Sorry about the UI question,

First I use Blood shield tracker to track my BS, this addon allows you to see how much if a BS you have, how long until it drops/needs to be refreshed, how much your DS will currently heal/shield for. I think I have this set to not show out of combat and I’m dead in that pic...

Next I currently don’t track my uptime with a timer or something like that. I use Xpear for my unit frames. You can set your frames to show your current buffs and debuffs. I have mine currently showing buffs along with the standard blizzard buffs in the upper right. With Xpearl it will show me how many bone shields i have left and I have the frame for my Boneshield in a place where I can see the CD easily. It is the same with all my cds.

As far as your difference in 10 -25m are concerned. I tanked 40ms in Vanilla, I tanked until SSC in a casual guild. Then DPSed until Cata in a harcore guild 25m. During Cata(25M) I was the 3rd tank/dps for our raid team(Second Attempt) until mid BoT progression then became the MT (warrior) I stayed this way for most of Cata. During FL I tanked on a Druid by request of the guild. After FL I went back to my warrior for DS. For the start of DS I was in a 10M and progressed as MT until Heroic Spine. At that point I transitioned back to a 25m guild were I was the OT. I kited adds for Heroic Spine and Madness Progression (15% kill I believe). At the end of DS was when I swapped to my DK. I was testing on the PTR and just did not like the changes made to warriors.

What I consider to be the strongest tank (MT/boss beating your face in) for current content Pally>DK>Monk=Warrior>Druid. Now that being said each can bring something the others can't. Pallies have many ways around or nerfing mechanics. Currently they are also OP healers while tanking and not just to themselves. A good pallie tank right now can do some awesome healing. DK are great for boss tanking and can do stupid dps numbers doing so. They are also very good when burning adds. There add control is very good. DKs are limited by main difference then shield tanks. They cannot block. You have dodge, parry, and your BS. That being said BS can be Op but not always as good as the reduction a shield can provide. For spirit binder tanking DKs were thought to be the worst tanks and took more DMG transitions to the Dolls then others. Warriors are a bit more interesting now and take a bit more skill to play properly to reduce DMG taken. They also can put out dps closer to pallies and DKs but it sacrifices there defense. Monks, I have not seen too many great things out of personally. They have awesome add management and agro. They can get away from anything. They seem to be a bit squishy. They can also provide great raid healing when needed. I have not seen very many good ones or tanked with any that I would consider good. I have only tanked with 1 druid so far this xpac and he was an idiot. So nothing against druids I hear they can be good but I have not seen it.

I do what’s called "central ingest" in other terms I convert programming from a tape format into a digital format that can be distributed to all of our departments. In some aspects I like it and some I don't. It’s a great place to work but the location sucks. I am not going to comment on our programming.

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We were actually questioning your decision to show us a pic of yourself dead when applying for a tanking position. ;)

Just so I'm crystal clear, you tanked 25m heroic progression for part of T11 and all of T12, in Cata? And not at all in Mists. Is that correct?

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Sooo i skipped a question again...

First I like the setup, I want 25m, you have great progression and have been around for a bit. It seems like a place that I can do well and be in a raiding enviroment that is more my style. I dont have to worry about the guild emploding because 1 person leaves.

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Yes. tier 11, 12, and the last 2 bosses for tier 13 Heroic 25m. I did do a little heroic 25m Heroic during MoP with my friend’s guild to help them while my guild was burnt out. They are more of a casual guild though.

I think it’s kind of funny personally. App and show a dead pic. You see 99% of it. Sadly it did not show the one thing you were really looking for..

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Unfortunately I'll be at the office a while longer. For Hip and I, weekends have typically been best. I think Esta should also be part of the interview since she would be your tanking partner if you are accepted.

Thoughts on Saturday afternoon? (I'm actually off work and available Friday afternoon as well.)

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I can do either. I have Fri and Sat off. I am always home by 7 at the latest. That being said I really hate to write this but i need to. I don't want to be that guy..

I really hate to push this but is it possible to at least talk to one of you tonight. I want to get a better feel for the people in the guild/leadership. I'm not asking for a full interview but just ask a few question from both sides so I can decide if you guys are cool as shit or a bunch of pricks.. I want to do this because I have been recruited by another guild and they want an answer for this week(raiding tomorrow). I very much would prefer your guild, but to pass up an offer and then not get into your guild would drive me crazy. There are not too many 25s people looking for a BDK atm. I think I would be a great fit for what you want and what I can offer. I understand if this is not possible(or if i just shoved my foot in my mouth), and if its not I need to go walk around my house 50 times and think about it.

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