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It's nice to meet you - Introduction


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Hello everyone reading this. Since i'm no good at writing, i'm going to just rattle off info about myself. Here goes!

My name is Sabian, but i go by Mortomni or Mort online. I created the name in 8th grade, we were doing latin stems and i was an odd child. Not weird or geeky, just a bit odd. Anyways, one week we had both stems mort and omni. I took loose translations of both and came up with Mortomni, Infinite Death. I am a flight student living in the American South East. I was born in Erie PA and i feel like that's always been my home state, but i have friends here and i don't want to leave them....too much detail i'm thinking :p

My reasons for wanting to join this guild are pretty lengthy, but they need to be addressed. My first online community experience was with Day of Defeat: Source. I joined a few servers, didn't know anyone, and was really quite even though i had a mic. i found one server that was pretty welcoming, had lots of friendly mic chatter, and i had a good time, so i kept coming back. Eventually i started to talk a bit, no more then a short gloat here and there when i'd top the scores for that map. Then i started to have conversations with people and it turned out that server was part of an online community called Free Frag Network (FFN). After about 4 months of playing on the server and becoming friends with some of the servers admins, i applied and became an admin myself. I started to get more involved with the forums and the other games and servers FFN had, which were mainly just TF2 servers. I stayed an admin for around 2 years until i resigned for 2 reasons: 1. I had 540 hours in DOD:S, 538 of it on the FFN server, 500 of it as an admin, so i just wasn't interested in the game anymore and i felt that if i wasn't playing on the servers at all i shouldn't be admin; and 2. i had some things in real life going on that helped me come to the decision to step down. However i stayed a very active member of the community and on the forums since i was known well. I was on their TS3 server a lot, i mean a lot lot. --MID PARAGRAPH TRANSITION-- I played the first Guild Wars and when i heard there was a second i tried to get my Hall of Monuments up. However, after only about 100 hours in the first game i found it annoying and irritating to play. I saw a lot of gameplay of the second game though and I got the game the day it went up for purchase on the main site. I bought the $79 pack because a large majority of FFN was also excited about it and they had HUGE plans for a guild, the name, the server it would be on, who would do what on opening day to get an edge on the economy, who would be the main crafters that everyone would funnel mats to for the first few days, etc. It went amazing for the first month, then people stopped logging in. So many people played the game for so much and rushed to 80 so hard they killed the game for themselves and didn't see anything to do once they hit 80. Then our guild leader decided he had done his part in getting the guild going, and he passed the position to one of his officers that he had agreed to accept after they talked about it. The new guild leader never logged on after that, and left the community the day after being promoted. No one took the place of guild leader until 3 months later, by then it was too late to get the guild back on track because of the situation with the forums. The FFN forums slowly started degrading in integrity, atmosphere to new comers, and the handling the forums in general. Basically to save on time and typing, the forums died, and a new forum was set up for those of FFN that wanted to follow. I didn't like the new forum, still don't. Well the guild activity is non existent at best. I am basically the only person that still logs on every day to complete the dailys. Of course i miss some days but hey it's just a game right? Anyways it's hard to solo GW2 for long, i need friends that play and are nice. My RL friends don't really play that often, and they transferred to another server to try and get into the 4chan guild. Sure i can guest over to them, but they are at max lvl 20 and play maybe twice a week if that.

TLDR: My old guild sucks now that both it and the forums behind it fell apart, my current friends basically don't play gw2, I need a new guild.

I am currently working on 100% map completion and i've finished every zone other then the 3 WvW maps. I joined them today and was instantly impressed with how well organized the Crystal Desert forced were. Then i saw that they were being led by a Commander who knew what he was doing and everyone listened and worked together. Then i noticed just how many people had the [sOH] tag. I was reluctant to ask about membership because i didn't want to put people on the spot. I had a great experience with my interactions with your guild so far, and i am greatly excited to join in the events of an active, respectful, and fun guild.


- My GW2 main is an Elementalist named Lady Calihye, lvl 400 artificer and 270 tailor.

- I don't have a favorite movie.

- I can't watch a movie, play a game, or read a book more then once because i know what happens and it's boring to me.

- My favorite TV series are The office seasons 2-7, Family Guy, American Dad, Avatar the Last Airbender, and Breaking Bad.

- I have 3 favorite books, all of the Sellsword Series by R. A. Salvatore.

- I am currently on book 7 of the Legend of Drizzt series also by Salvatore.

- I have over 1000 wins in League of Legends and play every position except ADC, but i don't play ranked because i'm not skilled enough and i have no interest as of yet :p

- I broke my leg in my senior year in HS playing in a soccer tournament. I was starting sweeper. I commanded my team from the back of the field and we did amazing until i was injured. I still can't walk and it hurts often

- I'm 21

- I am a male

I can't think of anything else right now.

Thank you for taking the time to read this if you did. I look forward to getting to know you all. Have a nice day!

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That was a very in-depth gaming history man. I'm sorry to hear that FFN had problems, it's always sad to see a guild fall apart.

I love the Avatar animated series, whenever my kids are watching it I have trouble concentrating on what I'm doing.

You'll find that we WvW multiple times a week, and when we do, we are organized and effective.

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Hi Sabian -- welcome to the boards. I'm delighted you stopped by after we chatted briefly. Sorry I didn't have more time to talk, but our other officers were afk at the moment and I was leading the WvW group.

Love the intro. You'll find that our forums are lively and filled with chatter on all manner of topics! I'll go ahead and set you up w/ Recruit status here on forums. Please take a moment to read the following:

  • read and sign the Code of Conduct here
  • Mumble download and setup is here
  • GW2 Chapter new member orientation here

You may contact Feramoan, Huntyre or Tyrlis for an in-game invite whenever you're ready. I look forward to meeting you!

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Really nice intro ^.^

I found that the WvW maps are easier to complete on Friday night resets-especially if we go to other borderlands to wreck havoc. Anyway, good luck on map completion-if those 3 maps are all you have left, you're close!

R.A. Salvatore = awesome! You're ahead of me in the series, I think. I'm only on the 5th (mebbe? I forget.) one.

Breaking Bad last season this fall!! Aw yeah!

Welcome, and I look forward to gaming with you.

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