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Cleverly's Social App to SoH


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Greetings SoH,

I recently decided to get going in Mists after some time away, and decided to move to Stormreaver where there is an active population. This week I began diving through the Mists LFRs, and have been having a good time, but of course it would be much more fun if I had some pals to run around with.

I have enjoyed WoW from the beginning and have participated in every expansion on various accounts and characters through the years. Currently I am a Horde Rogue, which I created during Cataclysm and raided with relatively competitively in Heroic Firelands and Dragon Soul. Previous incarnations of myself were a Mage in Vanilla, an Enhancement Shaman in TBC, and a Frost DK in WotLK.

After arriving on Stormreaver, I began researching the guild landscape, and I identified South of Heaven as my first and only choice. I had read the descriptions of each 25m Hordie guild on the server, and yours is the only one that stood out to me. When I read, "What makes SoH stand out," the last bullet, "Relaxed. We set clear expectations so that we can enjoy our time together. This guild is truly a community, in game and out," is what triggered my interest. I am at the point that I have played this game for so long, have had the opportunity to raid with some great groups of folks, and this last bullet is what it's all about to me now.

I am seeking a social membership with South of Heaven - Stormreaver to enjoy my time in WoW with a diverse group of fun individuals, who are a community inside and outside of the game.

Why would South of Heaven want to add my rogue to its ranks of social members? I will paint a picture for you. Although, you do not have a need for a rogue currently, you could benefit from the comfort in knowing you have a teammate on the bench, in the guild chat, or in mumble who: Is always on time, with perfect attendance. Always comes prepared with consumables, and gear correctly gemmed, enchanted, and reforged. Someone who studies each encounter through reading and videos to better understand my role as a melee dps. Someone who researches the class based on current trends and experimentation to provide the raid with maximum benefit. Someone who maintains professions, Alchemy and Cooking to better serve my guild, whether I am a raid member or not. A team player who focuses on the instructions of the GM, Officers, and Raid Leader, and actively seeks the critique and recommendations of fellow guildmates. A rogue that will pursue the end to internet dragons with quiet patience and determination, never complaining or being negative during the challenging times. Someone who began their WoW career chasing purples, but through the years learned that it's not about the upgrades, it's about the comradery and friendships made along the way, for the moment you stop tracking and focusing on gear, low and behold, it often lands in your lap anyway. I am often more happy to see a hunter friend receive their staff or bow after raiding hard mode for months and being the last person on the planet to get their weapon to drop, while all of our alts have already got one during weekend alt raids, or seeing a tank finally get their BiS shield after he switches characters so many weeks in a row, because his alt would better suit the raid composition for that fight. It is moments like those that bring a smile to my face more than adding gear to my paperdoll.

It has been made clear to me that there is no need for a Rogue, but this is the kind of individual you would have on your bench when your alts want to run LFR, or a weekend raid, dive through old content, or hit the battlegrounds. (Flag runner extraordinaire.) I would prefer to remain in these scenarios, but if the need ever did arrise, your raid times are ideal.

In real life I am 30 years old, an Air Force Veteran, University of Houston Alumni, working as a Business Analyst in food distribution. I've worked on SAP software deployments and currently am focused on Category Management. In my free time I enjoy playing WoW, Diablo 3, cycling, jogging, going to the movies weekly (Oblivion today - M83 did the score and always like Tom Cruise and Morgan Freeman!), music concerts, museum exhibits, snorkeling on vacation, and long walks on the beach.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and best of luck in your Heroic Progress through ToT. I will be monitoring your success! :)



Cleverly's Armory

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Hey Clever,

Thanks for putting up the app and for your past service.

We might have touched on this while chatting online, but could you remind me of your past raiding experience? When was the last time you raided competitively and how well did you do?

Also, question for the alt-raid-organizers - is it safe to bring agi leather again or are we still backlogged?

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