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Everything posted by Huntyre

  1. Thanks for clarifying that Loman. As you can guess, everyone is knee deep in WS atm. What I'm going to ask you to do is review some of the other applicant threads to get a general idea of what we're looking for in an introduction. As a multi-game community, getting to know the individual is a significant part of the recruitment process. Some of the things we are looking for are gaming history, why you are interested in SoH and just things about you. If you have any questions about this, feel free to let me know or you can speak to Matt if you prefer. Thanks again and I look forward to your (re)introduction.
  2. Hi Loman - thank you for your interest, but currently open recruitment has closed. At this time we are only considering applicants that are friends or family of current members/recruits. If you would like, please feel free to add me to your friends list though and we can stay in touch. We anticipate that we will resume open recruitment in the near future.
  3. Welcome! Forums are going to be a little quiet, but you will be bombarded by questions as soon as people start coming up for air.
  4. You want to make sure you log into Mumble and seek out one of the following people: Pride, Vanity, Darlantan, Tilluk, Fulgshift, Toobz, Jacked Jackal or Huntyre.
  5. Hi Exxel- welcome. So how did you find us? What about is seems appealing to you? What type of game play are you looking forward to the most? Tell us some interesting things about you.
  6. Waited about 10 mins to get in game this morning.. All dominion characters got made and headed off to work. Join the fun in Mumble!

  7. Hey Healz - I'm going to give you Guest Access so you can start browsing the forums and mingle a bit. Others will be along shortly to bombard you with questions.
  8. Welcome and as others have said.. you have handled our first hurdle.. the dreaded application! I look forward to getting to meet the both of you. Until launch, feel free to poke around and mingle with the rest of the crew.
  9. Hi Kazyn - welcome. I'm going to set you up with Guest access so you can browse the forums and mingle with the members and other recruits. Others will be along shortly to bombard you with questions.
  10. The Black Company - I approve. I actually got introduced to that series by one of our members a couple of years back.
  11. Cool.. we had several of us meet up out there a couple years ago... and we have some members who will be attending again.
  12. Welcome Chaltier! Hooray for AO players! Many others will soon be here to bombard you with questions.
  13. Welcome Santino - It's nice to see that Matt thinks so highly of us he'd recommend you check us out. I'll let the others bombard you with questions.
  14. Welcome Saku - great intro. We're always looking for more great people to join SoH and it's nice to hear that Oxi, Vansung and Immobile have spoken so highly of us already.
  15. Welcome! So.. are you going to PAX?
  16. Welcome Kevin from Austin! I have changed your status to Guest, so you can browse the forums and mingle with our members and other recruits. I'll let the others hammer you with questions.
  17. Orias Server up for Wildstar

    1. Etol


      Just made a warrior named Etol

    2. Fiz


      dominion? I don't want to run the starter zones into the ground...

  18. Hmm... error message when trying to log into chat room

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Feja


      I thought we increased chat channel to like 15 people(or more) over a year ago

    3. Ankin


      we had 19 in there earlier :)

    4. Owl


      We've been hitting 20 lately

  19. that second video is sick!
  20. I'm going to assume he's referring to dancing - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-boying
  21. Yes.. but it's good, classic country.
  22. Welcome Scione - I'll leave the questions to the others. For the time being enjoy.
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