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Status Updates posted by Dililah

  1. Win7 install a sucess just took all freaking day to install just windows...now for the rest.

  2. Long Weekend Vacation!

  3. Nothing quite like getting lost in one of your own buildings...need a freaking map with all those cubes.

    1. Merriwhizzle


      I never get lost on my way to work. If I ever do, I'm in big trouble since my work is on the comp in the living room.

    2. Merriwhizzle


      I never get lost on my way to work. If I ever do, I'm in big trouble since my work is on the comp in the living room.

  4. Computer back, now to reformat....

    1. Dililah


      Vista installed, win7 upgrade failed. Gdi. Installing WoW for tues, try again next week.

  5. Computer still under warranty, Best Buy has it now but no telling how long it will take with the holiday this week. :(

    1. Huntyre


      yay for warrenty... boo for being w/o a comp.

  6. 2 and 1/2 hour meeting on Friday Afternoon... >.

    1. Huntyre


      don't they know that's not acceptable?

  7. i gotta play with a Kindle Fire at Target...ohhh must resist and wait for the next gen after this one.

  8. lost internet, rebooting.

    1. Dililah


      Still no internet..

    2. Dililah


      Rebooting modem and router....

  9. Running late, leaving work now, 45 mins for me to get home with this weather.

  10. Wonders who has not slept and stayed up all night playing Skyrim...

    1. Noesis
    2. Huntyre


      I wish I could fall in that camp

    3. Grimnwolf


      I have a stupid doctors appointment today, so I had to sleep. > : (

  11. still at work....

    1. Dililah


      leaving now..maybe.

  12. How much longer can this day get?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dililah
    3. Merriwhizzle


      You could have my schedule: an hour left on my 6 hour shift, then a two hour break, followed by a 2 hour shift, followed by a three hour break, followed by 1 more hour of work

    4. Dililah
  13. Back to Atlanta in the early morning, I bring back peaches for everyone.

    1. Noesis
    2. Dililah


      peaches are out of season :( the ones at the road side stand were from out of state...srsly

  14. Had to go to Atlanta yesterday to pick up Jae with his truck out of service. Just have to say OMFG Atlanta traffic...an accident every mile on the loop. Two freaking hours stuck in that to go 30 miles, insane!

    1. acierCRISIS


      Ouch. Least jae will get to see you right? cant be all that bad :p

  15. Holy crap it got cold...time to put on real shoes :(

    1. Stasis


      Indeed. I think my Winter tires are going on within 2 weeks. Boooo.

    2. Eryalin


      I know it was fine yesterday and freezing today!

  16. I need an ice pack, or an ice cold beer.

    1. Darlantan


      *passes a beer wrapped in an ice pack*

    2. Dililah
    3. Dililah


      now i really need one...barrel roll complete!

  17. I have discovered the most virulent strain of dust in my CD collection. Triggering massive allergy attacks never seen before. I think there is dust from the late 80s here... possibly plague too. All getting ripped to the new external and then to be sold at the CD warehouse to infect someone else...bwahahaha

  18. McIntyre!! (I be at the pub) Sing wif me!

    1. Morkgrim


      Oh the night ya said my wife was fat, I knocked ya flat and shat in your hat!

  19. Ah, so tired. I'll rest for just a moment.

    1. acierCRISIS
    2. Luc


      NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Uh oh, I think I broke it :(

    3. Darlantan


      Take a rest! Take a rest. Take a rest. Take a rest! Take a rest! Take a rest.

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