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Status Updates posted by Stasis

  1. House ready in a month. Can't wait to experience it, and for this to be over. So many back and forths with contractor. Designing a kitchen is literally the most complex thing I've ever experienced.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fera


      Did I forget to say CONGRATULATIONS! ?? Home ownership def. has its rewards ^^

    3. Stasis


      Thanks! I am ready to tackle all of these things! I thinks. Our friends bought the house next to us, so well get to share in tool purchasing duties at first. That'll come in handy! Like we're getting a snowblower and he's getting a lawn mower, lol.

    4. Makiko


      Congrats!! Snowblowers ftw!

  2. I guess I caught the SoH insomnia bug. Boooo! Actually I'm OK with it. 5am works well with FF launch. Afterwards I shall need to fix!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ashin


      I don't know what's going on with you people - but I think you need to be worked harder!

    3. Noesis


      Intentionally dirty sounding.

    4. Stasis


      Agreed. Both counts.

  3. I'm listening to a Boston police scanner online as they track suspect #2 from the marathon bombing. A) It's nuts. B) It sounds just like Good Will Hunting.

  4. In an effort to avoid caffeine crash and promote healthy sleep regimen, I have decided to embark on a Teaventureā„¢. Ordered Jasmine Black Pearls, Ginseng Oolong, Genmaicha, Lapsang Souchong, Green Mate and Guayusa. Yes I know the last two aren't really tea.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ashin


      How on earth are you a fan of Lapsang Souchong Inedit. That doesn't match any of your flavor profiles ...

    3. Inedit


      I loooooooooove Lapsang Souchong. I'm a loose cannon like that! YOU DON'T KNOW ME AT ALL!!! <sob><door slam>

    4. Stasis


      There will be significantly less caffeine in my cup of whatever one of these vs. the double shot of espresso (+ sugar!) in my morning latte. And there are many other differences and/or benefits. I'll make a thread (with pics!) for further discussion and trial.

  5. Insect flew in my eye while riding yesterday evening. STILL irritating. Infected probably. Joy.

    1. Ashin


      This is why I hate flying insects. No fucking respect.

    2. Chibikuma


      I've had that happen to me once while walking lol luckily I got it out of my eye in time.

  6. Insomnia strikes again! This time I decided to embrace it and ran out to buy dozens of popsicles. At 5am yes. I've eaten 9. I will regret this.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Negido


      Sounds like the best decision possible.

    3. Stasis


      Those red-white-blue ones. I like the white part.

    4. Booker Boltgrinder
  7. It takes forever to dry a beard, man. No one told me this.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Stasis


      Twin, your post just beardly makes more sense than mine.

    3. Cryus


      I totally understand this. My face always feel wet right after i shower but is dry to the touch. will have to post a pic of how long mine has gotten too

    4. Ashin


      Haha I just got the joke!

  8. It's all fun and games until someone loses a whisker.

    1. Dililah


      and it stabs you in the foot....

    2. Ashin


      you watch your mouth

    3. Stasis


      I have no idea what's going on in this status and I created it =/

  9. It's cat surgery time! I hate going to the vet almost as much as she does, I just don't meow about it the whole way there =/

    1. Fera


      Awww, poor baby. And I feel sorry for you too ^^

    2. Dililah


      I meow with the cats on the way too. Good Luck!

  10. It's that time of the year. -40 (with windchill, obviously) has been achieved! It's still -15 without the wind, though. Space heaters, activate!

    1. Torick


      Our predicted high for next monday is -12F :(

    2. Darlantan


      Stop reminding me that after three weeks of temps below 20F it's barely even January :/

    3. Stasis


      Temps given in OP were in F, just to be clear. It's terrible! Bitching about it sure is amusing though.

  11. Jumping spider just took down a fruit fly mid air in my kitchen. I HATE fruit flies. I love jumping spiders. Nature is awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stasis


      Lots of undeveloped nature around here and it's getting colder out = spiders coming in. Fruit flies... well, bananas out I guess. I dunno really, everything we have is fresh.

    3. Estarriol


      On one hand, very nifty. On the other, nopenopenope.

    4. Stasis


      Lol. I think I'm gonna move on from ants and raise jumpers! I've been reading up on it. We have some awesome local species apparently. I just need to find a young one in the Spring!

  12. Making my annual Xmas mixtape for dinner tonight, and I'm playing a prank. Every other song is a different version of "The Christmas Song" by a different artist.

    1. Inedit


      Yessssssssssss! Mixtapes!!!!!!!!! I used to do this as well, back during the days when things were celebrated and such.

    2. Huntyre
  13. More badger goodness, though American badger. http://i.imgur.com/drq7rf3.gif

    1. Tilluk


      all i can think is " I REGET NOTHINGGGGGGG!!!"

