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Status Replies posted by Fera

  1. Officially a homeowner!

  2. Hey crew, sorry for semi-AWOL. Crazy (but not bad) life things!

  3. Super Random Question: Does anyone know of an organist in the Boston area looking for a job?

  4. There's no going back to a standard TN after using an IPS. Good thing they're finally affordable and accessible in decent resolutions!

  5. Had a great "Friendsgiving" last night with awesome food and even better friends :)

  6. get to celebrate 11 years together with dar tonight ^.^

  7. So my future boss wants me to report to Bliss by Dec. 1. Too bad my wedding plans aren't over until Dec. 12...

  8. Just got the email that everything is set for me to start classes next Monday!!!!!

  9. I thought I'd use the day off to check out ArcheAge. My Glyph account was banned 30 minutes after I created it while the game was still downloading, though. :(

  10. What I woke up to at my new apartment! http://i.imgur.com/3pQI2MW.jpg

  11. Is it just me or does anyone else think Eugene (WD) is suffering from a mild case of mental retardation?

  12. All moved into my new place. Just need to figure out how to get my xbox & PC hardwired to the network since I'm on the top floor of a 3-story townhouse and the router is on the first floor...

  13. Mushrooms n Thistle -- that's what I need now for those wondering ^^

  14. Me to Bunny: "You drive me batty." Bunny to me: "Just like Daddy."

  15. Keep getting DC'ed loading into the character select screen. got in earlier but had to log to make dinner. think I will just go Play stick of truth, to tire for this atm.

  16. My foreman looks like Robert Goulet.

  17. damn daylights savings time. I dont even know what time it really is?!?!

  18. Glad my house hunting is done for now. My head still hurts from this weekend

  19. Dar and tilly had a very lovely wedding and I was glad to be a part of it :p

  20. Happy Halloween! :)

  21. Thanks to my Higher Power, a program of recovery and a lot of help I get to celebrate 10 years of sobriety today. Thank you SoH family :)

  22. Apartment hunt over! Moving into my new place (with new roommates) on 11/8!

  23. So I've decided to play ArcheAge very very casually, not sure if I'll be of contribution to the guild. However I can help do trade runs when I do play. Could I still join up? (can't use mumble atm)

  24. Oscar de la Renta :(

  25. Happy 4th birthday Bunny!!!

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