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Found 17 results

  1. Hi Everyone, I'm RockSteady and I'd be interested in joining your FFXIV FC Something about your reddit post just caught my eye and after reading a few public posts I think I just really like the vibe I see here. About Me: I'm a 32 year old Software Engineer. Big dog lover, currently not an owner. I'm pretty new to FFXIV but was very big into WoW before so I'm not totally new to the MMO genre. The biggest wrinkle is that I'm located in Portland Oregon on the west coast which would make me a bit of a night owl for EST players but I wouldn't mind being the night shift rep for the FC. Looking forward to hearing from you.
  2. Hello, everybody! My in-game name is Soma Ishimura; real-name Christian, and I have expressed my interest in joining a new FC/Guild with Ms. Minori Thanos. I am a 24-year-old man, California-based and I've had my history with videogames, especially, RPGs, MMORPGs and MOBAs. Although I started maybe as everyone did back in their time, playing Mario, Legend of Zelda or Sonic, RPGs managed to catch a very keen interest on me. My 1st RPG was Earthbound for the SNES and my 1st FF game was FFIV for the 1997 Playstation release. What managed to get me into the series was the role-playing aspect of the series: The grand repertoire of unique classes that the games offered was just mind-blowing to me at that age, and for a SciFi/Fantasy story-lover like myself, the series would perfectly fit in that description. The game that absolutely got my heart was FFX for the PS2. The music and visual aspects were completely stunning (and also the main theme, "To Zanarkand", was the 1st piano piece that I learned on my own). After a while, I got me an XBOX 360 and a Wii, and had a blast playing together with my childhood friends and my brother. Perhaps that was the best gaming era of gaming for me, since I was able to play so many genres and discover some new ones as well. I was interested in FFXI, and then, FFXIV since 1.0, but was not able to get the game due to other priorities at the time. After getting my own PC and moving to study university, I played my share of mmorpgs and mobas: from WoW, Diablo II and III, SWTOR, MapleStory, to SMITE, LoL, etc. And just before the release of Heavensward and decided to get the game. Had a real good time, joined Geuno, but due to "scandalous" and "overly-dramatic" experiences, me and a couple of comrades decided to leave and form a new FC. Had a blast with them, even formed our raid group, but priorities game into place once more, and i was forced to leave the game due to those constraints. After a year, and getting myself a good job, I decided to came back about three months ago, and to wait the release of StormBlood (which has not disappointed me ever since), but the FC I was in had already dissipated. Now, I hope to join a new group of people, with whom I can share the same feeling of camaraderie and as well, share a good laugh every now and then, and although my schedule might be a little tight on weekdays, i always try to at least play a couple of hours, and just catch up on everything on weekends! TL,DR? The name's Christian a.k.a Soma Ishimura, 24 years old, Male, California. I am your atypical sarcastic IRL Chef/Audio Engineer-musician/Interpreter, with a good sense of humor and schadenfreude enthusiast. I hope I can be of service!
