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Status Updates posted by Merriwhizzle

  1. Tilly (holding Mouse): Guess what I found! 
    Mork: Finders keepers.
    Tilly: Guess you're going home with me.

    Mouse: Put me down! I belong here!

    Bunny: Don't take me! Take my brother!

  2. "Mom, Bubba's penis is hanging down." - Mouse after Mr. Man took off his diaper after bedtime.

  3. Happy 6th birthday Bunny!

  4. Happy 8th birthday Mouse!

  5. Hey Xander! Read your messages and respond please. :)

  6. Holidays really screw with the routine and the schedule.

  7. Homemade pho broth cooking.

  8. I have a much greater appreciation for everything my mom did when I was a very small child.

  9. I need a drink.

    1. Tilluk


      *Hands Merri a pepsi*  :giggle:

    2. Dililah


      I need 5 after this week.  I should "de-clutter" the liquor cabinet.

  10. I'm going to have to make another ele shaman. It's going to be the only way to get used to some of these changes. Like my lightning shield going away!!!!!!

    1. Tinymanz


      Not a bad idea...

  11. If anyone is interested in playing in a Pathfinder game, visit the sign up sheet in the D&D thread. No experience necessary!

  12. It's 8pm on a Saturday night and I'm doing my usual battle of wills with Mr. Man about bedtime and clocking into work. #adultthings

  13. Job interview on Tuesday afternoon! Eeeeeeeeeee!

    1. Ashin


      Everyone is interviewing! \o/


      I hope yours goes well. :)

  14. Just sent in my RSVP for my 20 year high school reunion. Now I feel old.

  15. Kids are gone, house work is done, school work is done. The only thing I have to do is finish work and feed the dogs. Bring on the weekend!!!!!

  16. Mork's overtime is real. 64 hours this week, 75 hours scheduled for next week. 69 hours scheduled for the week after unless they get some new people hired. So, anyone want to come to Utah and get a job?

  17. My final was supposed to be 1250 words. Ended up being 2062, not including title and reference pages. Good thing I don't get penalized for being wordy!

  18. Not sure if the girls understand how knock knock jokes are supposed to work.
    Bunny: Knock knock
    Mouse: Who's there?
    Bunny: Banana
    Mouse: Banana who
    Bunny: Just banana, nothing else

    1. Fera


      lol, that's funny

    2. Tinymanz


      They're about as good at knock knock jokes as I am.

    3. Darlantan


      It's just for scale anyway.

  19. Someone forgot to feed the hamsters that power Chat.

    1. Darlantan


      One just ran too much faster than the rest for a second. They're all back on now.

  20. Someone forgot to feed the hamsters that power my interwebs.

  21. Someone just shoot me now.

    1. Xander117


      without a more detailed reason im afraid i cannot comply

    2. Merriwhizzle


      Potentially horrible situation turned out semi-ok. So no shooting required.

    3. Xander117


      i see, well ever vigilant my friend. Feel free to call if my services are required :)


  22. Tax refund came in. \o/ Now to shift into high gear and find a place to move.

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