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Status Updates posted by Huntyre

  1. Having a surprisingly productive day despite my terrible start to the week. :)

    1. Dililah


      glad someone is

    2. Fera


      Same. My sleep patterns are so effed up, it's amazing I can even function ^^

  2. need servers back online, so I can stop prowling the forums

    1. Malthas


      lol... yeah same.

    2. Malthas


      Game server says it's up....

    3. Huntyre
  3. AC unit installed. Summer.. you may commence!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dililah


      Dar I send you our Summer.

    3. Fera


      Grats! Life w/o AC here in N.O. would simply never happen. 10pm last night and my Mn man commented how like steamy-pea soup the air was when he opened the door to let the cat in, lol.

    4. Huntyre


      Oh... at first I thought you were referring to me Fera. :p - True enough though.. I do not miss GA summers for the same reason. ;)

  4. Nothing like some Saturday morning server maintenance...

  5. I'm tacking on a mental health day to the end of my long weekend.

    1. Dililah
    2. Ashin


      You're smart.

    3. Xoric


      That would be nice. Emergency at work got me called in on Sunday and have to go in work early to get it done tomorrow, which happens to be my B-Day :p

  6. Let the weekend begin!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Huntyre


      kiss.my.ass Dar! I'm a sensitive honey badger d*mn!*#&$#

    3. Darlantan
    4. Tia


      I feel like I was given Friday off, just to be mocked by Saturday and the fact that I have to get up at 445 lol

  7. spent the day playing D3.. awesome

  8. Torick.. is your dentist on the 2nd floor of the glass building on Calhoun?

    1. Torick


      Wow you sent this to me in May and I never even saw it, but no, no it is not. I go to the dentist in Hopkins.

  9. That's it.. I'm invoking the right of 1/2 Day Friday..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huntyre


      seriously.. our building was a ghost town today.

    3. Torick


      Driving to my dentist I noticed 90% of Uptown invoked the right of 1/2 day.

    4. Cryus


      We don't have half days on fridays just "shortened" days which are 8 hours. Then there are the mandatory work days on Sat.... I miss my weekends

  10. I got to work too early.. even for me.

    1. Mordrid


      Same, 40 min early for me which is just crazy.

    2. Zombryo


      Lol , this guild makes me laugh and proud, didnt sleep, still going to work !

    3. Fera


      is kind of glad she doesn't have to get up so early for work anymore ^^

  11. Mumble - Diablo 3 Countdown Party!!!

    1. Huntyre


      Ok.. honey badger is going to try and watch a movie. aka nap

  12. is spending the day watching anime. :D

    1. Malthas


      Which ones?

      Highly recommend checking out Anime Network. http://www.theanimenetwork.com/

    2. Huntyre


      I'm actually watching a bunch on Hulu right now. There's a ton of free ones. :) - since last night I've watched Mardock Scramble, Vexille and Sword of the Stranger

  13. must.get.motivated

  14. Yeah.. blew up on a co-worker today.. surprisingly I don't feel bad about it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      That makes me happy to hear that B. It doesn't happen very often and yes Nalo.

    3. Feja


      Ditto, sometimes it needs to be done. More than likely they'll realize mistakes they've made from what you said.

    4. Malthas


      Assuming they deserved it.

  15. restlessly clicking F5, hoping for something to happen

    1. Fera


      good luck with that ~.~

    2. Huntyre


      I give up.. I'm laying down instead.

  16. I have no will power.. Chinese take out it is.

    1. Fera


      Having chicken n dumplings made by the bff... yum.

    2. Huntyre


      oh.. I ordered dumplings.. not quite the same though. lol

  17. warrior needs nap badly...

    1. Fera


      go honey-badger go!

  18. WTH is PvX? Or is "x" acting as a variable, meaning Pv"Anything" ?

    1. Fera
    2. Huntyre


      wow.. I actually feel like all that time in math where I had to force myself not to fall asleep has just kinda paid off, in an odd sort of way.

    3. Fera


      lol - I feel ya

  19. Just ate a zinger.. felt like I was 12 again.

    1. Fera


      OoO, haven't had one of those in ages!

    2. Huntyre


      all the sugar hurts my teeth.

    3. Merriwhizzle


      I loved zingers as a kid. Still do every now and then.

  20. restless today.. having difficulty focusing..

    1. Fera


      Bill-pay day for me. Trade?

    2. Huntyre


      Lol.. I'm good. Thanks

    3. Fera


      Meanie ;P

  21. restless today.. having difficulty focusing..

  22. Thanks for the PvPness ya'll.. that was fun and I'm looking forward to more!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. discofire


      I hope I have more time in the next one!

    3. Luminak


      I hope to make the next beta too. I think they said 1 beta a month? So late May I guess ;/

    4. Biscuits


      Stressed. Have some time. Can't pvp in gw2.

      So. Sad. :(

  23. Ok.. napping for a couple hours and then I'll be back. :p

    1. Huntyre


      nap completed.. honey badger needs breakfast and then it's time to hit it again!

  24. I did not just go out and buy a bunch of caffienated beverages for the weekend. I just normally shake violently while sitting at my computer. :p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ant


      and will come down approx 12am Monday

    3. Fera


      rofl, you speak dah troof!

    4. Huntyre
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