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Everything posted by Noesis

  1. Thank you for an easy read and a thorough app. With you being 18 do you foresee parents or any up coming college plans to interfere with your raid schedule? 18 can bring about a lot of change in someones life. Other than that question I feel this is a solid app and I welcome you to the forums. I am sure our healers will drill out some things about your gear or spec.
  2. I disagree with this completely, but nevertheless welcome to the forums.
  3. xpost from reddit but everyone needs to good "do a barrel roll" right now lol

  4. Welcome to the forums. The only question I have is how do you personally pronounce "Kodo"
  5. everyone needs to know this! http://youtu.be/l5xbgNTxApo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Isti


      "Just don't do it with diet." lol XD

    3. Dililah


      hahah that was awesome.

    4. Sunny


      i just tried this, and it works!

  6. May I ask how you knew he was applying here?
  7. you copy and pasted a few extra lines. Welcome to the forums
  8. Any hobbies you enjoy partaking in, or possible school activities?
  9. Noesis


    I had to google LL Bean..
  10. Thanks for the app Welcome to the forums
  11. Very thorough app. Welcome to the forums
  12. Very nice app Welcome to our forums. Any unusual or interesting hobbies besides gaming?
  13. Ready for a good weekend :)

    1. Sunny


      stay out of trouble!

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