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Wrensh - WoW Warlock Application


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Hello potential future guild mates! I am Wrensh the Warlock, sometimes also known as Adam the Game Programmer. I live in Jersey City, NJ which is right outside NYC where I spend the majority of my weekends. I enjoy expensive whisky and setting my enemies on fire (in game only, promise).

As for raiding, I started playing my warlock in early TBC where I completed all of the content up to M'uru where my guild lost a ton of members. Months later when everyone came back for the Wrath patch I helped roll over that creep and finish the expansion that day.

WotLK I started on my warlock but switched to my DK in Ulduar to fill a tanking and raid leading gap after we lost our main tank/GM. I finished all content in Wrath pre-Cata patch except Ruby Sanctum Heroic and Alone in the Darkness (25).

With Cataclysm I stayed long enough to do a few heroic modes as a DPS DK in T11 (Magmaw, Maloriak, Atramedes, Chimareon, Halfus) and went on a long personal hiatus. I came back late in Firelands and have been playing casually up until now.

I saw your recruitment post on MMO-Champion and it was incredibly appealing to me because I haven't really been in a friendly guild since very early on. As much as I enjoy being on the cutting edge it simply isn't worth the stress of dealing with an immature group. Also, I miss 25s so much and no one is doing them anymore!

Anyway here's my warlock: http://us.battle.net...e/Wrensh/simple

And my death knight for reference: http://us.battle.net...ne/Duurj/simple

I'm probably going to be dropping leatherworking to pick up engineering which is why I haven't leveled it yet. I'm also planning to level up a Monk mostly for use as a healer if ever the need arises.

I've got all the usual mods as well as lots of UI stuff, you can see my UI below. I can make your raid times 100% unless something catastrophic occurs. Even then I've got battery backups, 4g tethering, and I've raided with a mild concussion.

Looking forward to hearing back. Thanks.

- Wrensh

ps: If you guys need some extra dps immediately for tonight I can message someone my battletag.


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Jersey City, NJ?! Chill Town Represent!!!!!! I'll assume you're waterfront and not hardcore JC style.

Hi and welcome to the forums!

You've been casual for a while, what has made you decide to make a swap to something more serious? While we're not an insane hardcore guild, we have a talented group of bros, and high standards for our raiding members -- we'll expect you to know your class/rotations/gemming/gearing/specs/encounters and to be a good egg. All fair requests, but not casual ones -- you're down with this, yes?

Are you comfy staying Warlock? Or, does your heart belong with your DK?

Were you super jazzed when a DSW was put into the Battery Park Cinema building? Have you been to the new Sandbar to pick up underage kiddies using totes fake IDs?

Are you OK in a progression raiding situation, where your night may be consumed with wiping and learning fight mechanics?

Does a hot guy named Anthony still captain the Colgate ferry?

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Hello there.

I appreciate your interest in us. I will be upfront that a third warlock was not in the official plan for us, in terms of recruitment. But it's something we could do if we are otherwise a match made in heaven.

jwj is easy to please if you get kudos just for binding curse of enfeeblement. That's shift+2 for me! Though I have admittedly not used it this expansion lol.

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My CoEn is shift+2! That whole row is shift + 1 2 3 q w e a s d z x c. We are key binding bros obviously.

I actually live right around Van Vorst, like 4 blocks from the Grove St PATH. It's a nice except for the occasional ambulance screaming by in the middle of the night. Can't really speak on anything else, I moved here recently.

A lot of the casualness of my play for the past year or so is probably related to having not been in a stable raiding guild. After I came back from my short break raid times were never set in stone and I ended up in PUGs many weeks. I am eager to having a "raid time" penned into my schedule again.

I am massively looking forward to my Warlock this expansion. The overhaul Blizzard did is fantastic! I hope you have some strong tanks for running heroics/challenge modes because setting the world on fire with Destro AOE + Mannoroth's Fury is deliriously fun. I could wipe for hours on this stuff as long as I get to pew pew and joke around with some cool people.

As for DPS cred:

- In TBC I geared around that magical 202 hit cap and stacked the crap out of Haste while bringing my Crit slowly to 25% raid buffed to keep ISB up at all times. I was often known to steal raid assist and then rotate Shamans through my group for Bloodlusts. I also made the whole caster group get leatherworking so we could rotate drums. I had a ret pally alt that could hold it's own and frequently went on bear runs.

- In WotLK on my Warlock I played that crazy version of Affliction with the insane amount of DoTs to watch. I helped my guild at the time get server first Malygos. I eventually switched to Demonology in early Ulduar because that crazy execute spell twisting of shadow bolt and soul fire was hella fun and insane damage. As I mentioned I switched to my DK and I tanked the remainder of Ulduar and ToC then switched to DPS for ICC. I was in the top 50 dps (top 5 for a day) in the world for a while on heroic Saurfang as Frost near the end of the expansion.

- Cata I stuck to my DK because I had so much success with it and I didn't really like where the Warlock was mechanics-wise. Even though I went casual later on I still always had to make sure I was at the top of my game when I played.

Edited by Wrensh
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Strong response. I get the sense from your posting personality that you would be a good fit here.

My key row is 1 2 3 4 5 Q E T F C V X, and then the second row is those things plus Shift. So we're not quite keybro's but maybe keycousins or keynieghbors at the very least.

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Adam / Wrensh -

Welcome to the guild! I've set your status as recruit and we will look forward to your server transfer this weekend.

Please review our Code of Conduct and post to indicate your understanding and agreement.

Vaults strategies are being actively discussed here:


In general you should familiarize yourself with any pinned posted you find in our World of Warcraft forum, which is where the majority of the guild's discussion and planning takes place. Raid itineraries are posted weekly in this subforum:


The rest you can figure out as you go.

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