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Huntera - 12/12 +1 experienced Hunter


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Hey, so I raided with you guys this week and was asked to do an app/intro...

So, as most of you probably already know, I'm only 16, and I know this bothers some of you for whatever reason, but I don't think this should change the way you guys feel about taking me into your raiding group. As, I believe I exhibited during the raids this week, I am not a super talkative person, I may offer my advice on fights where I think we could change the strategy a bit, I do a good amount of DPS, and rarely die to avoidable damage. I would be very happy to join South of Heaven and experience HM bosses, which I believe I am perfectly fit to do. I know that my young age is probably the biggest reason why you would think to decline me, and I was told it was because the older members of the guild would have trouble relating to me, I think this is silly to be completely honest and with no disrespect. We all are here for one goal really, to raid and kill bosses and progress, yes we are here to make friends, which I feel I would have no trouble doing in your guild, but I think that the only thing you need to relate to me is the goal and will to raid and progress through hard-mode content, I'm not going to come into ventrilo venting my feelings and high school troubles to you guys, I just want to raid, I know that there is nothing you can do to help me with any troubles I may experience in real life so there is no reason for me to tell you of them, if this is what you're worried about.

I can make all of your raid times nearly every week, with the exception of real life matters that may occur, because, yes, I'm only 16 and I don't control too much of my life right now, my parents do, but they rarely come between me and raiding.

Anyways, I believe in my raids this week I preformed exceptionally, DPS and survivability wise, I avoided damage that could be avoided while doing, in most cases, top DPS. If you need more to fully evaluate my skill level here are some logs from a week or two ago: http://www.worldoflo...s=13643&e=13915. And a link to my armory, if you needed to see it again, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/huntera/advanced

My previous raiding experience is very very short, I did not start playing this game until about mid-way through WotLK, where I was leveling characters most of the time, and I was unable to raid seriously until the very end of wrath so the only relevant content at that time was Ruby Sanctum and ICC, I ended up going 11/12 HM ICC and came very close to killing HM Halion, with my former guild Still Fly, who just recently broke up. And as of now I am, as the title says, 12/12 normal modes with Heroic Halfus down (thanks :p).

Thank you for reading my introduction and taking into account my opinion on the age issue.

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I believe you articulated yourself quite well. You also gave good, strong examples as to why you think you should join. Very well written app.

One thing I would like to say though is that if someone did have issues irl, I am sure any guildmate would be willing to help this person out as long as it was discreet enough (aka not all over guild chat)

Just my two cents :)

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Hey, so I raided with you guys this week and was asked to do an app/intro...

So, as most of you probably already know, I'm only 16, and I know this bothers some of you for whatever reason, but I don't think this should change the way you guys feel about taking me into your raiding group. As, I believe I exhibited during the raids this week, I am not a super talkative person, I may offer my advice on fights where I think we could change the strategy a bit, I do a good amount of DPS, and rarely die to avoidable damage. I would be very happy to join South of Heaven and experience HM bosses, which I believe I am perfectly fit to do. I know that my young age is probably the biggest reason why you would think to decline me, and I was told it was because the older members of the guild would have trouble relating to me, I think this is silly to be completely honest and with no disrespect. We all are here for one goal really, to raid and kill bosses and progress, yes we are here to make friends, which I feel I would have no trouble doing in your guild, but I think that the only thing you need to relate to me is the goal and will to raid and progress through hard-mode content, I'm not going to come into ventrilo venting my feelings and high school troubles to you guys, I just want to raid, I know that there is nothing you can do to help me with any troubles I may experience in real life so there is no reason for me to tell you of them, if this is what you're worried about.

I can make all of your raid times nearly every week, with the exception of real life matters that may occur, because, yes, I'm only 16 and I don't control too much of my life right now, my parents do, but they rarely come between me and raiding.

Anyways, I believe in my raids this week I preformed exceptionally, DPS and survivability wise, I avoided damage that could be avoided while doing, in most cases, top DPS. If you need more to fully evaluate my skill level here are some logs from a week or two ago: http://www.worldoflo...s=13643&e=13915. And a link to my armory, if you needed to see it again, http://us.battle.net...untera/advanced

My previous raiding experience is very very short, I did not start playing this game until about mid-way through WotLK, where I was leveling characters most of the time, and I was unable to raid seriously until the very end of wrath so the only relevant content at that time was Ruby Sanctum and ICC, I ended up going 11/12 HM ICC and came very close to killing HM Halion, with my former guild Still Fly, who just recently broke up. And as of now I am, as the title says, 12/12 normal modes with Heroic Halfus down (thanks :p).

Thank you for reading my introduction and taking into account my opinion on the age issue.

I wouldn't really take our "stance" as having a problem with youth, just some of our evenings get more raucous than others and we don't control our tongues well on those evenings. Adult themes and language might pass along, though you seem well equipped to handle it, most of our folks won't stop to consider if it will have impact on a younger person and several of us are either parents or mentors so we view things from that lens.

The other side is youth lends itself to drama easily for all the reasons you mentioned on top of just finding out who you are in your own skin. My personal belief is most people don't figure that out until 27+. Most have hit the job market fairly hard by then and seen what goes on in the world past high school enough to have formed opinions about how things work and have a frame of reference for those conversations. We're also less likely to break out words without thinking about the meaning behind some of them in passing comments, though we've been proven wrong on that count before.

All of this said, I think you'd be a fine addition. You not only know what you're doing, you think and listen which is rare (*pssst* I'm guilty) when you get this many folks in one chat channel... 4%20peace.png4%20yin-yang.png


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First of all, thank you for taking the time to articulate your thoughts, Huntera. One thing we can take away from your post is that you feel strongly about being accepted, which is flattering to us and a good thing. You're also correct that your performance in the raids that you've done with us has been stellar. So we acknowledge that.

There are a few separate threads on this discussion of age and, without wanting to rejoin this debate, I'll just touch on a few of them.

1. There is a maturity concern. Age doesn't guarantee maturity - there are young people that are very mature and old people that are very immature. I believe a maturity concern can be addressed by the individual, and in your case I do not feel this is a big concern, although it would be something we would look at closely.

2. There is a "fit" concern. You're somewhat incorrect in your assumption that our only objective is to kill raid bosses. That's not my only objective. We are a community and I shape policy in a way that I hope will foster that sense of community. That means I try to bring in people that I think will have fun together and who will come to see one another as friends over the long term.

3. There is a reliability concern. As you said, you are a dependent and a minor - your life is not yet your own. I don't want 9 people to be left hanging because the 10th person's Mom decided it was a good night to play Scrabble. (Incidentally, I totally approve of families playing board games! I'm just making a point.) I don't want to find out 2 hours before a raid that your gamecard is up and you don't have enough money to get another one.

As we have wrestled with this age policy (and it has been a struggle for us every step of the way), it is the third concern that has really come to the forefront of the debate. Even in cases where we believe someone has addressed any maturity and "fit" concerns, we don't seem to be able to get around the reliability part of the equation. So far you have shown a good track record in that area and you have made a good impression. But this is something the guild is likely to be slow and deliberate about. It's not intended to frustrate or insult you, but as I say this topic has been a struggle for us.

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