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Status Updates posted by Ashin

  1. Crew - still at the office but planning to log in tonight and hoping to catch up with some folks while I sip wine and move space ships across hi-sec...

  2. Space friends!  The alliance needs our west coast / late night crew tonight.  We're burning Branch!

  3. So glad it is snowing on April 9...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kestrel


      70 to 80 with a nice breeze here!

    3. Grieve


      At least it's not snow in May, right?

    4. Stasis


      We've had snow, hail/sleet, freezing rain and regular rain. All within the last week and sometimes simultaneously.


      Our snow removal service plowed the grass next to our driveway vs. the driveway? WTF. Ripped out our city water access and ruined our front lawn. They're replacing it all, but still. Pls get warmer soon =/

  4. I have been made aware that the forums are not allowing non-admins to post.  There is no explanation.  A ticket is open.  I am at my maximum load for things to deal with right now - thank you for your patience.

    1. Scp


      Thank you for fixing, sir.  Also, thanks to Kytn for pointing it out :D

  5. Space friends - staging has MOVED.  Try your best to participate in the 10pm EST and/or 5am EST move ops.

  6. Historic Red Pen CTA at 1:30pm EST today - Sortdragon to lead.  Formup may begin as early as 1:00pm.  This one may go down in the history books.

    1. Ashin


      First fleet filled.  Second fleet too small.  Not allowed to leave station. :(

    2. Ashin


      Second fleet at 95 and undocked under Sort.  Hope I can still catch some action.

    3. Ashin


      Everything was very disappointing. :(

  7. TFW you hit "Mark site read"

    1. Stasis


      TIL you use Reddit terms.

  8. Moon brawl in about an hour SOHCO!

    1. Ashin


      Moon brawl canceled due to Sortdragon's mother-in-law. :(

  9. First official op of the war in three hours!  Hope to see you there.

    1. Darlantan


      Good luck you guys!!! =)

    2. Kytn


      It's smack in the middle of D&D. :( Oh well, have fun y'all!

  10. 1.5 hour conference calls starting at 8am are grand. \o/

  11. 4pm EST Ice Mining Social / Corp meeting today (Saturday!)

  12. Who managed to make the Algos one of SOHCO's top ships? :p

    1. Tinymanz
    2. Ashin


      You're my hero for the remainder of the weekend. o7

  13. TEST apparently formed up to block a station capture - pings are out for max dudes.

    1. Tyrlis


      We chased off their 22 Cerbs with like 50 Hurricanes... we're not good at playing fair I suppose? I had fun flying tackle, overheated my MWD to stay alive while tackling a Scimi.

  14. Watching PI instruction videos for hours... SO MUCH BETTER than watching Netflix!

  15. Seem to be fighting the onset of a cold/flu, so I'm going to sleep early / won't be in game tonight.

  16. Call to arms at 6pmEST - please attend and see if my brand new Tengu survives her maiden voyage!

    1. Tinymanz


      Any idea what's going down?

  17. It's going on 9pm and I'm still at work. I'm expected to be here by 7am tomorrow and will not be in game tonight.

    1. Tyrlis


      Your work must be so FUN! Why else would you stay that late!?

    2. Darlantan
    3. Tinymanz



  18. Site has been slammed by bad guys for the past two days - sorry for the sluggishness etc.

    1. Derodek


      man, I hate bad guys!

    2. Fera


      Me too! Booooo on bad guys!

  19. TFW I walk past the Executive Director's office and see/hear him inflating a giant green dinosaur.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fera


      Bring him a balloon for its tail! lol

    3. Nez


      Why is Dar in your director's office?

    4. Darlantan


      I think I would know if I was being inflated.

  20. Thanks for coming out to my first fleet! :p

    1. Inedit


      Did you officially join the blue lip crew?!

    2. Ashin


      No, I'm not so advanced. Red lips remain.

    3. Tyrlis


      The Ventures ventured safely.

  21. To everyone who hopped in mumble - it was great to hear from so many old friends. Sorry mumble killed the party but happy new year everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noesis


      Lol, Happy New Year! Great to catch up with old friends

    3. Dililah


      Sorry I missed everyone, I fell asleep. :(

    4. Derodek


      why did I have to miss it :(

  22. Everyone! Champagne Reception in Mumble at Midnight EST Friday. :)

    1. Grieve


      I've got my bottle ready and waiting!

    2. Tilluk


      we only have boxed wine, hope that works!

    3. Gravey


      I have peppermint schnapps and OJ

  23. TFW you show up for work the morning after the holiday party with certain knowledge that you made a fool of yourself the night before.

    1. Inedit


      Did you dance or sing? Or hook up with a co-worker? Throw up in front of everyone? Give the CEO an ass-five?

    2. Ashin


      I gave the CEO a hug and indicated that "next year" was 2006, among other things.

    3. Tinymanz
  24. R3MUS is leading a T1 frigate roam out of 08- tonight starting around 8 EST +/- 30 minutes.

    1. Tinymanz


      I'm out to dinner with a friend, but I'll be with everyone in spirit.

  25. Spent 5 hours today finally working out my UI and overview settings. Taking a lunch break!

    1. Ashin


      Tonight's plan: build a drake and do a few missions in it for old time's sake! I'll only have CAL BC 2 tho. :(

    2. Kytn


      Yay overview! Yay Drake! \o/

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