  3. Hey folks! My characters name is Brayden Hayes, but my real name is Matt. I've heard a lot of good things from you all through a long-time friend. Minori Thanos. I'm currently returning to the game FC-less after a long, long-time off the series, requiring some catchup through Heavensward the weekend of Stormblood release. I'm currently 26 years young, and just recently graduated with an Associate of Science in Network Infastructure and Security-- just need to get the certifications and my foot in the door. I currently work an at home, commission-based service connecting investors to foreclosure markets in the state of Florida, acting as either physical representative at auction, or home inspector. It's not quite the job I enjoy, but the flexibility has been awesome. I'm a little bit of an MMO junkie, starting as far back as Phantasy Star Online for the Dreamcast back in 2001. From there, I dabbled in a little bit of PSO: Blue Burst for the PC, but ultimately landed in Final Fantasy XI for the majority of my time playing from 2003 onward. I dabbled a little bit into endgame across varying degrees and expansions with a come-and-go relationship for the game, getting a few weeks in here or there still today. I've dabbled in WoW for a bit since WotLK, but honestly was never too in-depth with it-- Shaman was one of my favorite playstyles, followed closely by Warrior and Druid. I used to play on US-Azgalor, and moreso a PvE kinda guy. Inbetween bouncing across FFXI and WoW, I've played Guild Wars 1 and 2, All Points Bulliten, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and a plethora of F2P titles. I'm also heavy interested in the ARPG styles of games like Diablo and Path of Exile, moreso the latter. There are also a few more obscure kinda things, like being a Kantai Collection addict, but that can be explained later since it's a very Farmville-level guilty pleasure. Outside of that, it's been a lot of exploring my nerd. I dabble in those mind-rotting anime shows, and recently started cosplaying in various embarrassing things. I really enjoy the crafts associated with cosplaying though, as it scratches a lot of that 'uses-outside-the-box' feel that came with my interest in the field of Cybersecurity. I'm also into sports some, bleeding various colors depending on the sport; Red Sox for baseball, with some AL love for the Marlins in my backyard, the Philadelphia Eagles and a fantasy foozeball fanatic come the start of fall with some CFB love for Ohio State, and my Heat, even without Wade/Bosh now, just for the enormous respect I have for Pat Riley. I should be into fitness a whole lot more, but I make sure to get myself moving at least twice a week, though I've been slacking some since reaching my goal weight. I'm only just now exploring a life without assignments or textbooks around me, so the free time is a bit foreign still, but other than that, just taking it one day at a time! Hope to see you all in game soon!
  4. Hello everyone, I recently posted on reddit looking to move from server and to join a FC. I’ve got some replies and private message, but so far you guys have been the one who caught up my attention. A little about myself. I’m 27 years old male who currently works freelance in the advertising industry. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico but I lived in other places like Europe, United States and Asia. I’m a proud medical cannabis patient, music enthusiast who loves different types of genres and mostly mellow with critical thinking. If I’m not playing, I’m usually by the beach drinking a couple of beers, learning new things that can help me become better in my career or designing. I’m currently in the process of learning 3D with Blender. I haven’t play a lot of MMOs except for FFXI when it came out for Xbox 360 and Guild Wars 2. I loved FFXI, specially because of the LS I was in back then. Engaging and meeting other players is what really made it magical for me. When I played GW2 all I did was pretty much soloing, didn’t make any friends and got bored after a month and quit playing it. I’m coming back to ARR after playing some of the free hours they offer recently. I’m a low level THM, currently finishing the main story and hoping to be a BLM, but who knows I might end up been some other jobs after all. I’m hoping to learn from all of you. Cheers!
  5. Hey everyone, I saw a reply from you guys in a recruitment thread on Reddit and I ended up here. It looks like previous introduction posts kinda went over history, so here you go. I'm a 31 year old IT Professional (systems management) who has been playing MMOs since EverQuest. I played EQ1 for a few years but was mostly just solo, played a druid, always had fun camping the dwarves in Butcherblock for easy xp / monies. When Everquest 2 released, my guild switched over and I spent most of my college years playing that. Most of the time I was running dungeons, but was also on a pretty strict raiding schedule (6 out of 7 days--still burnt out from that). Around 2008 I started playing WoW and tried all of the expansions since then, but never played them for much longer than a month or two. There were a few MMOs in-between, including SW:TOR, Aion, Rift, Eve...really just tried most of the "big" ones but didn't stick with any other than EQ and WoW. A lot of my old guildmates are friends I know in person, but they aren't too interested in MMOs anymore, so I've decided I'd like to branch out a bit on my own. I have a lot of experience with healers, as that is the majority of what I play in MMOs, but have played DPS a bit. Healing seems much more dynamic to me, and I enjoy that challenge. Also I avoid tanking since I'm terrible at it. I played FF14 when ARR was released and got my white mage to level 50. Didn't spend much time in the game after finishing the main story, and I think I quit before the first major patch. Now it looks like I have about four or five patches worth of quests before I can even start Heavensword, so that will be fun. Let me know what else you'd guys like to know Oh...also, I have a cat.
