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Everything posted by Abragale

  1. Wow nice to see someone from Lightninghoof. I was on that realm for most of TBC and the first tier of wrath and I remember guilds like Cadia and Sublime being very strong back then. Sad to see them both being shadows of what they once were. Such is the nature of the game, but it was a very good realm back then. Good luck on your app.
  2. Hey Cadillac, thanks for putting in the app. I've got some feedback I'd like to share with you about your paladin. Your reforging and gemming are mostly spot on. You do have some outdated cogwheel gems from Cataclysm that you could easily replace. I'd also suggest changing your glove enchant to +170 mastery and using +80 stats to chest. Your talent choices are also pretty solid. I'd highly recommend using Holy Avenger over Divine Purpose. The burst potential is far better than relying on the randomness and potentially unhelpful procs from DP. I'd also recommend using Unbreakable Spirit on alot of encounters as it can significantly increase your own survival. Clemency can be very strong on fights like H Spirit Kings, H Vizier, and H Empress, but if you aren't making use of the multiple hands on fights you use it, then it doesn't become very useful. Your glyph choices could use some improvement. Glyph of Illumination is good the lower spirit you have, but you actually outgear the glyph. Check http://joeego.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/theorycraft-paladins-options/ for the math/supporting data on the effectiveness of the glyph. Glyph of Divine Protection is very strong for alot of fights where physical raid dmg is going out. Spirit Kings/Vizier/Blade Lord/Wind Lord/Empress are all strong examples of where this glyph can shine. Glyph of Beacon of Light. This glyph can be very helpful on fights that require frequent tank swaps. Saving the GCD just allows you to get healing to your beacon target faster. You can also utilize beacon swapping much more effectively with this glyph, if the fight allows for it. Glyph of the Protector of the Innocent- This glyph I'd consider mandatory if you are using Eternal Flame. This just gives you more self healing that we used to have via talents in Cata but now through a glyph. Glyph of Divine Plea- This glyph can be tricky. I find on alot of hardmode fights, not healing for 4-5 seconds could put you in situations where you have to choose over casting for mana or healing critical targets. Any fights that have targeted mechanics at individual players such as wind bombs, lightning prism or arcane resonance can further delay your need for mana. It definitely has a place and is deserving of the slot at times but I definitely opt out of it for most encounters. As for your logs. Your healing output is a bit on the low end. You obviously are at a significant gear gap than your healing counterparts but once you get some better upgrades, the gap will shrink. One final thing I noticed is you could use your throughput cooldowns more often. Based on the logs you provided, you used Divine Favor and Avenging Wrath once per fight, with one exception, where you used Divine Favor twice. On most fights you can get Avenging Wrath and Divine Favor in twice. Also, don't forget to use Devotion Aura more often. I see you used it once on Stone Guards, but you didn't use it on Feng, Gara'jal or Elegon; fights where using it is very strong. Good luck to you on your guild search.
  3. Hi Isidar, welcome to the forums and thanks for the app. Your reforging and gemming seems a bit out of the ordinary to me. I can see you are gemming haste to reach an Eternal Flame breakpoint. However it doesn't seem optimal with the very low amount of spirit (8000) and mastery you are running with it. I'm also not sure how reliable crit builds can be. On paper i've seen it has the potential to be very good, but its not as reliable as a mastery focused build which is mana friendly and a guranteed absorb. Maybe you can explain a bit about why you chose to do it this way? Also to be clear, in general your spirit is very low. Even with a spirit flask, you'll be running into mana issues as you progress on harder heroic encounters. I'd suggest getting your hands on http://www.wowhead.com/item=86147, when possible and changing to the spirit Meta. I'd also recommend dumping the crit and haste build and stacking as much mastery as you can. That is upto you and your preferences, but you'll see a solid increase in mana efficiency and healing done overall as fights last longer and require more healing.
  4. Blizzard has fixed the "blinding" spell effect from Light of Dawn, when the Relic trinket procs.I can finally use it and not feel like shit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darlantan
    3. Dililah
    4. 09753


      I wonder how many seizures were triggered around the world due to that effect last patch...

