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Everything posted by Sunny

  1. I bought one of those soda streams. I'm surprised on how well it actually works

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darlantan


      Your new avatar looks very... fast!

    3. Ashin


      He's the same way in bed.

    4. Fera
  2. wow.......http://youtu.be/afcudstM9zA

    1. Stasis


      That's nuts, and very impressive.

  3. the legend of drunken master, the greatest movie ever made?

    1. Huntyre


      easily in the top 10

  4. Went clothes shopping earlier today, and just realized i have no clue whats in style anymore....

    1. Ashin


      Our guild offers personal shopping service - just connect with Inedit!

    2. Inedit


      Oooooooooh shopping!!!!!!

  5. My new favorite TV show http://www.hulu.com/peep-show

    1. Noesis


      My friend watches a lot of that show

  6. I think I'll add my monk to the guild. His profile is here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Sunnym/advanced
  7. Hiya everyone, I hope some people still remember me? For the people that don't know/remember me. I am a 28 year old male originally from Massachusetts (pretty thick boston accent.) Then lived in nyc for a while (started to develop a nyc accent.) Now I am back in Mass (weird hybrid nyc boston accent.) I was in SoH from 2008-2012. During that time I was in the WAR, Aion, and WOW chapters. When I left SoH last year it wasn't over great circumstances. At the time I was having really serious issues in my personal life. Over the past year or so, I've been able to resolve most of my problems, and I'm in a much better state of mind now. Ashin and I have also been talking, over the past several months, and have cleared the air of any sort of issues. South of Heaven has always been something very special to me. I've been playing MMO's for 13 years now and in all that time I've never been part of a guild like SoH. It's impossible to find a guild with good people, no drama, good leadership, and that you can count on to stick together throughout different games.
  8. lol british commentary makes everything funny http://youtu.be/GuX2DmviGvI

    1. Grimnwolf


      Not everything...

  9. I'm off to see the president. He's going to be campaigning across the street from my apartment

  10. just got out if surgery, im finally back to 100'%

    1. Bryant


      "the parasite is capable of extraordinary shenanigans"


    2. Bryant


      I guess that does kinda explain the 'crazy cat lady' phenomenon.

    3. Gravey
  11. NSFW http://tinyurl.com/cjyuvbx Okay first, how does someone do that for 10 hours straight. 2nd i've never met a girl that was okay with this. 3rd, isn't the reason why its fun, cause its "dirty"....

  12. the witcher for 2.50. To cheap to pass up... damn you steam

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yevren


      Dude...ALL of these games are too cheap to pass up..omnom!

    3. Sunny


      i will say that i pirate my fair share of games, but because of steam i end up buying them anyways. I'm curious how their discounts work? Do the publishers set the discount, or does steam set it and take a loss?

    4. Kiffen


      wow, what a great deal. I don't think they'd take the hit themselves. I would guess they facilitate the deals after cross-checking for confirmation and the studios take in a cut %.

  13. another good season of dexter

  14. http://youtu.be/0PAJNntoRgA 178k dislikes. This guys a Grade A tool
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Darlantan


      I don't think that would help me lol. Seeing other people get angry for me just makes me want to rage right along too =p

    3. Noesis


      Rage on all the things :p

    4. Stasis


      Holy shit, is that for real? And yes, it's completely insane that millions of Americans agree. I'm more and more happy in Canada. Wow.

  15. Come to the celtics chris paul!

  16. 62 degrees in new england in december!??! Go Go global warming

    1. discofire


      It's 32* in Tucson now...and that's after it warmed up. WTF.

    2. Sunny


      eh, dont feel to bad disco, i think iam getting snow tomorow

  17. I usually don't post political links, but this was a pretty interesting read. http://tinyurl.com/7b39qtr

  18. Just realized in 4.03 you will no longer be able to create characters with accents in their name. I am pretty sure i have ever variation of sunny, so iam okay with this

    1. Noesis


      i think i have 3 different noesis names

    2. Darlantan


      I have one special character in all my names. I'm sure I'll manage. :>

    1. Noesis


      never mind the actual article, but how did you just "stumble" upon this...hmm

    2. Sunny


      I've got nothing to be ashamed of noesis! I'll send pics if you want!

    3. Noesis
  19. okay.... well i guess i know who's broken tier in umvc 3 http://youtu.be/Jif4LRs777Y

    1. acierCRISIS


      jesus christ wtf. you said they removed OHKO combo lol

    2. Sunny


      well most of those combos wont be used in competitions. You will probably variations of them but nothing thats touch of death. Dante in vanilla could solo kill u in super long combo. But everyone just DHC'd glitched instead.

  20. i hate having to watch a 2 min ad in order to watch a 30 sec clip

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