  6. Hey all! I posted over on Reddit that I was looking for an FC, and was directed here. I saw that you all have active forums, which says a lot to me about a group of players! Given that, I'd like to toss my name in here for consideration. I don't have a character on the server yet, and will explain more about that in a moment! Anyways... Hello! I'm a 35 year old gamer who has been playing since I was 5 and my parents bought me an NES. I grew up on Super Mario Brothers and Legend of Zelda, continuing to game all through my childhood. In 1999, though, I found the genre I would come to love over the rest of my life -- MMORPGs, with Everquest. I started playing that from release, continuing to play off and on for awhile even though I dabbled in other games (spending a significant chunk of time in Dark Age of Camelot), before settling on WoW as a Primary game for a long while. While I've quit and returned to it multiple times over the past decade or so,it always backburners for a bit for me. Which brings us to now -- the new expansion has been fun, but I want to pick up FF14 again. I've tried in the past with a great group of friends, but most are now scattered amongst other servers, with a couple here or there. Given that, I'd like to use this as a chance now to make new friends while getting into FF14! Note that I'm pretty much a total noob here, so warning -- I'll have dumb questions. I played some FF11, but not a ton, and also played some FF14 previously (getting as far as level 30 with a ninja). Anyways, a bit about non-gaming me -- I work full time living in the software industry, providing support for some software that I'd bet a number of you here have interacted with. I went to undergrad school for Journalism, even writing professionally for multiple online video game magazines, and a couple of print strategy guides too! I went off to grad school but didn't finish that. I live with 3 cats (2 are mine, and 1 is my girlfriends), but really wish I could have a Shiba Inu. So that's the basics -- I may not be in game for a couple of days as I try to create on the server, but would love to chat more here!
  7. Hello everyone! I'm not very good at writing any kind of introduction, but I'll try my best. So I'm a 25 years old male graduate student who is currently pursuing Ph.D in Computer Engineering! So nothing interesting goes on in my life except a lot of paper writing and caffeine consumption I have been playing FFXIV since 2.1 due to my friend's recommendation (he has quit since 3.2 and went back to FFXI) and honestly I'm quite surprised at myself it's already been that long since I have started this game. I originally started as WAR because I love lalas and figured as a WAR, I would wield a big axe which is three times larger than my size, but shortly after disappointed in the fact that wasn't the case so I switched to DRG because I loved the fact tiny lala jumping around everywhere and tanking the floor! So as a DRG, I started doing coil as mid-highcore from T1 all the way up to T13 and was pretty much addicted to FFXIV until the release of 3.0. Then I originally raided in Alexander, but life became more time consuming (finishing up Master's degree) and I was very not big fan of early Alexander raid in comparison to coil, so I basically stopped raiding there (and intend to keep this way for now!). After quitting raiding, I switched my job to AST as I wanted to feel the hardship healers have to go through and after maxing that, I had to temporarily leave FFXIV again due to moving process from one university to the other. Now two weeks ago I'm more settled down and I decided to try tanking again as DRK. So currently just leveling up DRK (52 at this moment) and having pretty good fun! I'll be honest that I'm not too sure myself of what I am looking for in FFXIV anymore since I don't raid and pretty much play casually. I just miss that feeling of when I first started the game where everyone just had a lot of fun together instead of trying to race and outdo each other if that makes sense. Maybe I'm being little bit unrealistic haha Therefore that's my little bit of FFXIV history if I can call it that way.. but here are some other facts about myself! I'm Korean and moved to states when I was young, so I'm alright at both English and Korean, but proficient at neither of them Tennis is my huge hobby ever since I moved to PA since there's literally nothing to do here. Other games I play at times are: Dragon Quest Builders (I'm not good at it, but having some fun) Curvestone I'm usually up for any games that can be played with friends. Huge baseball fan of Dodgers, and yes I'm little bit sad while typing this Anyhow, I'm currently in Faerie so I'll have to transfer to Levi, but I certainly don't mind doing that All in all, this post became little bit longer than I originally intended... so I apologize for that. Thanks for informing me about this FC and if there is anything that you may be curious about, please let me know and I'll try my best to answer it, good night!
  8. ery

    FFXIV - Ery!

