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Nyisha - Introduction


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Greetings to all South of Heaven! I would like to begin by stating things about myself then move into my character. I am a 24 year old college student (degrees will be a MBA[Masters of Business Administration] and Computer Science) who works part-time, pays bills and lives with his mother to negate some living expenses for the time being. When I am not doing Cal 3 homework, playing WoW or at work I hang with my friends and play D&D every once in a while, have played it since we were in middle school, or playing Dynasty/ Samurai Warriors on the old school giant PS2.

Now for about my character.

Character: Nyisha - Paladin - Holy MS / Ret OS - Holy 393 ilvl / Ret 391 ilvl

Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gilneas/Nyisha/advanced

Spec: My MS is currently holy, that's what I was for my old guild. My current spec, now that I look, is a pvp spec. My normal spec is 32/2/7. Was set up for our HYor kill but obviously would be switched around for other fights. I'll switch the spec and gear around when I get back from work at 6 am.

OS is ret. The spec is my PvE spec (screw repentence). It was kind of the spec I geared up outside of the guild raid I was doing so it's not quite as geared as my holy.

Current expansion experience: I raided on a resto druid for t11, only went 1/11H because at the time we were a 25 man guild and carried a lot of the dps. I did not raid for the Firelands patch, lost my job so had to cut back on things in order to make bills, WoW was one of them. Came back for DS and have gone 2/8H as a 10 man. They probably won't get any more bosses down until a 15% nerf because they still have dps doing 25-27k which won't cut it for the bosses.

Past raiding: I raided casually for much of BC until BT/Sunwell, then went hardcore. Unforunately the M'uru boss demolished the guild and disbanded. I went casual raiding in Wrath up until ICC then went back hardcore and was 11/12H with the 10% buff (achievements say otherwise because went I went from horde to alliance in cata, most of the dates on all my wrath achievements fucked up).

What I am looking for a guild: Raiding and PvP. I love raiding. I want to raid. The server i'm on is dying and not the kind of progression I am looking for. The one good guild is 6/8H but they have a tight 10 man roster and are not recruiting so I am looking elsewhere. When I'm not raiding, or doing RL things, I am usually found doing old achievements or PvP'ing. PvP gives amazing practice for raiding with your situational awareness, reflexes and CD management for both healers and dps.

Why South of Heaven is the guild for me: I have talked with Ashin so I know the mind/skill set that is being required of me and I accept that 100%. I'm adaptive to any environment (almost like a cockroach but much better looking). Constructive criticism is always warranted if I can do something better. I'm not against being called out if I do something wrong because I did it wrong and it needs to be fixed. Senseless yelling isn't needed to get a point across to me (which is what my old RL loved to do to everyone. Scream because she thought it made a difference). Ashin described a very intelligent, thought-out, hardcore yet laid back guild that makes playing WoW so much better.

What I do in my non-raid time: As already stated what I do outside of WoW, what I do inside of WoW when I am not raiding is play on an array of characters. Listed in order of time spent on them are:

Nezlol - Mage: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gilneas/Nezlol/advanced

Nezzy - Druid: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gilneas/Nezzy/advanced

Yakumo - DK: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gilneas/Yakumo/advanced

Yes all alliance >_> and the DK has been 85 for maybe 2 hours. So pardon the terrible gear.

PvP: I enjoy PvP, as previously stated. I have a few arena teams: one on mage and one on paladin. Teams aren't very high because they started out just for points then we would get bored and just do a few arenas to pass the time. If I transfer over, will be looking for a new team for paladin! You can see my pvp holy gear on the armor, I think.

Why I chose my class: I chose my class because of it's versatility. The only other class in the game that has the same versatility is a druid but they are boring to play. Plus, I wanted the human racials (Gotta love extra rep). And some of the paladin gear just looks sexy.

That is all I have time for (got work in 30 minutes). If I missed something, bring it my attention and I will address it fully then I get home. Until then, have a nice day/night!

P.S. Fuck monks and gnomes in D&D. That is all.

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the old school giant PS2

"Old school" = NES 8 bit.

like a cockroach but much better looking

We'll be the judge of that upon submission of pics.

Now that I'm done trolling, welcome to the forums and thank you for the time you put into this introduction - it reflects well on you. I enjoyed our preliminary conversation and look forward to speaking again soon. As discussed, I've set you with guest access, and after Dar and I get a chance to talk, we will let you know where things stand.

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