    2. Huntyre
  14. Morning workout + shopping in the city + bunch of schoolwork already means I missed last night. Was it a fantastic party? Did I miss giggle-edit? =/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Negido



    3. Inedit


      Yup went to relo for FF and Mumble, saw my bed and thought I could just try it for 5 min.....woke up at 7:25 instead.

    4. Stasis


      I'm sorry Gido! The terrible trio shall reunite for more zero-tedium dungeons shortly!

  15. My garage messed up, my car leaked out all of it's oil. Most of a study day spent flat-bedding it back out there =/ Ever hear the sound of an engine with no oil in it? So much cringe.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dililah


      I hope it is under warranty.

    3. Stasis


      Past warranty. Garage is aware of their mistake. We're taking it day by day. I'm heading back there tomorrow for another change and oil analysis. =/

    4. Dililah


      I hope they own up and take care of it.

  16. New BSG film incoming with a new take on the story. Whatever it is, yes pls. Moar BSG. Moar Sci-Fi.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stasis


      Ewww at my spiders, ewww at BSG. Gurrrrlll... we gon' watch BSG together while you play with my spiders.

    3. Darlantan


      This can only end in tears.

    4. Inedit


      BSG makes me fall asleep. If you let spiders crawl on me while I'm sleeping, you are going to have problems. :p

  17. Nexus player sold out in hours... I had it in cart and then went to get dinner, came back and gone. Fuck. At least I managed to get a Nexus 9 pre-ordered. Finally ending this Apple experiment. Woo!

    1. Ashin


      idk what that is

    2. Stasis


      New Google devices. Nexus player is like an Android based Roku, Nexus 9 is their new tablet.

    3. Stasis


      False alarm, player is missing an FCC cert and was pulled from store. Hopefully it's back on soon. Imagine a roku that can also perfectly emulate older consoles so you can get your jrpg on? Has a pretty cool controller available too, like an xbox really. Works for Plex and all that. So want.

  18. No gaming purchases for you! Both Steam and PSN are down... some good deals on Amazon and GMG though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inedit


      So annoyed that Steam is a mess today bc I'm using it to chat! :(

    3. Owl


      Good pick up. Fun game.

    4. Bryant


      Nintendo store has been down as well, which sucks as my son can't d/l Zelda on his new 3DSXL

  19. No internet at new house for a while? Fantastic! ISP sending out a crew to update the fiber lines in the area. It'll be awesome when it's done but in the meantime... ugh. LTE tethering =/

    1. Sunny


      ive tried to play mmo's on a tethered 3g connection before. Its doable if u are just crafting or socializing, but 900ms ping hurts

    2. Inedit


      I feel your pain. I've been without phone/internet/TV since my move. Fingers crossed I get it tmrw.

    3. Stasis


      You moved too?!

      I'm more worried about bandwidth than ping tbh. I don't even MMO or really play anything online, but I won't be able to stream hockey games or download my pre-ordered Inquisition =(

  20. No, UPS, you did not make a delivery attempt. You lie. I was here all day. Our buzzer is the loudest in the history of buzzers, and there is no notice on any door. I WANT MY MOUSE.

    1. Sunny


      That has happened to me before too. Next time call the carrier immediately and have them re deliver the same day

  21. Not a whole hell of a lot... but if you stay put, and we can lure in some more people, we have the beginnings of an orgy. AN ORGY.

  22. Now I know. Holy shit. Finally decided to get some "real" headphones instead of another gamer set. First song Nina Simone's I Put a Spell On You. Mind blown. I didn't realize how much I was missing. Sold!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grieve


      Stasis, you're tempting me to buy more things. This is not good for me...

    3. Stasis


      Buy now, process later. It's my way of doing things. Damn this low rate credit card! But srsly I must control also, lol.

    4. Stasis


      My Logi G35's finally kicked it. I needed to re-up, so I went a little bigger. I wouldn't have otherwise. Not yet.

  23. Off to Pennsylvania to see friends and family! Maybe I'll do some shopping for the PU thread!

    1. Inedit


      King of Prussia mall?!?!?!

  24. OK Wildstar and Watch Dogs, you've forced my hand. I wanted to wait for a full build, but 770 inc. Now debating if I do a duress install on a new SSD or not. Sigh.

    1. Stasis


      I guess duress is appropriate, Apple, but I did mean "fresh".

    2. Ashin


      Was just about to ask!

  25. On Debussy's birthday (thx Google!) I think we should all listen to Clair de Lune and be peaceful. Go!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. skye


      Granted it is a bit overused but I love Clair de Lune!

    3. Stasis


      I just ran with a classic well known title! But I'm totally down with being nicknamed Bella. In fact, I think you just determined my Chocobo's name.

    4. Inedit
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