  5. You probably don't need that addon anymore, with the improvements to the blizzard ui. Unless you're trying to save a keybind.
  6. Can you log out in your balance gear?
  7. Yeah, its certainly a shift in playstyle that I'm normally not used to with a paladin. I'm still adjusting myself. edited for wording.
  8. Eternal Flame on nearly every fight will do more absorb and healing than Sacred Shield. Because the hot portion of the heal procs mastery and transfers healing to your beacon. I initially healed this expansion using Sacred Shield myself, and its a very good spell, no doubt about it, but it only helps one target where as EF can have multiple targets. Also, its not always a requirement to keep multiple hots rolling at all times. I always keep at least one Hot rolling on the tank and I still use Holy Power to use LoD. The key to using Eternal Flame is using Divine Purpose in conjunction with it to give you several free procs of either another EF or LoD and it can do some incredible healing throughout the course of a fight. I also used Holy Avenger and Eternal Flame and I still do more healing with Divine Purpose and EF. However, thats not to say that SS or Holy Avenger are the wrong choices, they are both good in their own way but I wanted to give you my perspective. The benefit of Unbreakable Spirit I find, is you can have a very low cooldown on divine protection, which can help minimize the damage you take during alot of fights. The added bonus is you can can get 2 divine shields, to completely nullify a mechanic or survive something you shouldn't. Those two options alone greatly increase your survivability and can help make an encounter easier. Again there is synergy with EF and DP because you are constantly spending holy power and lowering their respective cooldowns. As for lay on hands, its always been an odd cooldown. I know I like to hold off using it for that KEY moment, but sometimes I end up not using it at all. So I think being able to cast two during every fight and netting 30k mana per, can be pretty useful. The only issue I had with Clemency, is I never felt like I needed to have back to back hands for most fights. You listed some viable usage, outside of spirit kings, I'm not sure its the best talent to have. I don't think this glyph is necessary, but I think it opens up more options. Pre MoP, you had to pop Avenging Wrath just so your healing wasn't garbage during Divine Plea. I've found that most fights, you can easily get a casted divine plea off, without any risk of death to your raid team. This frees up Avenging Wrath as an actual healing cooldown rather than having to use it to offset a healing penalty. Now if you had a solo assignment to heal one person and they are taking heavy sustained damage, then I might considering unglyphing it. Again this is my take on these talents/glyphs, from the raiding expereince I've had so far in MoP. Good luck on your application.
  9. Hi Johnny, welcome to SoH forums. Fellow Holy Paladin weighing in. Your gem choices look good and you are all reforged to mastery, so you know what you're doing. Only thing I'd do differently is put +80 stats to chest over 200 spirit. Other than that, very solid. I also looked over your World of Logs. For the most part your CD usage is good. I did find one glaring issue though, I don't see you using Divine Favor at all. You'll have to remember to work it into your healing cd rotation. I also have a few questions for you: You are currently using Sacred Shield. What are your thoughts on Eternal Flame? You are using Clemency. How do you think it compares to Unbreakable Spirit? Have you tried the Divine Plea glyph? A few other notes. You can get rid of those tank frames on the blizz UI by making sure the "display main tank and assist" box is not selected. I tested it myself today. I'd also recommend using OmniCC, a very basic cooldown addon that gives timers on all your spell icons
  10. Yeah Stormreaver is probably pretty good to find previous expansion mats. To answer your question, I did use sacred shield for a little while, because it was just easy mode. But as you touched upon it doesnt compare to the hots/ mastery shields eternal flame brings to the table. I don't really like Clemency that much, hardly ever need to have two of any hands available back to back. Couldnt get much use out of it. I prefer Unbreakable Spirit myself, can get two lay on hands and 2 bubbles on most fights and have my divine protection up for almost every phase of heavy damage.
  11. Hello Hunter, fellow Holy Paladin here. Just a few things I've noticed that you could work on improving. - You're dangerously low on spirit (5800). I see you have a few pieces of "Firelash" random enchantment gear, and while the Ilvl is high (463) it doesn't come equipped with spirit, though I'm sure you recognize that, as you have reforged those pieces to spirit. I think you can reach around 8500-9000 spirit with heroic dungeon drops, so you'll probably want to work towards getting those elusive pieces. - You're missing several enchants. Your cloak, bracers, gloves, belt buckle and shield are all without enchants at the time of me writing this. - Your professions aren't maxed, so you're missing out on alot of good perks, such as two 480 spirit gems as a JC and the Synapse Springs glove tinker from Engineering. That being said, you are reforging correctly. Mastery is certainly the way to go, and you want to get as much as you can. I do have some other questions. What encounters are you using Hand of Purity for and why do you choose it over Unbreakable Spirit or Clemency? You currently are using Glyph of Blinding Light, why? What are your thoughts on Sacred Shield? I did read your previous app, and you've been away from the game dealing with personal issues. So I can understand why your gear is lacking, but I thought I'd just highlight what you could work on. Hope to see ya around.
  12. Wow. Gorefiend. I remember <Hat> being very solid. I used to play alliance side with <We Pugged It>, I had to jump ship though, because the realm was pretty dead. Good Luck on your app Justin.
  13. Ive had my own issues in the past playing on west coast servers from the east coast with high ping. Since you are some considerable distance from the central servers, how is your ping from Alaska?
  14. Hey guys and gals, just wanted to let you know ive decided to play my paladin, so you're more likely to see me on my paladin. His name is Getslammed. see everyone around!
  15. Hello South of Heaveners, My name is Dan, I'm 24 years old and looking to rejoin South of Heaven after having left over a year ago. I left at the time to finish up my schooling and now have a consistent schedule to allow for raiding and just playing more than casually. Currently, im level 85, so a few weeks of leveling and gearing will be necessary before im useful in a raid setting, but im more than willing to help fill any empty raid slots. I did raid Dragon Soul as Alliance for about 2 months, and did get 6/8 heroic, within the 10-15% raid buff time period. However, the server that i currently reside on, is pretty desolate and has nothing remotely close to the population and opportunities that Stormreaver has, so im looking for a new home. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/the-forgotten-coast/Getslammed/simple - This is my current character that I've been playing. He is raid ready, but alas, no raiding is happening. http://us.battle.net...Abragale/simple - This is my druid.
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