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Status Replies posted by Darlantan

  1. Never Grow Up!

  2. t-minus 6 days till I go back to school.. excited and nervous.

  3. Tomorrow I'll be in Toronto for Level Up! Wish me luck! I hope our team wins.

  4. Reddit is down...nooooooo

  5. Tomorrow I'll be in Toronto for Level Up! Wish me luck! I hope our team wins.

  6. Curse your sudden but ineditable atrael

  7. Curse your sudden but ineditable atrael

  8. So just beat The Last of Us. If you have not played it you really should just for the story alone.

  9. Over 100% in both my APP101 and HIS220 classes. Maintaining that 4.0. :D Next stop, ACC101!

  10. Beer is good, beers are better

  11. Dear Darlantan - we should totally do 2 nights of raiding instead of 1. Love, me

  12. happy friday everyone.

  13. Brought the gf's laptop back from the dead - had to physically work on the motherboard but after much cursing and 4 hours.. it works again.

  14. So was planning on Celebrating St. Patrick's Day this Saturday, then I realized it'll be Pi Day! This weekend is gonna be EPIC!

  15. It's official; I passed the FAR exam with a 95. One down, three to go...

  16. Argh, more all-nighters...

  17. Had a blast tonight folks! Looking forward to our next session. I even logged on 1 game with Val afterwards. :p

  18. 10-day trial of WoW? I just might...

  19. After being told I wouldn't be getting a new laptop for school because I'm using the employee scholarship I find out yesterday that I'm going to get one anyway. I'll have it no later than Monday. Go go supervisor!

  20. Sick of being sick...It hurts to much.

  21. This paper is going to drive me bonkers. I miss having a life outside of running experiments and trying to explain the results. T_T

  22. 245 hours of studying. Biggest test I've ever taken. Think I nailed it, will find out in 2 weeks. Off to the bars - will wake up eventually.

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