    Hello babes and man-babes! I'm Ery ! I'm not really sure what to put here, so here's a dumb list of stupid facts about me! YAY I'm a 28 year old nerd who spends 90% of any free time playing video games. the other 10% i'm looking as witchy (not to be mistaken for gothy.. sometimes) as possible in the real world, typically walking around aimlessly and wishing i could afford all the cute things i see i love animals more than people, and my weekends are entirely taken up by my job at a petting zoo. (i found out i like goats a lot, they're cute) Having said that, i do enjoy people too and i like bonding with them and sharing friendships and stories and life experiences c: during the week i work part time as well at a video game lounge, which is cool in theory, but we're pretty new so we're still building a customer base, and most of the weekdays are pretty slow and boring. i have a very sassy/sarcastic sense of humor, but i'm only jokingly mean to the people i like i'm super sympathetic and compassionate, and probably too emotional for my own good (yay cancer zodiacs) i cuss a lot more than i should i want a dog more than anything, which i plan to get as soon as we move, but right now i have two guinea pigs (barret and moonbear) and a smol parakeet named wolf, and i love the three of them like my own children i really enjoy oreos, and eating in general. my favorite food is italian! aside from XIV, i play WoW on occasion, and various steam games and i do love me some 3ds. my favorite console games are Donkey Kong Country 2, Chrono Trigger, and Super Metroid (super nintendo was my gateway to gaming, if you ever want to be nostalgic about SNES PLEASE LET ME KNOW) i'm typically gonna be online early early in the morning (i wake up at about 4:30am, ewww) but hopefully i'll catch some of you during the day and for a bit at night! i can't wait to meet you guys and hopefully become part of the big SoH fam :>
  9. Hello all! My name is Tom (Goofy Brah in game) and I am going to be a new recruit for Raid but also for social! So I might as well get into who I am and a little bit about me! Personal Stuff: I am 20 years old, been out of Highschool for 2 years now. I went away to college for a few months but decided it wasn't what I needed at the time so I left (Mechanical Engineer major if you care). Sicne then I have worked a few odd jobs; UPS, Grocery store deli person, Factory worker, and the last 3 summers i waas a Summer Camp Counselor! It was a LOT of fun and I mainly worked with children ages 7-12 but up to 17. I did High-ropes, archery, and riflery mainly. I did a LOT of teambuilding with a whole range of people and that has to be one of the coolest things I have ever done. ***feel free to ask about teambuilding games/ideas that you want to try with your friends/co-workers I know a lot more than human knot*** I am currently taking a few classes ath the local community college and going to be starting a job soon Game Stuff: I've been playing FF14 since around the time World of Darkness came out. I quickly started clearing FCoB and sold it shortly after. I left for the summer (camp counselor) and started working on gordias and heavensward. Cleared A4S before lockout was lifted and sold A1 and A2. My driving in A2S was pretty good if I do say so myself. Led to top parse in the world at the time with Cryshulvo Umbrea . I left in early april this year to work at the camp for some school groups and cam,e back jsut a few weeks ago and here we are!! Silly Stuff: I have 3 cats but hope to get a big doggo (Husky/Akita) when i get older. I am a LaLa and proud >:D I play LoL casually. Silver 4 with 1300ish MMR Country and EDM are my fav music Genre's but i can listen to pretty much anything I live in the Chicago Burbs. So NO you do not fold your pizza, NO you do not put ketchup on a hot dog, DA BEARS, Go Hawks, and I kinda have a little accent 6'3" lumberjack lookin dude I watch a LOT of twitch streams All in all, I like to be a Goofy guy and make people laugh and have a good time! Feel free to come talk to me in-game and I'm sure we can find something in common! Have a nice day! -Goofy
  10. Hi there, I would like to thank Midri for inviting me. I am 34 years old and I work as a Database Support. I enjoy playing MMOs. I believe that MMOs are best played with friends. I have played EVE online, World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, Final Fantasy XI, and I am currently returning back to Final Fantasy XIV after a 6 month break. I have a Paladin level 30 and a Conjurer 21. Also look forward to hanging out on mumble. I am "Happily" divorced with no kids.
