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Status Updates posted by Malthas

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Yevren


      Do you run in them or are they just for walking? O.o

    3. Malthas


      Just walking around at the moment, but running may not be out of the picture.

    4. Atrael


      Yup these are amazing, I have brown ones. To me they aren't an all day shoe though. Make sure you get something to put in them when you aren't wearing them to keep em dry or they end up stinking.

  1. Had a meeting today, still not sure what it means but minor pay increase to salary and reduction to bonus.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. messengir


      I would be curious too, if so I might try to renegotiate my raise :p

    3. Malthas


      HR decision and they're changing our pay bands. I'm an individual contributor meaning I am in management but have no one to manage. I *think* it means more for a senior member as they are now in my pay band, and we're "eligible" for OT once it's authorized (though it probably never will be) it does mean 40 hour work weeks. idk...

    4. Malthas


      could also mean possible larger raises before I have to move out of my pay band... we'll see how it plays out.

  2. Serenity (3yo daughter) woke up crying last night... think it was a mild ear ache but she seems fine today. She lost her parental bed cuddling privileges last night after 2 hours awake and no end in sight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darlantan
    3. Decompression


      Kid up all night = Sleepy parents

    4. Malthas


      The laughs from tickle sessions make up for it... srsly.

  3. I'm haz sinus preshur... T_T

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Parthes


      Tis the season :(

    3. Eryalin
    4. Malthas


      My work day consists of a 40 minute phone call today, sleeping or chilling out the rest of the day.

  4. Caught a book ad today and it makes me so sad for the state of Marketing in our country... since when is "un-put-down-able" considered a word?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gravey
    3. Opal


      when it's referring to Tick-Tock, k?

    4. Malthas


      I couldn't even remember the book name because of that but yeah, Tick-Tock indeed.

  5. Must not kill the eldest child...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merriwhizzle
    3. Malthas


      Long story short, he's been lying to us over silly things and at school tried to pin something he did on a boy who has been mean to him.

      A+ for inventive revenge though.

    4. Lapisluna


      He is on super duper grounded at the momment.

  6. Watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World last night for the first time... I have to pee. lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malthas


      Yeah I'm thinking about making my kids watch it when they hit dating age. Lapis is convinced we should have been on something to gain full enjoyment but I loved it.

    3. Kiffen


      I just saw that too! super funny.

    4. Lapisluna


      I think I was supposed to be on something to enjoy it :|

  7. Caught Kick-Ass last night... loved it. Chloe Moretz is set to be an amazing actress.

    1. Huntyre


      lol.. man.. we've been watching the same movies. :) /agreed

    2. Dililah


      Oh she is in Let Me In, need to put that in the netflix standby queue.

    3. Huntyre


      saw it last night... GO.WATCH.IT. fo'rizzle

  8. Schools have been closed all week due to patchy ice but it wasn't too bad... now all that ice is covered in 3-4 inches of snow and it's still coming down. >_

    1. Lapisluna
    2. discofire


      I am jealous, we have freezing temperatures and totally clear skies =(

    3. Darlantan


      We have freezing temperatures and a nasty, dirty, overcast day. ;)

  9. The Daylight Savings Time shift kills me every year.... so archaic now.

    1. Huntyre


      I think I'm still adjusting.. *ugh*

    2. Dililah


      agreed, hate this.

    3. discofire


      That's the one thing I like about AZ, we don't change time!

  10. First look at the 3DS coming up tomorrow at Gamestop... kinda excited honestly.

    1. Sunny


      I am very interested in the 3ds. Seems a lot more compelling to me, then the NGP.

    2. Grimnwolf


      3ds wins for a couple reasons. 1 Ocarina of time. 2. MGS3D, and finally kid icarus. Those three things make me want the 3ds so bad. But sad that i am too poor to buy one.

    3. Malthas


      I caved, tax refunds FTW... will be playing SF IV 3D at some point tomorrow. I may end up looking for something else but Ocarina is a definite.

  11. Staycation! 2 weeks!!

    1. Biscuits
    2. Malthas


      hah... I think the Honey-do list has been piling up though.

  12. on time but just barely...

    1. Tia


      sounds like me everyday haha

    2. Malthas
  13. SSF4 3D may lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

    1. acierCRISIS


      Try playing Juri. Fucking holding down kick buttons while combing. And i agree it is carpel tunnel.

    2. Malthas


      Yeah I think I'm done with it once some of the other games come out... considering Super Monkey Ball now.

  14. 10 hours to the return of GLaDOS... she promised there would be cake this time!

    1. Hyna


      Oh man it's in the UPS truck and in route I AM SO EXCITE!!! BTW mal pc or xbox?

    2. Malthas


      Xbox, pay close attention to the first few areas... :D Just loaded up through to meeting someone special from the past!

  15. Slept in as much as a 3yo will allow... lol

  16. Afternoon drag setting in... about to fall asleep at the kwasda adawfa ............

    1. Eryalin


      Fell asleep in the chair yesterday. o.O

  17. just wrapping up, should be on within 20

  18. Off camping with the eldest... interested in seeing how we camp at the Texas Motor Speedway. :lol:

  19. Hard Mode Zaishen Quest... Shiro. Wiped so many times but finally figured out a hero team and he's dead!

  20. Election day, get out there and show them who you support!

  21. Your Profile was all clean and bright. Needed to scratch something on it. HI!:cool:

  22. Bowels should not rumble or wake you up the three times in an evening.

  23. 80 instances are weird... liking it!

  24. lol.. I never think about it on the forums.. :)

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