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Status Updates posted by Fera

  1. Sometimes you have to turn around, give a little smile, throw the match and burn that bridge.

  2. It's all gits and shiggles until someone giggles and ....

    1. Fera


      Just saying.

    2. Booski


      lmao,that's no good

  3. It's funny that as you get older, you start enjoying things you hated as a kid.... like taking naps and getting spanked ^^

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Fera
    3. Ardanna


      Fera = naughty. Toobz also = naughty.

    4. Ardanna


      Oh, did I forget to mention Grieve, too?

  4. Left side of my skull has been pounding since 2am. In other news, Zoe is positive for Feline Infectious Peritonitis. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jackal


      I wish I could instantly appear wherever you are to give you and Zoe magical hugs that take all the bad things away :(

    3. Dani


      Feel better, Fera! So sorry to hear about Zoe's diagnosis. :( Sending many warm thoughts your way!

    4. Valcrist


      Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this :( Give an extra hug to Zoe for me.

  5. Must miss dWvW tonight. See everyone tomorrow.

  6. The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. ~Proust~

    1. Ashin


      I have to ponder that and get back to you.

    2. Owl


      No pondering here: I know when something is over my head.

    3. Darlantan


      The ONLY real one? Idk..

  7. Vets and Seniors.... votes are up! Please visit the Applicant Review Board. Thank You!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grieve


      *glares at the cake voter* And I vote Pie!

    3. Darlantan


      Well I'M voting Death.

    4. Gravey


      Lol. Dar was on my same wavelength.

  8. Happy reset everyone! Having Platy's family over for dinner ^^

    1. Vanity


      Hope dinner went well and you all felt well enough to enjoy it. Reset was a blast, it's going to be a fun week, so FEEL BETTER!

  9. ... back to bed at 10am -- I hate being sick :/

  10. I caught Platy's flu (thanks Platy x.x) and will be online for GMs tomorrow night.

    1. Atrael


      You're batting a thousand, slugger.

  11. Zoe's temp is normal (\o/) which is great but doesn't help explain why she had a seizure last night. She's frail, weak and wobbly. The vet has added a daily steroid + more Interfuron (sp) into the regime :/

    1. Dililah


      This is good news, if her temp stays down and starts eating on the road to recovery.

    2. Lindels


      Some good news, at least. Hope the new meds start helping with the seizures. Hugs for you and Zoey.

  12. Zoe is seizure kitty & it's freaking me out. I wish I could find some real help or understood wth is going on with her. I know she doesn't understand it when she's unable to control her little frail body. /cries

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darlantan


      Sounds like this is defining itself as a long-term stress for both of you :( It might be a small comfort to think that she probably understands it as (an admittedly painful) part of her existence, having had these problems pretty much since birth. I am no expert, but I think in her mind it is an easier thing to cope with than if this had happened in the middle of her life, for example. Any luck managing the fever, at least, or is that out of reach too? :(

    3. Fera


      Fever had been going down; haven't checked this week b/c I have no help holding her (Platy has the flu). Vet visit tomorrow.

    4. Midri


      Poor kitty! Does your vet not know what's wrong? Is there a vet school hospital nearby where you could take her?

  13. Zoe's not eating much & her weight is down .25 (she's 3 lbs) but her temp is better at 103.1. Doc put her on high caloric "critical care" food from Hills /fingers crossed

    1. Huntyre


      boo on weight.. yay on temp.

    2. Booski


      Hope her temp keeps going down and the food helps,poor lil girl

    3. Midri
  14. Final decision on hold until a bit of quick scouting is done on BP & DB ^^

    1. Jackal


      So close! The scout reports are looking good though.

  15. Transfer date will be Wednesday. Get your votes in NOW!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lindels


      I'm so excited! I have to restrain myself from jumping the gun and clicking the button early :p

    3. Vanity
    4. Darlantan


      Good luck guys! Hope the move is a positive one :)

  16. I had to physically take Zoe outside and play w/ her to stimulate her appetite. She refused catfood. Again. Poached Chicken? Yes. Finally x.x

    1. Vanity


      :( At least she ate, a little.

    2. Fera


      I sincerely love this little kitten. She's crawled into my soul and taken up residence. She's also pushing me to my limits of endurance. @.@

  17. Guild Missions moved to Monday night due to Superbowl ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huntyre


      I pick teams by proximity to where I live. Go Broncos!

    3. Fera


      I like horses -- Go Broncos! Who are they playing against?

    4. Merriwhizzle


      The Seahawks. Go Seattle!!!

  18. Zoe: temp is up; weight is down. And the roller-coaster continues ... :|

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Owl


      Warm wishes and hugs for Fera too. This can't be easy.

    3. Dililah
    4. Dani


      Sending lots of healing thoughts to you and your kitty. :(

  19. Deep South forecast: 27F, freezing rain, black ice, power outages. New Orleans is about to shut down :|

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Owl


      I should have specified unless you have a fireplace.

    3. Stasis


      My buddy in PA called me and asked how I drive in snow without being scared. This really is all about people not used to dealing with shit more than it is the awful weather in and of itself. That said, it's been a pretty fucking frigid Winter thus far and I'd actually appreciate some snow to calm it down. That and we want to move.

    4. Stasis


      It's only -15 right now. I could tell this morning in the shower. That's how I know. How far into "H" the handle has to go for it to be acceptable, lol. I was like: "Oh nice, it's warmer out!"

  20. Zoe just had another seizure :( First one in almost 2 weeks. I feel utterly helpless.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jackal


      2 weeks is a long time compared to the previous frequency. Zoe deserves a cape!

    3. Valcrist


      Jacked is right - if nothing else, it's sign of improvement. Zoe rocks!

    4. Vanity


      ss love. hope she improves.

  21. Zoe's temp down to 103.4; weight up to 3.5 lbs. At least the #s are moving in the right direction. ^^

  22. Another vet visit today for Zoe. More later ... /fingers crossed

  23. I have mastered the art of rectal-temperature taking ^^ (kitten of course)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Owl


      Is a "pics or it didn't happen" post inappropriate?

    3. Fera


      lol, punish ^^ I shoulda said I had mastered it (and that Platy didn't even have a fever) xD

    4. Ashin


      do we congratulate you for this sort of thing or ?

  24. On top of all the fun that keeps leaving, I have a tooth-ache. FML :/

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