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Status Updates posted by Stasis

  1. Changed FFXIV password while drunk. Now can't remember it. Can't remember security Q&A either. This will be fun!

  2. Client's house I went to today is a condo with an indoor balcony that faces a giant jungle solarium. Unreal. Complete with HUGE trees, tropical birds, and lagoons. DO WANT.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin
    3. Malthas
    4. Stasis


      I have to go back in 2 weeks and I'm gonna go take a full stroll through the biodome and film it all. It's awesome.

  3. Condo sold! Interestingly it's the couple who visited on day 3 who finally bought it, it's just taken them this long to get everything settled. House will be ready in November so we have to rent until then, but it's so worth it. They stole all our appliances though, lol.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inedit



    3. Stasis


      Thanks! So happy it's finally over. There was a lot of back and forth. I know I'm old when the thing I'm most excited about is getting to design our kitchen completely, and I barely even cook! Having to move twice in the span of 5 months is gonna suck a little though.

    4. Stasis


      And yes, new appliances have already been reserved. Didn't wanna have to get them, but still happy about it. Steam dryer. Mmmmmm.

  4. Corsair 1500 fully kicked it. Logitech G430 inc!

  5. Corsair peripheral love affair officially over. After the mouse started to fail, the K90 now has issues AND my 1500 headset has an ear going in and out. DIAF.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Inedit


      I have the Logitech Mech keyboard. It's still super massive but no more fingers under the keys while bored. It looks super rugged/tonka truck -- I feel very 7 yr old boy with it.

    3. Stasis


      I think I need to switch back to Logitech fully, yes. Though with real headphones and a DAC/Amp.

    4. Ashin


      Logitech is best, in the long run, simply because their stuff doesn't break.

  6. Currently downloading the alpha of the first game I backed on KS, nearly 2 years ago. Carmageddon Reincarnation. It's way past schedule and doesn't look that amazing, but we'll see!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bryant
    3. Fera
    4. Stasis


      Lol. It didn't crash but it did take forever to load. I see the potential. They're calling this Pre-Alpha, so lots will change. Just like their load times, this is taking forever. It's already a year late.

  7. Damn I love my ISP. Connection is literally NEVER down, best CS ever, and just increased my UL speed tri-fold for free. Also offering a "limited" deal of $10/mnth add-on for unlimited bandwidth. Woo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stasis


      And just like that we're in a prison cafeteria.

    3. Raer
    4. Abragale


      I just want cheap interwebs!

  8. Damn you Blizzard. You made Diablo III fun. I didn't need to become addicted to this now!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Inedit


      Omg not you too!!!!!!!!

    3. Ashin


      Maybe you should buy it Inedit. You like to buy things.

    4. Stasis



  9. Damn you Mini 2 price increase. Only $100 cheaper than the iPad Air now...

  10. Dat foot and a half of snow inc.

  11. Dear almond butter. I'm on the fence about you, but you're decent with rye toast. I'm giving you another shot.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Nez


      I'm only a part-time creeper.

    3. Inedit
    4. Fera


      lol, when I first read that I saw "I'm whispering in your rear" Now THAT's creepy! xD

  12. Decided to do a bit of landcaping up front. Needed way more bags of river rocks than originally assumed. Damn those things are heavy. No pain no gain!

  13. Double my net speed with unlimited bandwidth for the same rate? Why yes, Videotron, I will take that. 60mbps for $60! I love my ISP.

    1. Huntyre
    2. Luc


      those last 4 words are something you would never expect to hear from anyone, ever.

    3. Stasis


      I know Luc. It's astonishing but true. I've been a customer for 8 years now, and I feel so very lucky lol. US ISP's sound like horror stories to me. We get awesome reliable service, great customer care, good pricing, no throttling, etc.

  14. Easton PA Garlic Festival motto: "Eat, Drink, & Stink". Oh how I wish I could have attended. Next year!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stasis


      Yeah but it's like an hour away from New Hope/Lambertville and amazing gay bars. Also, where my mom lives.

    3. Tinymanz


      omg why did i not know about this. Stasis...NEXT YEAR.

