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Status Updates posted by Huntyre

  1. I know, how are things going? I just got home from an appointment that was 2 hours away. Nothing like 4 hrs of my day at work driving.

  2. I need a Friday night ritual.. should it be Chinese or Pizza?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 09753



      pizza for dessert

    3. Huntyre


      went pizza tonight.. so next Friday will be Chinese

    4. Tilluk


      we had pizza too :)

  3. I need a new game (no MMOs) - taking suggestions now. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Torick


      I thought Asylum was great and City was even better. City is a little more open as you have the run of the...city...as opposed to the Asylum.

    3. Tinymanz



    4. Stasis


      DA:I will do it! Shadow of Mordor was fun as well.

  4. I need another project - I'm getting restless

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Huntyre


      Haha.. nice Toobz.

    3. Ashin


      Restlessness = time to exercise. :)

    4. Huntyre


      Yes.. I have started that process... and have learned my oblique's and handstand muscles need LOTS of work.

  5. I need dumplings.. stat!

  6. I need to start leveling my sleeping..

  7. I realize that I am being more and more of a honey badger as I get older. Can't wait to be the old guy who says exactly what's on his mind. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Biscuits


      I'm getting there, but there's a difference between you and I. You will be a honey badger to them. I will be a "bitch". So I'm resisting the "omg, really? wtf are you doing" comments...so far.

    3. Biscuits


      This aspect of aging is interesting sociologically though. Transitioning from young, trend setting blood to old, tradition keeping ways? I'll have to read on it!

      In the meantime, don't be stupid people. Don't be stupid.

    4. Huntyre


      haha.. very true B. I very much am a traditionalist and I had always thought of myself as so "forward" thinking.

  8. I really dislike folding laundry...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Noesis


      I'm with Disco on this one

    3. Merriwhizzle


      I dislike folding laundry. Sadly, about half the stuff that gets washed needs to be hung up and I have issues doing that much.

    4. Jae


      I wash it but don't fold it or hang it up either

  9. I second liking Huntyre's thinking pose.

  10. I start the day off with a Target miss queue... website said 8am - store actually opens at 10am.

  11. I think I was trying to look like I was pondering something.. but I have no idea what. ;)

  12. I think I'm going to need to order a sandwich when I land..

  13. I want to watch the original Tron. :p

    1. Malthas


      I want to see them both!

  14. I will be unavailable for anything until I get all my Halloween achievements. Thanks in advance.

    1. Dililah


      must log in...gaaaa too much to do right now!

    2. Huntyre


      I'm running around gathering candy corn nodes!

  15. I wish I was better at platformers. :p

    1. Derodek


      I'll swap it with you, if you'll give me a useful skill of my own :p

  16. I'll be hanging out in the Mumble Public Lobby to register any folks ahead of time

  17. I'll be in mumble is anyone needs me until servers are available

    1. Lostguard


      Huntyre and Fera both deserve a big "Thanks!" for their patience and work the last couple days.

    2. Huntyre


      check is in the mail sir.. ;)

  18. I'm already looking forward to getting out of here...

  19. I'm happy to report I made it through the day and still have my job. lol

    1. Ashin


      was that at risk? o_O

    2. discofire


      w00t! Have a beer!

    3. Huntyre


      it was only at risk if I lost my cool and went off on someone. ;) LOL - Thanks Disco

  20. I'm listening to Utada at work right now.. Jpop ftw!

    1. discofire


      Jpop is seriously underrated!

  21. I'm now backing Star Citizen as well... I'm cutting myself off from any more games.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      To be honest, I'm kinda surprised at how many things I've backed too.. You do get a lot of in game perks, depending on the studio and level of backing. Out of the 3 I've backed, I'm guessing one of them might make the cut to something I'll play beyond beta.

    3. Stasis


      It's honestly just fun to be a part of it, but yeah you do get some perks/discounts. I actually just got access to Grim Dawn's beta. Very promising and totally worth my initial investment already.

    4. Traxx


      Again, it depends on the title, but with Shroud I don't have to pay for any of the expansions and I get free rent on the house and vendors..which IMO is much huge compared to the old +5 rings you got in collectors editions and used for 2 days.

  22. I'm putting myself on Steam restriction...

    1. Mily


      Spending too much money?

    2. Huntyre


      that and I'm buying way too many $5 titles. lol

  23. I'm reserving today for rl.. no computer for me today. Sunshine and a book sounds good. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      I may take your advice Parthes and go for another day.. felt super productive yesterday. :)

    3. Biscuits


      Productivity is hot.

    4. Parthes


      That's what happens when you get to the business of livin! :)

  24. I'm starting to enjoy this leave and seriously thinking about starting my own business.

    1. Fera


      I think that's a brilliant idea. Shout if you need an assistant ^^

    2. Makiko


      I will be your second assistant.


    3. Chibikuma


      Sometimes having your own business is a lot more work, but more freedom with what you wanna do ^^ GL if you do!

  25. I'm tacking on a mental health day to the end of my long weekend.

    1. Dililah
    2. Ashin


      You're smart.

    3. Xoric


      That would be nice. Emergency at work got me called in on Sunday and have to go in work early to get it done tomorrow, which happens to be my B-Day :p

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