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Status Updates posted by Morkgrim

  1. Just watched Real Steel, feel good movie, I enjoyed it none the less.

  2. Kicked from chat, can't get back in :p

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morkgrim


      Dar borked it?

    3. Merriwhizzle
    4. Ashin


      It's the small blessings in life, really..

  3. Less reading more sleeping

  4. Let the long weekend commence

  5. Making chicken curry for dinner, smells amazing

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nez


      I prefer Japanese curry to Indian. *nods*

    3. Ashin


      You can know how to eat something without knowing how to cook it, yes..

    4. Merriwhizzle


      Ashin, one thing you have to keep in mind is that if an experiment isn't edible then we have two very hungry little girls who still need to eat. Not to mention Mork has to deal with my inability to handle anything spicier than mild and Mouse's food prejudices which also include the spice issue.

  6. Me: "Its Saturday, I'll Sleep in"... Brain: "IMPOSSIBRU!"

    1. Lapisluna


      My 5 year old does not agree with Sat Morn sleep in

  7. Merri and I just bought a week old bacon seed, now to let it grow for 5-6 months and get some ultra yummy meats

  8. Merri has her Christmas present, leather executive chair, one the kids will have a hard time breaking.

  9. mm brisket in the crockpot

    1. Biscuits


      nugget biscuit, nuggetinabiscuit, nugget biscuit, nuggetinabiscuit

    2. Morkgrim


      as predicted mmmmmmmmmm

  10. mm Doritos Tapatio flavored chips

  11. mmm egg nog and brandy

    1. Ashin
    2. Morkgrim


      nah, I see aggnog as a autumn drink, and at least it wasnt beer nog

  12. MMM home-made strawberry milkshake :)

    1. Tia


      thats totally the name of the legion I'm in(random fact) :)

  13. MMMM bloody mary, Spicy V8 Grey Goose vodka, hot horse radish, tobasco, pepper. worchestershire sauce, and a dash of celery salt

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Merriwhizzle


      I'm with you on this one, Noesis

    3. Ashin


      I haven't had one in forever and I actually think I would like them now.

    4. discofire


      I have never liked them. Vegetable drinks just seem so weird to me.

  14. Mork has glasses, feels odd

    1. Darlantan


      Glasses?! Cray. I guess I'll see them in a couple days then. :p

  15. My toddler keeps coming up to me and trying to unbutton my shirt whiel I sit watching a movie, think merri should be jelly?

  16. Nap time

    1. Bryant


      Inedit would not approve.

  17. Need a bro near inedit to go hang curtain rods and pictures for her!

    1. Inedit
    2. Huntyre


      If she was close, I would go do it

    3. Opal


      why's it gotta be a bro? i have flowery tools, a drill and a level!

  18. Need to stop playing table top games with Merri, she keeps winning!

    1. discofire


      Try arm wrestling? =P

    2. Darlantan


      Oh dear. He might put her through the floor. ;P

  19. Negido, we fites now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Negido
    3. Raer
    4. Morkgrim


      its what you get for not even respodning last night when you popped into chat and I said hi, you just biggered off! how wude!

  20. New bnet tag, Morkgrim#1485

  21. New Nook, now I have to set up wireless interwebs at home.

    1. Grimnwolf



      One of the best places for E-books, they have most classic literature for free and they have the rare and hard to work with e-pub file format.

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