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Everything posted by Inedit

  1. Haven't left work yet -- will be on for raid tonight but can't control that I may be 10-15 min late. Sorry!

  2. Yikes -- super late notice -- can't do raid tonight, will be trapped at work with no end in sight. :(

  3. FYI - I'm fighting w/everyone who doesn't have to work today due to the holiday.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Merriwhizzle


      I wasn't a worker, but Monday is part of my weekend and Saturday isn't, so I didn't get any extra time off.

    3. Gravey


      Holidays are for the weak!

    4. Gravey


      ...and Wil Wheaton!

  4. Rules Game, people!!! There are things to be reviewed, challenged, proposed and attacks to be blocked within 48 hours!! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grimnwolf


      No one has attacked my rules yet. I was expecting kitty to jump all over them.

    3. acierCRISIS


      too lazy too. besides someone would defend them and they would get passed anyway.

    4. Grimnwolf


      Well half the fun is is contesting someones rules. It helps evolve the system.

  5. Inedit


    Where can you find pleasure, search the world for treasure, learn Science/technology?! Sorry, that's my Pavlovian response to hearing the word Navy. So, Maine -- that's like, lobsters, LL Bean and ice hockey, right?! Welcome
  6. Hope everyone went to Target today and got their Missoni pieces! I'm missing two items :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Biscuits


      A girlfriend once said to me that all I own are "painting clothes". :(

      That wasn't very nice.

      And I can color coordinate with the splotches! IT'S ART!

    3. Inedit


      Hahaha -- DP = Domestic Partners; Hey! Clothing with paint splotches can work well!

    4. Mordrid


      I was working on a computer and remember seeing on MSN homepage how people were buying that Missoni stuff so fast it also crashed their website lol.

  7. power out again now. may miss draft :(

  8. Our building was evacuated and I'm all the way up in NYC Metro Area -- people were literally screaming "get out of the building!!!!!!!" which I thought was a tad much, considering at best, our building undulated like it was riding some waves -- no real shaking. I'd hate to see how those people would have reacted if they were actually close to the quake. Glad everyone (so far) is safe!
  9. Fright Night or Conan?

    1. Dililah


      Conan! Oh is that out, might need to see that this weekend.

    2. Eryalin
  10. MGD 64 lemonade....starting early!!!

    1. Darlantan


      ugh... don't mention alcohol...

    2. Ashin
    3. Dililah


      Sangria here! I shopped till I dropped yesterday and today. I need this before shopping tomorrow.

  11. Is it 5, yet? Can't wait to terrorize chat tomorrow while working from home!

    1. Ashin


      that will make my friday go by faster and probably result in record chat room attendance lol

    2. Huntyre


      heck.. I might even stop by just to say "hi". :)

    3. Isti


      10am and i'm all alonee

  12. FYI - I'm going to start checking out member profiles and since I've warned everyone, I now look less creepy/stalker when I'm caught doing it! :)

    1. Isti


      i'm going to look at yours now

    2. discofire


      LOL, I do that all the time, that's what they are for!

  13. Eeeep! I'm catching this late --- thanks!!! Congrats Merri and Rahndar! Retcon, too! I've missed congrats'ing lots of folks, I apologize! Congrats to the promotions in the other chapters as well!!
  14. Good luck tonight, teams! I think I'd rather have my face raged than attend a work dinner at a chain restaurant....if only my life wasn't so glamorous!

    1. Dililah


      Try and have fun, keep ears open and camera ready for blackmail shots.

  15. Mwhahaha work is giving me interns!! Can't wait to torture them!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dililah
    3. Fera


      I want minions! or house elves even!

    4. Fera


      I want minions! or house elves even!

  16. Should I take a lunch break today to impulse buy a new computer?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Inedit


      No, I'm seriously artistically challenged -- you give me a pencil, paper and a ruler and I'll give you a crooked line.

    3. Luc


      this is probably the longest conversation that has ever taken place in status replies. :p

    4. Inedit


      I can't be mean and not reply! I went on to impluse buy a monitor, printer and handbag. Think the shopping is done now....maybe.

  17. trying to get back in...every application i open stops responding

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luc


      should definitely cut back on the underground goat porn, those sites are terrible for your PC :p

    3. Dililah
    4. Huntyre
  18. If I hear one more person state that they're going to "socialize" information with their teammates, I'm going to get violent.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Malthas


      ROFL... I thought it was just in my circles... hahahaha

    3. Lapisluna


      eeewwww I am so glad I dont have to deal with that crap anymore.

    4. Malthas


      I've really been tempted to tell them, "The real world calls that talking..."

  19. Unsure if I can be around tonight -- if a ZA bear run happens, feel free to replace me and good luck!!

  20. It's Opening Day!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Yevren


      Ugh. Yankees. Un-loving this status :p

    3. Inedit


      Hey now! You had your glory year of '91 with Pags and Knob (before he forgot how to play). Plus, you have your Homer Hanky to wipe any tears away! ;)

    4. Ashin


      Pags and Knob? Is this code?

  21. Good luck tonight, Purple! I expect to hear "yeehaw Nef's dead" (again) coupled with Top Gun style high-fives :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. discofire


      Which high 5 scene are we talking about? Because there are subtle, but important differences!

    3. Inedit


      The topless volleyball scene high five, of course!

    4. Darlantan


      That high-5 is going to have to wait until Sunday. >:|

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