  11. Hello to all who are reading, Athelias Stratus here, a Lalafell, 21 in school as a Computer Science major(let's all see how this turns out together ), I test games sometimes for VMC and my real name is Joel. I hail from Midgardsormr Pre-3.0(Brockton,MA in RL), while playing like a madman from the beta until somewhere around 2.4(?) I believe and then I mostly stopped playing minus those free weekends that SE loves to give out. I am currently a level 52 BLM near the beginning of Heavensward and have just transferred over to Leviathan to join you all. The first MMOs I played were Final Fantasy XI(at launch, so I was 9) which I loved for the PvE, and RuneScape(2) which I loved for the PvP. I've played many, many other MMOs over the years but Final Fantasy XIV(2.0) is the only MMO that I've been able to heavily invest in and enjoy like I did FFXI and RS2. MMOs aren't the only type of games that I like to play, I enjoy playing just about everything except driving games but (J)RPGs and Shooters are at the top of my list. Some of my favorite series/games are(in no order): Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Fire Emblem, Breath of Fire, Lunar, Grandia, Wild Arms, Legend of Dragoon, Halo, Metal Gear, Deus Ex, Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Soulcalibur, Zelda, Resident Evil, Metroid, Mega Man(mostly X), and Castlevania. So yeah, a lot. Outside of gaming I love watching anime(Grimgar, ERASED, and GATE are great right now, along with One Piece) and TV shows(Watching: Arrow, Flash, Suits, The 100, Shameless). I'm not a very active outside person, everything I enjoy is done inside my bedroom(I don't mean anything by that, I swear ). That's about all I am/do I guess, oh and I'm half Dominican, half Puerto Rican and can speak Spanish(I'd grade my Spanish a B). That's all I got, hope to see and talk to you all soon.
  12. Hey guys! My name is Minori Thanos and I play a black mage with a side of scholar-in-progress. I've been playing XIV since 1.0, though I never got into it heavily until ARR. Kaizen, my friend that just applied as well, and I have been looking for a progressive FC for adults. You guys seem to hit the mark! I haven't heavily raided in ARR yet, but I have raided fairly hardcore in WoW and Everquest while I was in school. I've always been really involved and enthusiastic when it comes to gaming, and I'm a sponge when it come to learning. Spreadsheets are suspiciously entertaining to me. I'm in my early 30s and I live in Boston - maybe two miles from Fenway Park (sigh, Sox, what are you doing?!) - as a web designer and developer. I own two cats and I really like e-sports and taking food pics on Instagram. I hope to meet you guys soon! I'm shy on Mumble, but I'll get over it. I'm excited to do end game content again. I'm finishing a design class tonight, but I'll be around this weekend!
  13. Good afternoon! I'm Kaizen (Kaizen Nacht on FFXIV and Kaïzen - Bleeding Hollow US on World of Warcraft) and currently I am playing a Dark Knight though I intend to switch to Paladin for the purposes of our raid (and hopefully level Ninja to give Grieve a chance to flex his tanking muscles). In a past gaming life, I've been one of the tanks for a guild that is now top-200 world and at the time was top-25 US on Blackrock (raiding six nights a week for five hours a night while I was still in my undergraduate program). Fortunately, I've grown out of that phase. Though the urge to raid at the highest levels are still there. Working full time for GE Appliances in Louisville and taking two graduate courses a quarter through Northeastern University mixed with living with my girlfriend completely sap any extra time I would of had to raid multiple nights a week. I'm good friends with Minori, who I hope to be joining us at some point soon. We met on WoW back at the conclusion of Ulduar in Wrath of the Lich King and have played a few games together since then, keeping in touch and roping in some of my other friends who I've met on assorted games such as WoW and FFXI to play with us. I played FFXIV during beta and had to give it up because of the lack of quality in the game, but was really excited when A Realm Reborn was announced and released. I was able to get my girlfriend to play with me, but ultimately we decided to move back to WoW after the lack of content got boring for her. She's working full time for the power company now and is also in graduate school and refuses to play again, sadly ! I'm looking forward to meeting all of you in game and talking with each of you as we move forward with raiding Alexander Savage. Hopefully Grieve can teach me a thing or two about Paladin tanking because it seems to be astrophysics compared to Dark Knight tanking so far.
