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Everything posted by Vanity

  1. Hi there Kev! Sorry I missed posting here this afternoon (#ServerList). I'm sending you the welcome message now. Please review it when you have a few minutes. I look forward to getting to know you soon!
  2. Welcome, Kris! No need for resorting to sub-par gear in Wildstar! Like the look of something? Put it in a costume slot and it will skin over that fugly chestpiece of epic stats! I'll bump you up to Guest status so you can move about the forum and toss you a welcome message. Matt's been a hoot to get to know, so you got some shoes to fill. I look forward to getting to know you, too!
  3. If I could make a banner for the guild hall, it would say this. Boring, I know, but so true and must be remembered!
  4. South of Heaven - Wildstar Chapter Server: Widow - Dominion (PvP) Raiding Times: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday 9PM - 12AM Eastern/6PM - 9PM Pacific Recruitment Status: Friends and Family The Wildstar Chapter of SoH dubs itself a PvX guild. Our primary focus will be on Raiding (20-man to start, will consider 40-man based on participation) and Rated Battlegrounds. We would also like to take advantage of Warplot gameplay. Our goal within the Wildstar Chapter is to make content available to our members within an easy-to-digest time frame. We all have responsibilities to attend to outside gaming. When we do have time to game, we’re going to buckle in and knock it out. Recruitment for the launch of the Wildstar Chapter has been wildly successful. In an effort to get to know our newest recruits, we are scaling back our recruitment efforts for the next 2-4 weeks after release. During that time, we will continue to accept recruits through referral of friends and family to SoH.
  5. Hey Oxi! What are you looking forward to most in Wildstar? That's a pretty incredible accomplishment in EQ. While Pride and I played at release and the expansions to PoP, we didn't get into raiding. With the Kunark expansion he lead an entirely Iksar guild on the Zek server. Later, we played on Mithaniel Marr as well as Fironia Vie. A few more questions: What is your perfect pizza? If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Seen anything weird lately? If you could have lunch with anyone dead or alive, who would it be? What would you talk about?
  6. Site acting up for others? Long load times, other times it won't load ...

    1. Jackal


      I hit a little turbulence earlier today. Seems to be back on track, though.

    2. Feja
    3. Reign


      No problems here.

  7. My son decided at a wedding reception a few years ago he was going to try to "break-dance," or rather his 8 year old version of it, and ended up sending a kid to the hospital ...
  8. Welcome, Scione! I'm going to bump you up to Guest access so that you can peruse the forum and get to know people. I'll be sending you a welcome message with lots of important infos shortly. Prepare to be bombarded with questions. I look forward to getting to know you.
  9. Welcome, Oxi! I very much look forward to getting to know you in the coming weeks. Right now, I'm beat from the holiday and I'm going to settle for getting you Guest status so you can peruse the forum at your leisure. I will also send you a welcome message/care package in a moment. Please review it when you have a few minutes. Our interests are as varied as our members, so please find anything that jumps out at you and leap right in as you go exploring. I'll be much more coherent in the morning, I promise!
  10. Welcome, Jabbers! '80s hair bands were the best! Love me some White Snake and Def Leppard I have sent you the welcome message, please review it when you have a few minutes. Look forward to getting to know you and seeing you in Nexus!
  11. Welcome, Duckie! What about Wildstar is screaming, "DUCKIE COME PLAY WITH ME!!"? I've sent you a welcome message, please review it when you have a few minutes. Look forward to seeing you in Wildstar!
  12. Welcome, Kingfrog! I have sent you the standard welcome message, please review it when you have a few minutes. I look forward to getting to know you
  13. We have plenty of people planning to play during headstart. We will have the guild up and running as soon as I get to level 12. We will begin raiding as soon as we have enough people to do so while simultaneously continuing to assist people in completing the attunement process.
  14. Welcome, Druthia! You have lots of questions already so I'll just chime in and say that I look forward to getting to know you. I have sent you a welcome message; please review it when you have a few minutes.
  15. Welcome, Avenge! Guardian from TC, eh!? My Co-Leader-husband-better half, Pride Lionheart, was a Commander there until about a year ago. I am glad you found us for Wildstar! We're going to put the pieces into World Peace. /rawr I'll send you a welcome message shortly; please review it when you have a few minutes.
  16. Welcome, Alkaia! Gaming wives, unite! I look forward to getting to know you better
  17. Welcome Vax! Econ, while not my forte, was one of my favorite course in college. The professor just made you sit up and pay attention to a course that most don't particularly care to do so in. Best of luck with your sister. I, too, took guardianship of my sister back in 2009. She graduated and moved out and recently just moved back in with us. If you ever need an ear, just let me or Pride know. I sent on your welcome message last night; please review when you have a few minutes. Look forward to getting to know you better.
  18. Apologies for my lax posting ways this weekend. Holiday still in full swing for us retail employees! I'm off tomorrow, will catch up :D

    1. Huntyre


      no worries. tcb :)

    2. Noesis


      All's well. Good luck out there!

  19. Welcome, Bluur! I'm late to the party, so I'll let you catch up on those questions. Please look for your welcome message and read it when you have a few minutes. Look forward to getting to know you.
  20. Welcome, Immo! Good luck with the girlfriend. Let her know that there are a ton of lady-gamers here and we'd welcome her with open arms. I see you've already got a load of questions to attend to so I'll skip mine. Please look for your welcome message and read it when you have a few minutes. Make yourself at home and enjoy!
  21. New person! Welcome, Lluck! I'm certain we'll be a fantastic guild experience for you. Can I ask, though, why haven't you found yourself in a guild (or in a guild much)? Vanilla raids were so much fun, but TBC ones were great too! What drew your interest in Wildstar? What PvE stuff are you looking forward to? I'll send you the welcome message shortly, please read when you have a few minutes.
  22. J.E.M. - Synergy was awesome and I've decided that I want to try to model my Mechari after her. Ooh you were asking Ivo. Welcome, Ivo! I'm glad you decided to try us out. As Huntyre stated, we are kinda awesome ... no, completely awesome, and as you can tell, not exactly shy about it. I love meeting people the way you describe having met Lluck. I've made quite a few friends that way over the years as well. And! Situations like that are precisely why we want to be on a PvP server. /sigh I miss those old AV matches too. Pride and I actually started an RP guild when it was first released and did a lot of stories around the conflicts in Hillsbrad and the Mountains. But all that was before we started raiding ... You'll be getting the welcome message soon, please read when you have a few minutes. /wave
  23. I love prosecco as well as sweet whites in general. I need to work my way into more Reds. I hear the character code for this cutie is available ...
  24. Hooray! I caught up on the 130+ post since I left this morning ... /grumbles and heads to bed

    1. Jackal


      We're an excitable crowd. ;)

  25. Welcome, Thunderchild! (So have to come up with a nickname here ...) I'm glad you're excited for Wildstar and I'm super-stoked to finally read your intro! Pride and I totally went to bed bummed when we saw you register last night and didn't post Pride got me into MMOs and gaming sooooo long ago that it makes me feel ancient. I love to cook and I love wine, too. What's your go-to dish at home? What wine do you pair it with? I miss riding horses. I haven't since I was probably 8. Look forward to getting to know you. Oh, and I bumped you up to Guest for now and sent you the welcome message. Please make yourself at home!
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