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Status Updates posted by Grimnwolf

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJfc4bAiByM&feature=youtu.be Too bad the company went under, Battlefront 3 looks so boss.
  2. So fucking true.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grimnwolf
    3. huntera


      not even close babee

    4. Grimnwolf


      Ladies and gentlemen. A JOEY BONZO!!!!! Is not here.

  3. blu ray trilogy is ruined

    1. Kiffen


      This is TERRIBLE.

      le sigh... First they made him white. Now he's emo. Thanks George, thanks.

    2. huntera
  4. For those of you who live in CA and support fracking, please take the time to look at the other side of the story.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fera


      What Biscuits said.

    3. Grimnwolf


      Yes, believe it or not. There are. And they live in the SF bay area where I live. Its a sad situation, technology being implemented with hardly any testing or research.

    4. Malthas


      Yeah we see it a lot in TX too.

  5. I feel like any second now this is going to happen to me... Hurts so bad.

    1. Isti
    2. Grimnwolf


      it hurts so much isti... so much.

  6. My dad decided to film one of our jam sessions, you guys should check out my band if you haven't already


  8. This one is for huntera.

    1. Terry


      only reason he succeeded is cause he lol glitched the tracking in air phase

    2. Grimnwolf


      With feign death? No that is working as intended. Furthermore, this hunter used her feigns and deflects very skillfully.

    3. Ashin


      "my played at hunter is probably around the lines of 5 hours on level 11 hunter alt" - playing a hunter is hard!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. huntera


      e in order to have power and to hurt people." Is just stupid, you honestly can't think that there's more cops out there looking to hurt someone because they think it's their job than to just enforce the laws and protect people?

    3. Grimnwolf


      There are a lot of cops out there looking to help people. But a lot of them don't. A lot of them don't care about the laws, because if they did they wouldn't illegally do things in order to arrest people. Idk how much experience you have had with police, but especially in big cities cops do a lot of technically illegal things to arrest people. To me that's a power trip. You can try to rationalize it, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of police officers do illegal...

    4. Grimnwolf


      things to arrest people. There are a lot of good cops. I know a lot of them. But you know what they say, "absolute power corrupts absolutely"

    1. acierCRISIS


      You kno i walked by that when i visied my friend who lives down there... its mostly hippies. I could smell the drugs and free love on them also. Hilarious watching some chick with body paint and like 400 piercings flirt up a cop lol.

  9. 13 assasins = best samurai movie ive seen in a long time.

    1. Ashin


      dang.. i almost watched it friday night.

    2. Grimnwolf


      Takashi Miike is a really good director. He does horror primarily. But where he really shines is in these akira korosawa esque samurai stories. He did one movie. sukiyaki western django. Which is basically a western with a bunch of japanese people Its so funny.

    3. Dililah


      I tried to watch it too and kept getting a streaming error. :(

  10. Anyone wanna get invited to smite? They let you send out beta keys in the game menu. Lol.

    1. Malthas


      Over-the-shoulder DotA/LoL?

    2. Grimnwolf


      yeah, but with real gods, if anyone wants one. PM me an email to send it to i think its unlimited... ?

  11. Anyone wanna play BF3 with me? Im kinda tired going it alone.

  12. Back online after a couple weeks with no internet.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grimnwolf


      Yep. have been for a long time.

    3. Ashin


      well idk how you have been online then ?

    4. Morkgrim


      .... GrimnGhost?

  13. Breaking bad is my new favorite show.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Noesis


      no pun intended *

    3. discofire


      Yeah, I think most shoes get stale after their 3rd season usually.

    4. Grimnwolf


      I just didn't like the setting of weeds. I like breaking bad, because it deals with all the grime and dirt. I like gritty realism i guess, even though most times im a hopeless optimist.

  14. Canceled my wow subscription. For now. The end?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grimnwolf


      The saga continues. You heard it here first.

    3. Ashin
    4. Morkgrim


      I go through theese phases, then I come back and make a shiney new alt

  15. Children of men was a really life changing movie. I reccomend anyone who hasnt seen it already to immediately find and watch this movie. So good.

    1. Ashin


      It was not a bad film but why do you say it was life changing?

    2. Grimnwolf


      It changed my life. I dunno It impacted me in a big way. Just made me think about a lot of shit.

    3. Gravey
  16. DW sword with leech effect and attack speed increase is insanley op on the monk... add an attack speed shrine onto that, you will be unstoppable.

    1. Ashin


      you ignored 100% of my tells for the entire night....

    2. Grimnwolf


      I was only on sporadically, I didn't see any of them. I apologize.

  17. Elder scrolls online beta signups started http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en/ head on over if you were interested.

    1. Darlantan


      Don't want to do the beta but I'm excited for the possibility that if it's really good it could be my next stop when I eventually retire from wow.

    2. Grimnwolf


      I'm a dire elder-scrolls fan, the only reason im in it from the beginning is to have bragging rights about the lore. Retiring from wow? Do you get a pension?

    3. Twelvesoft


      Signed up asap this morning, so excited.

  18. Emo kids trying to debate the existence of love on my facebook wall. FML.

    1. Ashin


      Is that like emo kids debating the legality of pot? Also your account is bugged in WoW.. pls log in and back out.

    2. Grimnwolf


      Not really. Because im not emo. : P

    3. Inedit


      It's your own fault for participating in FB -- you're just asking for it! ;)

  19. Fished up 2 stacks of highland guppy for you guys. And fyi they do have pools Just have to know where to look ; )

  20. Got a beta invite, I dont think im even gonna play it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grimnwolf


      WoW. Im not special enough to get a beta inv for free.

    3. Darlantan
    4. Grimnwolf


      So I decided to play. And the first thing I see is, a wall of text saying /c interact with edict of temperance. That was my breaking point.

  21. Got my 3DS with res-evil mercinaries and Ocarina of time. :D

    1. Isti
    2. Hyna


      *jams out on the air Ocarina*

  22. Happy international junk food day. Or something.

    1. Isara


      That's everyday for me lol.

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