    4. Stasis


      October is my bday month too Tinyz!

  15. First visit tomorrow. Pls buy lady! We found an awesome townhouse we want but they're only building 12 and they're going fast =/

    1. Ashin


      Good luck! But like, I don't think selling your place usually happens in a day. ;)

    2. Huntyre


      I hope she loves the place and brings a truck load of cash with her. :)

    3. Stasis


      Normally I'd agree, but two of our neighbors did just that. Literally a day. First visit, offer, done. We have competition though, another similar unit a few buildings down. We need to compete.

  16. Found an OLD bottle of Claire Burke fragrance in mom's storage boxes. Instantaneous nostalgia trip to late 80's NYC. Can I stay there? I wanna stay there!

    1. Ashin


      This is strange.

    2. Stasis
    3. Stasis


      Basically my mom sprayed that stuff everywhere, and they don't make it anymore. Smelling it was like a crazy trip down memory lane that didn't last long enough! =)

  17. Get your Steam key for Rust guys and gal! http://www.playrust.com/steamkey/

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Darlantan


      It said that yesterday too but then another auction happened.

    3. Noesis


      Looks like majority of the servers will be wiped. Fresh start since we are on steam now.

    4. Stasis


      All wiped. Giant houses gone! Its OK, lessons have been learned and better stuff shall be built. We're still on Central No Sleeper if anyone else gets a key. Rebuilding stronger than ever!

  18. Getting blood drawn right at home in your own bed has to be one of the best advantages of a RN gf. It was so... Pleasant. And I despise blood work.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ashin
    3. Stasis


      The capital P is the iPad! I notice it but I'm usually too lazy to correct. The dots, I'm not sure. I don't use them correctly I know. I meant to indicate I was searching for a word. Pleasant is what I went with! Compared to all other times I've had blood drawn it was definitely pleasant, lol.

    4. Jackal


      Hehe, so much back pedaling. ;)

  19. Going to condense my FFX status spam posts, lol: FFX rocks. Tidus is an annoying **** but just barely more so than Cloud, and yes I will play this to completion. For the THIRD time! Spoony be damned! =P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin


      Twin is all-in?

    3. Stasis


      Ok I promise I'll watch the XIII review! Why am I all-in/When am I not all-in? I dunno how to reply to that one =/

    4. Darlantan


      All in on FFX, ofc! Not a waver in the world!

  20. GTAV is amazing. Exceeding lofty expectations. It doesn't get much better than this. And the soundtrack is INSANE.

    1. Inedit


      Are you that guy who beat it in 38 hours?!?!

    2. Ashin


      Keep your sleep schedule intact pls. You're a student with responsibilities and such!

    3. Stasis


      I've actually only put like 5 hours into it. I'm being reasonable!

  21. Ha! found an unvisited page! even tho he said he wont be back

  22. Hangover Part III or This Is The End? That is the question.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Inedit


      This is the end!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Stasis


      Yeah, This is the end was the bettah of the two. The cast... I can't even decide who I love more. Too many.

    4. Stasis


      You know what? I'm gonna go with Craig Robinson. God damn he's funny.

  23. Have to stay up all night to watch my cat after she ate some of a plant that may or may not be poisonous in that quantity. $65 call to the ASPCA poison control center in Illinois basically just for them to tell me to watch her all night =/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stasis


      Haha Negido, I'm not in Illinois... it's the only 24/7 poison center in North America! She ate part of a leaf of a mini-eggplant plant we recently purchased, that I put inside temporarily due to high winds tearing it to shreds. We're not plant people. I had one TINY moment of inattention. I didn't sleep at all but she's fine. Phew. Pardon my French, but fuck that plant!

    3. Stasis


      To be precise the plant was shut in a bathroom we never use, but I had to go get one small item out of the cabinet there and she ran in while my back was turned. Saw her about a minute later and damage was done. Eggplant is part of the nightshade family (as nerds we all know what nightshade means...) so I panicked. She didn't get enough apparently.

    4. Dililah


      Thank goodness!

  24. Holy shit @ Utopia. I need to pay more attention to British TV. First episode, mind blown.

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