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Everything posted by Kantankerous

  1. you're so mean...to think I'm vouching for you...psh :[
  2. I used to have to work late on some raiding days so I would show up late and be put in the baddie group 6 or something. That and the guild hated me on Maloriak, even though I usually out dpsed both rogues. Especially the combat one. Wtf. Or I'm just bad.
  3. go to the store, get: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/Kaikness/100MEDIA_IMAG0383.jpg be sucessful in giving myself a sugar-induced coma.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. huntera


      that's ridiculous

    3. Kantankerous


      if it's any less ridiculous, it will last me awhile

    4. Dililah


      omg...here have one of my Oranges plz.

  4. so excited to BAKE ALL THE THINGS.

    1. acierCRISIS



    2. Feja



  5. so there is definitely something wrong with my thyroid. which means more bloodwork to figure out exactly what's going on. yay! /sarcasm

  6. between reddit, tumblr, damn you auto correct, texts from last night and 9gag i fail at doing anything productive in my life.

  7. I've always wanted my very own personalized Russian T-shirt! Please tell me moar!
  8. low tonight: -19 current: -21. waaaat

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Morkgrim


      sounds.. framiliar

    3. Merriwhizzle


      that was us at this time last year

    4. Kantankerous


      hahah rofl that video pretty much had me in tears! so awesome and SO TRUE!

  9. getting bloodwork done and a flu shot in the same arm is not cool

  10. of course stormreaver would be a realm that's still down. gg!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ashin


      I think I'm mad too.

    3. Kantankerous
    4. Dililah


      Bashiok says it is all in your head...http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657435747?page=6#109

  11. you're all missing an awesome mumble convo here! :p

    1. Darlantan


      drunken ramblings on a friday night. pure awesome!

    2. Ashin


      I was watching movies. :x

  12. 8 dollar fishbowsl at the bar and skyrim!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashin


      yes, what is an $8 fishbowl?

    3. Kantankerous


      lol, its like a giant glass (that literally looks like fishbowl) filled with a mix of different kinds of alcohol. it's seriously the equivalent of drinking like 12 or more shots. the bar that my friends and i like to go to has an $8 fishbowl night on thursday nights. they tend to run out of of the glasses towards the end of the night so you just end up drinking them out of pitchers...it's awesome. but yeah, they're a mixture of like vodka, gin, rum, and other hard liquors. pl...

    4. Feja


      Hmmm...where's this at?

  13. yeahhhh rage on redbull ALLLLLL DAYYYY

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kantankerous


      I LOVE monster rehab. It's sooo delicioussss!!!

    3. Biscuits


      What is this rehab monster? I'll have to try it.

    4. Mordigrim


      Monster Rehab is tea and lemonade with all of the vitamins and supplements you would expect from an energy drink. It's not carbonated and is only 10 calories per serving.

  14. I'm from Wyoming too, where are you at? It would be sweet to have another Wyomingite in the guild! Do eeeeet.
  15. Talk about making someone feel welcome lol, thank you all! Honestly, I can join whenever. The thing is, I need to talk to my current gleader about the situation. I feel like it wouldn't be fair if I just left without saying anything. I have been helping my guild this past week with one last push in progression for T11 content. I was hoping to talk my gleader tonight and hopefully get it all sorted out, but unfortunately, something came up and I won't be able to log on at all until later this evening. I think I will be available to join tomorrow at the earliest, if that's alright? On the subject of PVP, I have totally been neglecting PVP since Cata came out. I've done a few BGs and effed around in arenas for like one night, but other than that....nothing. I don't even have a PVP set going, lolsadface. I used to PVP quite a bit back in WOTLK, and I'm not sure why I haven't really done anything with it this expansion. If I did have a rated BG team to run with, or even just more people who are willing to do regular BGs, I think I would definitely be willing to get a PVP set going and join in. I just might be a little rusty since I haven't messed with it in a long time. Like I said, I should be on later tonight, and I know who to contact...so expect me to get ahold of you guys soon!
  16. Hi, I was advised to apply for a position in your Purple Team raiding group, so here I am! I have downed all current content, including HM Halfus, Magmaw, Chimaeron, and Atramedes. I have also been close(as in like less than 10% close) to downing HM Maloriak, and have had decent experience in heroic Omnotron and V&T. I think I could definitely come in and contribute right away! I currently raid as a Assassination rogue, but I'm flexible with any spec needed. I have raided as Combat before, and am comfortable with playing Sub if there are any fights that require it, such as HM V&T. If you would like to take a peak at my armory, here it is: http://us.battle.net...kerous/advanced I'm constantly trying to make myself better and set the bar higher. That is to say, I'm constantly trying to maximize my damage output while knowing the fights and using all of the tools available to my class/spec that can help the raid out. If it means reducing my damage taken or having a specific task such as interrupting, killing adds or going through portals of any kind, I'll try my best, no questions asked. With Firelands coming out soon, I am looking to join a raiding guild, that is focused on progressing. I'm used to 25mans, but I have raided in a 10man guild before, and am willing to adapt. I'm also looking for a guild that knows that this is a game, and you usually play games to have fun. It sounds like you guys have a nice relaxed atmosphere, which is awesome. That being said, I do like the sense of accomplishment, and accomplishing things as a guild and having fun at the same time is the best. Plus, your raiding schedule definitely fits me! Anyway, if you have any questions please feel free to ask. You can also get ahold of me in game on Kantankerous. Thanks! =)
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