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Status Updates posted by Merriwhizzle

  1. Tis the season of under foot dogs because it's too cold and/or snowy for them to be out all day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darlantan


      The dogs can't spend as much time outside during the winter, so they're going to be more of a nuisance.

    3. Huntyre


      ah.. the dogs will be under foot. It now makes sense.

    4. Merriwhizzle


      yes, lots of time for the dogs inside, the lab is ok outside for an hour or so when it's in the low 30s, but that's too cold for the smaller dog because her paws would freeze right off

  2. Mork:"What do girls want for lunch?" Bunny: "Flags!"

  3. My front yard is full of leaves. All the leaves.

  4. Well, I've discovered that it's the state I live in that's stupid and not the school that I work for. Now to beg the Office of Higher Education in Montana to allow me to go to school.

  5. Apparently I'm not meant to go back to school.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Inedit
    3. Merriwhizzle


      from what I've been told because of how the school is accredited they can't enroll people who live in Montana, my supervisor is livid though so she's going to look into the issue

    4. Fera


      Lame! I hope it works out for you Merri :)

  6. Yay for enrolling in school! Boo for paperwork requiring references!

  7. Just got the go ahead to start the paperwork to enroll in school. Wooooooo!

  8. I can breathe out of my nose, mostly, but I've lost my voice because of the cold. Not sure if this is an improvement or not.

  9. Cold - 1, Body - 0; this really sucks

  10. I hate feeling sick.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Midri
    3. Stasis


      Did you eat 9 popsicles too!?

    4. Merriwhizzle


      No, my girls were very generous and shared their cold with me. So now I can't breathe, I'm coughing, running hot and cold, and my throat hurts.

  11. "Remember, we're big, floppy human bandits." lol

  12. Mouse made her very first mmo character last night.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fera


      Get 'em while they're young and they'll be hooked for life!! :D

    3. Merriwhizzle


      she's already bugged me a couple times this morning about playing "the game" but she requires too much focus for her to play while I'm working

    4. Morkgrim


      created a monster!

  13. Coworker linked this on Facebook and I just had to share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCkerYMffMo

  14. Mouse says she wants spaghetti. When I ask her why she doesn't eat it, she says it's because daddy puts her to bed.

    1. Morkgrim


      .... I think I just need to put them to bed more often aparently if it is a reward

    2. Ashin


      Does she know anything about Alaska's walls?

  15. Hey Dar, I found the flaw in your plan.

  16. Happy birthday Miss Mouse!

  17. Just found out the tutoring center is open on Monday. Guess who didn't ask for it off because I didn't think I needed to.

    1. Ashin
    2. Dililah


      They should be paying triple time since it is a holiday. still :(

  18. Mork bought cool new headset. It just has one problem: too damn heavy.

  19. Updated the alt raid person tracker thingy.

    1. Ashin


      Sounds like a name a goblin would give to it.

    2. Tinymanz


      goblin would be "explosive alt raid person tracker thingy 2000 max"

  20. Mork got me flowers today because he could. :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cryus


      Nice. My wife came home yesterday and had bought me a winter's veil tcg box that she had found, just because :)

    3. Raer


      How sweet :3

    4. Morkgrim


      well... tbh they were more of an apology for the long hours I have been putting in at work over the past month.

  21. Woo hoo!!! I did a full clear of a current raid! First time ever!

  22. Just had a "holy crap" moment. One of the good kind.

    1. Ashin
    2. Merriwhizzle


      My grandpa passed away this summer and I just found out how much my inheritance is. It's a lot more than I thought it would be.

  23. Said goodbye to all my fourth and fifth graders today. :(

    1. Noesis
    2. Ashin


      but new exciting things in the future mb?

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