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Everything posted by Morkgrim

  1. It starts, Merri and I began teaching the girl's how to play tabletop RPGS

    1. Morkgrim


      commence assimilation of mini nerds

    2. Tinymanz
    3. Derodek


      One of us! One of us!

  2. 6 strips of thick cut peppered bacon, four eggs and four pieces of toast with gatorade... great hangover cure

    1. Inedit


      I hope it is lemon-lime Gatorade. Could do without the rest.

    2. Scp


      The key to a hang-over cure is to slam that bottle of gatorade before you pass out that night

  3. I need a pair of shorts like this! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CFV_y-YVAAIv-kS.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Derodek


      yeah I would wear those super no problem. Buy em!

    3. Inedit


      I'll feed you, troll! :p No one needs jorts, ever!

    4. Sunny


      ^ men aren't supposed to wear shorts

  4. Merri and I just bought a week old bacon seed, now to let it grow for 5-6 months and get some ultra yummy meats

  5. home from getting inked, and dinner, now to rinse and lotion then pvp

  6. Beer is good, beers are better

    1. Darlantan


      Also works with bear.

  7. Let the long weekend commence

  8. First off, welcome to the forums, any friend of Esta's is a friend here. on that note I did have some concern with your app.. thingy... yeah... Have you considered Dogs, much more loveable than the children of satan.... also Lalas and Gnomes are only really good for when Tauren want to play football..... and Welcome again! and is it just me or does this app thread need some negido-esk questions
  9. yay camelot unchained alpha should be opening today /squee

    1. Kiffen


      oh my god I had no idea this was real. So stoked to get into some RvR again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valcrist


      Bastion also built a new one recently. Tis the season for new computers, it seems!

      Wallet, what are you doing trying to get out of my pocket? Bad wallet, bad!

    3. Merriwhizzle


      I got my computer back, so yay for new computer!

    4. Huntyre
  10. Computer ordered such excite, hopefully tilly gets everything and has it built by this weekend :D squeeee

  11. Obviously because tauren are a better race, longer legs for gnome punting. and hi and welcome, was fun raiding with you last night.
  12. so, LFR hates me, all bosses killed, 0 gear

    1. Derodek


      Man, I've had bad luck before, but that takes the cake...

  13. New bnet tag, Morkgrim#1485

  14. Mork has glasses, feels odd

    1. Darlantan


      Glasses?! Cray. I guess I'll see them in a couple days then. :p

  15. Dar and tilly had a very lovely wedding and I was glad to be a part of it :p

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Makiko


      Yes, pics!! Congratulations, you two! <3

    3. Fera


      \o/ I'm so happy for the two of you! Best wishes for a long and passionate future.

    4. Lindels


      Congratulations Dar & Tilly! Yay! :)

  16. Archeage is on the shit list tonight for how it has been behaving, I get dc'd every 7 minutes and merri can't even log in

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Morkgrim


      Or not, after 2 hour phone call with tech support last night they finally contacted our local hub and found out that there is a "Minor outage" in the area.. but it took 3 days and multiple people calling with the same complaint to figure it out, think I will send them a bill for the three hours I have spent on the phone with tech support this week.

    3. Merriwhizzle


      well, at the risk of the last few minutes of work, I think it's actually fixed since I didn't get kicked out, however tonight will be the true test

    4. Dililah
  17. Sudden change of plans, leaving this afternoon. Heading to Helena, then tomorrow heading for Idaho falls from there, monday on down to SLC

    1. Tilluk


      Have fun storming the castle.

  18. Sillyness I think Skippy would have happened any way
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