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Status Updates posted by Cryus

  1. my wife and I almost match now. I got in a wreck yesterday on my way home from work. Some little girl wasnt watching where she was going and slammed her honda civic into the back of my pick up. My truck has a little scratch on it but my back, neck and shoulder are all jacked up. Along with her car which looked totaled... not a good couple of weeks for us :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dililah
    3. Owl


      :( Sorry to hear that! I hope things get better soon.
    4. Cryus


      Just got back from the Dr today. I check out ok. Now I just need to hear back from the mechanic on my truck :S

  2. Went to the dr today. Not cleared for work for at least 2 more weeks :( So I have more time on my hands than I know what to do with. So Im thinking of using my new found powers of streaming and doing a Devilan stream tom afternoon/ night. Will probably start up a new toon also.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darlantan


      Oh jeez :/ well at least the diagnosis is in and you know what you're dealing with

    3. Derodek


      get well soon dude! That stuff can make you feel nasty.

    4. Inedit


      :( Get well soon!
  3. I dont know what to do anymore. 14 days, 20 tickets and not a single response from Trion at all. Im not investing anymore time or money into this company. Uninstalling AA

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin


      I really don't understand how I'm getting same day responses. Feel like something is missing here / doesn't make sense. I would have picked up the phone and call Trion, personally. They have to answer you when you're on the phone with them, after all.

    3. Dililah


      Have you tried the Live Chat? I'm trying to find a phone number.

    4. Cryus


      They dont answer the phone already tried. There is an option for customer support but it goes to a recording saying that they cancelled their phone support last year. As for live chat I have major problems buying something else on my alt account just so I can talk to them. Cant even sign in on my main one that does have access to live chat. If you can do anything with it this is their number +1 (650) 631-9800. have to actually google trion worlds.

  4. i have an mri tonight. will be late for pvp night :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ashin


      hope they find some info :(

    3. Eryalin


      Hope they are able to figure it out and help you Cryus. I have a couple friends with migraines; one has severe frequent "cluster headache" migraines and the other is incapacitated with them. I've had a couple, I couldn't imagine it being frequent. I hope you get some information and mostly some relief!

    4. Opal


      I've had more MRI's for migraines than I can remember, but they didn't amount to anything. PM me and I'll tell you what helps me.

  5. Wife comes how with Season 3 of Duck Commander and it was on sale. Double bonus!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morkgrim


      happy happy happy

    3. Stasis


      Hey. Look here.

    4. Merriwhizzle


      Asked Bunny what a duck says. Her response was "Happy, happy, quack, quack."

  6. Ammunet is going to out of commission for a while. She fell and fractured her radius by her elbow. Was skating with some kids on a field trip at work :(

  7. Trying out different games. re-downloaded Aion. Love the new additions. Cant get into the EVE gameplay. Cryus Stormreaver is strolling around FF XIV on a trial now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fera


      Check your mailbox! xD

    3. Cryus


      thanks :) (would have told you in game but "characters under lvl 20 cannot send whispers" lol)

    4. Tyrlis


      Did you play EVE with other people or just solo? It's a totally different experience!

  8. We are headed out on a mini vacation to celebrate our one year anniversary. be back sunday..... maybe ;)

  9. called in "sick" today, thinking that my last two pieces of honor gear are going to be in my invetory today :)

    1. Huntyre


      *cough* *cough*

    2. Huntyre


      *cough* *cough*

    3. Dililah


      It so pretty outside right now. *cough*

  10. i just stepped on a dog tooth. a german shepherd's baby tooth is not at all "babyish"

    1. Parthes


      Ouchie. Was it still in his mouth when you stepped on it? O_O

    2. Parthes


      Ouchie. Was it still in his mouth when you stepped on it? O_O

    3. Budah


      Really? They normally just swallow them.

  11. Just got the notice. Going to 54 hour work weeks. mon thru sat. no more social life but i will at least catch up on bills.

    1. Darlantan


      Yay and boo both. Hopefully it all works out well for you!

    2. Morkgrim


      boo more hours, yay more money

    3. discofire


      14 hours of OT a week? That's not bad! I guess it's a good thing you aren't salaried though :)

  12. ice, sleet, snow and work cancelled for the next two days... guess its time to play wow

    1. Dililah


      lucky lol hope you stocked up on food.

    2. Mordrid


      Nice. I wish we canceled work around here lol.

    3. Cryus


      well we payed for it yesterday. our boss could see into the future and decided to make us work from 6am to 630pm. didnt find out about that until we had already been at work for a few hours. that kinda killed the day lol

  13. Trying something new. Downloading GW2

    1. Morkgrim


      I didn't even see this post till after I started downloading :p

    2. Huntyre


      whoa! Nice Cryus.. we'll see you soon brotha.

    3. Fera



  14. Its not letting me install/update ArcheAge. I press the "update" button, a few loading bars flash across my screen and then the "update" button lights back up and it happens all over again if I press it :S

    1. Huntyre
    2. Cryus


      thats where i got the game client to begin with. have already uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled and back to an update that is 4.56 GB and wont go past that

    1. Kestrel


      It's been snowing all day, pretty crazy considering it was 70 degrees a few days ago.

    2. Inedit


      Omg. Still never going back to Texas!

  15. LOVING Nagrand's garrison ability to let you be mounted and still attack.Hunters: unstoppable? yes please.

    1. Darlantan


      I'm extremely disappointed with world PvP. Non-PvP-instanced player health bars are way too shallow right now, and certain garrison buildings just make things stupid. It's even worse than the timeless isle was. ><

    2. Darlantan


      At least leveling is the easiest and most enjoyable it's ever been! :D

  16. im home. will be joining the real world and wow tom :)

    1. Parthes


      Welcome home!

    2. Tayomi


      Woot, and Welcome home.

  17. What we learned from last night... Don't skimp out on computer desk purchases. They might collapse on you. 

    1. Dililah
    2. Kytn


      To clarify for those not present: Wobblie, get a better desk! :p

  18. off to get a few hours of sleep. i have a sleep eeg tom so i have to be up at 3 am so i can be tired for my test .....yay :(

    1. Tayomi


      My boy gets one of those yearly it makes for a rough 2 days.

    2. Budah


      i feel ya... i want a sleep test. That way i get to sleep. Lol

  19. i should probably spend this weekend by packing... but where to start? that may take the whole weekend

    1. Budah


      Start with underwear. Can't forget that.

    2. Cryus


      haha i figured i would start off with things that i dont need for the next 3 months. im going to start moving things into my new house before i get married.

  20. Stuck by my promise to shave if I met my Extra Life goal. Now my head is cold :( Now on to growing out the hair and beard again for next year \o/

  21. Stunned by the news that is going on in my backyard tonight. Dallas, Tx Police Department is in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Something needs to be done. 

    1. Ashin


      Yes, I worry that something which has been building for decades is starting to boil over.

  22. Just bought a computer that is MANY times better than my old one. the bad thing. I was so excited with all my tech upgrades this weekend i forgot to transfer my glyph authenticator to my new phone and now my new comp wont let me into AA :S waiting on tech support from AA to tell me how to get rid of the authentication

  23. It took lighting a fire under Trion but its amazing how fast that they can respond when money is on the line. I will give them another shot since my account is back but will reevaluate everything once my patron status is up.

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