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Status Updates posted by Nez

  1. Temp of 102 and sore throat.. off to class I go.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stasis


      Wear a WW2 era Russian gas mask. Protect others and scare the F outta them at the same time. It's a win/win.

    3. Ashin


      People shouldn't do this unless it is necessary - you are just spreading germs. =/

    4. Nez


      2 quizzes plus homework due, couldn't afford to miss the whole day. I am going home after my meeting at 1. Skipping my evening classes and drugging myself with some medication.

  2. @Ashin - Does "wooing you" for FFXIV consist of having to do this? http://youtu.be/sVRXtalL5MI?t=8s

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nez


      I was referring to the dressing in drag and doing the hula, but good to know Lion King scenes won't work either.

    3. Ashin


      I would definitely encourage you to dress in drag and post pics in our thread - we want as much drag as we can get!

    4. Negido


      I'm trying to figure out where this fascination with drag came from.

  3. Bed looks like a tornado hit a paper mill - there be things everywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inedit


      Phone + bed skirt! You can do it!!!!!

    3. Huntyre


      Ummm... get thee a bed skirt.

    4. Tinymanz


      i feel if i took a photo of my bedroom, the guild would freak out. currently no bed frame, no real desk, etc.

  4. Someone in my stats lecture smelled like donuts and it made me hungry the entire time...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darlantan


      He might have been. He was fresh-baked, after all.

    3. Nez


      I don't know if it was a he or a she. I just know they smelled delicious.

    4. Grieve


      So you could just eat them right up?

  5. Well this great day just got depressing. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Negido
    3. Midri


      Awww I'm sorry. :(

    4. Ashin


      Did you hear about the latest Chinese food scandal on the news? Jerkey treats made in China are poisoned and giving dogs strokes or kidney failure. :( :( :(

  6. - This calms me and makes me want to play piano.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nez


      Most of the time I am but there are occasions when I need to be calmed. This entire month of November is going to be a non-calming month.

    3. Stasis


      I'm so psyched for X|X-2 HD.

    4. Nez
  7. All NA servers/Data centers are down. T_T

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nez


      I suppose I could break out my free weights and pull-up bar!

    3. Midri


      Nooo I was gonna do dailies now because I won't get home until after maintenance starts tonight. T_T

    4. Nez
  8. Was out walking a few miles and it starts raining - the nicest lady invites me inside and gives me some tea while I sit next to the heater.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nez


      I'm a giant. You know how long it would take to dispose of my body? Ain't nobody got time for dat.

    3. Inedit


      I'm sure you can still be dissolved in acid after being chopped up and put in a plastic tub!

    4. Nez


      Clearly you haven't seen the tubs here. It's more of a lunchbox than a tub.

  9. A female student walked up to me and asked what classes I taught here. How old do I look!?!? T_T

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inedit


      Not only is Nyisha big in Japan, he's old there, too!

    3. Fera
    4. Stasis


      Lol. Maybe what Hunt suggested too. Winky face.

  10. Fml - blew my right eardrum. Can't hear anything from it D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jackal


      Hah, "happy to hear."

    3. Ashin


      There seem to be huge gaps here..

    4. Nez


      You missed my "Nyishas' weekend adventure" in chat last night(For me)/this morning(for everyone else).

  11. This.. child - yeah let me label him as that, wanted to fight me IRL because he lost the LoL game and his word choice was... colorful. So I proceeded to lecture him on why he shouldn't use certain words. That SoH CoC at work. >_>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Valcrist


      You are a saint for trying to do that within League.

    3. Inedit


      Were you on the same team? Is it your fault he lost?

    4. Nez


      He was on the opposite team - and we demolished them.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stasis


      And my car was actually a Civic back then =/

    3. Nez


      Haha Stasis. I bet that was a real thrill ride for you then.

    4. Stasis


      Backing up was terrible. Not as bad as the first time I drove with a trailer hitched, though. To quote recent Hyna: "We all good now" though =P

  12. Extension application was accepeted - see you guys back in game(s) next August!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nez


      Side note: Taking Sionna on our first official date tomorrow/today, as well. It's going to be a great weekend.

    3. Darlantan


      Let us know how the meowing at passers-by goes!

    4. Merriwhizzle


      So I get even more opportunities to tell you to go to bed? Ok.

  13. Our engines are damaged!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darlantan


      The Skyfire can't take much more of this!

    3. Luc


      Ha! I hoped you would make it this far.

    4. Kantankerous


      Riflemen! Shoot FASTAH! OH GOD WAIT

  14. 1/2 price milk shakes at sonic, Burn Notice, Suits, True Blood AND Anime. Could this friday be any better?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kantankerous


      can i have all of the above

    3. Kantankerous


      well okay maybe not some things i lied

    4. Drpibb


      Could have had a V8.

  15. New forum pic. It's okay to like it. It's okay to love it. I grant you permission.

  16. To go to Amsterdam this summer and learn about Gender and Sexuality in said city and Europe or go to Greece for Economic study of their financial crisis...

  17. Firefly online!? Yes please. Only available for Android and/or iOS? Killed it right there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Booker Boltgrinder

      Booker Boltgrinder

      Am I excited about it being a mobile / social thing? No.

      Am I excited that someone *ANYONE* is doing something with this franchise? At least a little.

      Will I sign up on their website to receive more info? Yeah, but my hopes are not high

      That may change when we see some actual gameplay, but when i hear social gaming i automatically assume a shitty facebook game where you spam your friends in hopes of one of them accepting to play another step on their game or wait half an...

    3. Huntyre


      ugh.. well, at least it's getting some love.

    4. Stasis


      We can only hope it does well enough for there to be renewed interest... I want some benevolent rich tycoon to get in on this. We don't need SyFy and their horrible new moniker. Get Newell on the phone!

  18. Almost re-subbed my WoW account but without SoH.. what's the use?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darlantan


      Don't forget to bring your shovel!

    3. Tilluk


      he loaned it to me i have to give it back

    4. Nez


      I have more than one shovel. One wasn't enough.

  19. 2 minute video - I find it hilarious.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darlantan


      I don't know if I liked Mr. Shogun or Miss Soap Opera the best!

    3. Darlantan



    4. Inedit


      Those were my #2 and #3!

  20. 8 day old biscuits for breakfast? Why not. Nothing shall be wasted!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nez


      If only I had the time to make gravy. Was totes from Fridge --> Microwave --> Belly.

    3. Ashin
    4. Stasis


      Mmmmm. Biscuits. So uncommon here. It's the little things...

  21. How soon is "to soon" to show a mistake on an application process (Their mistake, not mine)?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nez


      I didn't want to be "that guy" to point it before they could correct it on their own..

    3. Darlantan


      (if you're worried about coming off pushy...)


      I was checking my application status and noticed that <description of problem>. As you might imagine, I am quite personally invested in this application's outcome, and I would greatly appreciate your assistance in rectifying this issue.

      Thank you,


      (banged that out in three minutes. anything you can use in dere?)

    4. Nez


      That is basically what I sent them, just in a longer and more detailed email. I should have signed it Nyquisha, though!

  22. I feel fantastic about that final, which usually means I bombed it. It's not like annuities or amortized cost is hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nez


      And to make the night worse, I finished season 5 of Dexter so no more Julia Stiles D:

    3. Inedit


      I stopped after that season, that's how bad it was. Go watch 10 Things I Hate About You or Hamlet 2000 if you need her.

    4. Proof


      I'm very upset with Dexter, no spoilers, but upset

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