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Status Replies posted by Ashin

  1. Moon brawl in about an hour SOHCO!

  2. I'm trying to follow along with the EVE excitement, but I'm so confused about who's bad, who's good, and who's "us" @.@

  3. Over 1900 in local in 2DWM-2 right now. Holy. Shit.

  4. "It's like a bed sandwich but it's a nose fish." -Midri 2016

  5. Apparently a perforated ear drum is not a good enough reason to call in to work...

  6. Midri and I have both safely arrived in DC. Can't wait to see people! 

  7. Sometimes your boyfriend makes you stuffed smoked Gouda and spinach chicken....and Mac n' Cheese. Yes? Yes. 

  8. Pulled the trigger and built a new rig. Been a long time coming and tax money back was more than expected. 

  9. Beach time! Talk to y'all next week~

  10. Scab PC = purchased. 

  11. Having one of those nights where I'm like 'I charged my e-cig and curled my hair for this?!?!!?'

  12. Just booked an AirBNB for 73 nights in Miami for $2100...  yay for the sharing economy?

  13. OMG!  THAT GUY! :p

  14. OMG!  THAT GUY! :p

  15. If you really must discuss drug pos anchoring tonight you can phone me. Otherwise I'll be back in town tuesday evening.

  16. Kytn, you need to buy this: character

    Murder pancake needs an aptly named pilot.

  17. X-Com 2 got 94/100 from PC Gamer. You guys know where to find me come Friday.

  18. Who managed to make the Algos one of SOHCO's top ships? :p

  19. How do I get into chat on my phone #addict?

  20. Approaching hour 30 of trying to get payroll run.. ;_; The panic is real.

  21. SOHCO #1 in the alliance!

  22. ahh well, another date ending in breaking things off. You win some you lose some, I suppose!

  23. Snow! Real inches of snow! City shut down and we are trapped at home until the temps get higher lol.

  24. Got to spend two hours shoveling my driveway because the university decided not to cancel evening classes. In other news: http://imgur.com/gallery/ddhcD13

  25. Some days it feels a little bit more like hostage negotiating with a band of drunken bi-polar pirates than actual parenting.

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