  14. Hi All! I’m Gerus and I’ve been playing a monk in FFXIV. I’ve been playing MMOs since I was little, starting with FFXI. I switched to WoW during vanilla and have played off and on ever since. I raided a bit during vanilla and in WotLK during Ulduar, but the majority of my raid experience has been as a hunter over the last few years in MoP and WoD. I think Zuju and Logic covered all of our recent raid shenanigans in WoW and how we ended up in FFXIV, but I'm looking forward to the smaller raid sizes. I’m currently working on getting a PhD in microbial pathogenesis, so I spend a lot of time playing with bacteria and moving liquids around. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you.
  15. Hi, I'm Logic Ridden (CJ) Currently lvl 60 DRK working on getting WAR to 60 as well. Been playing MMO's and video games since forever. Primarily played WoW on and off since Beta. Recently played WoW with some RL friends(Gerus & Zuju), lead a Heroic 10 man at the end of MoP, continued in WoD to leading 20 man Mythic. Our goal was end game content on a casual schedule, we raided 2 nights a week for total of 5 hours. We kinda got burned out, it was hard finding 'good' people who wanted to push mythic content, while being able to do it with 5 hours a week, we found most mythic raiders wanted to raid more often, or weren't people who were ready for Mythic. After lack of content, we decided to take a break until next major WoW patch. Started Playing FFXIV, I had played in ARR on Faerie, only got to 40 before stopping. We hit 50 prior to HW release, and just have been having a blast. FFXIV Profile Currently working full time as a System Admin for a family owned HVAC company in Chicago. 24 year old dude. Enjoy Movies, ASOIAF, Anime/Manga, I like watching the LCS & other competitive LOL regions. #CLGFIGHTING. I have played MMO's as a hardcore raider attempting world firsts, and now just play more casually. Previous Games : Diablo II&III(Season 4 looks sick) WoW: Vanilla MC/BWL/Naxx (Guild had first 5 Grand Marshal's on Shattered Hand[spire]) Shadowbane!!(kickstarted Crowfall can't wait) AION, RFO. Warcraft III, RTS games, LOL, Steam games(Anyone play Blade Symphony?) etc..!
  16. Hello Everyone, I saw a thread on FFXIV recruitment about SCoB raid groups. This FC seemed like a great fit for me so I wanted to post a little introduction about myself and my time in FFXIV. Recently, my SCoB static broke due to life issues shortly before 2.4 dropped. I'm very laid back and wanted to find a group that was interested in progressing but also works well together. I'm currently on Midgardsormr but was looking to possibly transfer for a fresh start and to meet some new people. I'm generally on each day even if its only a brief time. Without rambling to much longer I hope for the chance to play with some like minded people. Thanks and I hope to hear from you all!
  17. After hours of effort, I managed to click all of the buttons on Amazon.com that sends me a FFXIV game in the mail. What the hell, who even uses mail?? Well, I figured mail would be fine, since I won't have a computer built to use it until the week of November 10. I like to think of the postal service as just really, really, slow downloading. I heard about you guys from a post I made on reddit and sandanzuki gave me the lowdown. I don't know any of you personally, but I think our goals and lifestyles are really similar. I'm 29, I live just outside of Chicago in the central timezone, and I work a regular office jaerb. I played mostly old school MMO games like Everquest and FFXI, I shyed away from WoW because I didn't like how add-ons basically turned healer players into bots, and healing/support is the role I tend to like playing best. I've heard this game isn't much like FFXI, in that game I played a red mage main healer for a few years, so I am looking to play SCH or WHM as my main class in XIV. My goals are: making friends, becoming an S-Rank party healer, and exchanging woodworking tips. I heard this was a good free company for that? Anyway, hopefully see you all in two weeks, I will be making attempts to chat with you guys on mumble in the near future. -Chill84 (character name forthcoming)
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