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Status Updates posted by Ashin

  1. Caught a cold yesterday.. have six meetings today at work.  Ugh.

    1. Grieve


      Hope you get better quick! Also, Emergen C, Zicam, & Dayquil/Robitussin work wonders.

    2. Darlantan


      Good luck mister! May the resulting good karma manifest immediately.

    3. Stasis


      It's cold season! We just take morphine and power through.


      No, not really.

  2. I haven't had time to forum in like 36 hours.. it feels like a lifetime has come and gone.

    1. Stasis


      That's how I feel every time I check the SoH board and see your name. #twinlove

    2. Tinymanz
  3. Another Astrahus in BKG, crew.

  4. Blacklist S3 on Netflix.  Moar Spader!

    1. Dililah
    2. Kytn


      Spader is the only reason I kept watching that show.. didn't realize they'd made it to season 3!

  5. Okay crew, today's the day.  Complete wipe and reinstall of all the things.  See you when I see you!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. facets


      Ooh fun. Good luck! :)

    3. Dililah


      Hope you are up and running now.  Save a copy of your Mumble Certificate out to Google Docs.  It helps when you forget or have an unexpected disaster.  I got a new Mac Book Pro at work.  This really might get me to switch when my windows laptop dies.

    4. Ashin


      It's funny you mention that @Dililah - I am definitely planning to switch.  So yesterday's project was just to get a clean windows installation and dedicate this rig as an EVE box, and not much else.  Who knew it could be so hard?!

  6. I got to be part of the late night weekend squad..  and I killed a few carriers! :D

  7. Friendly reminder - corp meeting with "vision" (tm) at 10pm EST!

  8. @Grieve you set your contract to me for a very short period of time and it expired before I could get the skillbooks!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ashin


      Bout time for you to equip a cloaking device, methinks. :)


      Keep in mind that training for the covops cloak will help open up the T2 explo ships and also allow you train into stealth bombers, in case you would like to try a black ops fleet.  SOHCO doesn't run them, but the alliance and coalition have several per week.

    3. Grieve


      Way ahead of you boss! :p

      I can run a Helios with CovOps Cloak. I'm just keeping my little Imicus due to it being dirt cheap (~4mil), having large storage space, and cloaking not being the reason for my recent deaths. The last 2 were at Covert Ops Data Sites that I stayed too long hacking at.

    4. Ashin


      Good thinking.

  9. I am now entering three hours of back-to-back conference calls..

    1. Grieve


      Sounds like a fairly usual day. :p

  10. Ashin

    We have a big social mining fleet!

  11. I think I just nailed a phone interview. :)

  12. Finally refreshing resume...

    1. Grieve


      Good luck with the job hunt!

    2. Huntyre


      gl my friend!

    3. Hyna


      I thought you just got a promotion?


  13. Majorly significant Red Pen in less than 2 hours.  If you're not at work, please do everything possible to attend.  Assume AHAC.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. facets




      stream that was posted by sort on discord


      Is delayed, but dunno by how much.

    3. Ashin


      @Grieve  Can you tell what kind of ships the spectre fleet is using?

    4. Grieve


      The guy streaming is showing an alt account in the system where the Keepstar is, but is going to occasionally swap to his active fleet of about 160 for live action. I think there was mention briefly, but I don't recall as it's so new & confusing to me.

    1. Huntyre


      it all makes my stomach churn.. needless the say, the one in St. Paul hits especially close to home.

    2. Hyna


      Both of these shootings were murder. The mental gymnastics ive seen on facebook and other social media today trying to justify these murders disgust me. 

    3. Fera


      I'm horrified, disgusted, sad and angry -- all at the same time.

  14. RED PEN Fleet 19:00 EVE / 3pm EST

  15. Sometimes I really wonder about you guys.

    1. Tilluk


      I didn't do it >.>

    2. Kiffen


      Right back at ya, boss.

  16. Space friends: SOHCO meeting confirmed for Friday 9pm EDT / 01:00 EVE.  Please do your best to attend.

  17. Big fleet forming.. we will have dreads on field! AHAC Doctrine. ^^

    1. Ashin


      We using supers.  Cleaning up goons infrastructure in our space.

  18. Finally caught up on alliance forums after days of work.  (Much "Mark as Read" was involved.)

  19. Kind of panicking about the move now.. two days left to pack.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Stasis


      And we're totes gonna need pics of your new space. Specifically yours, not the website models!

    3. Tinymanz


      Yes. Pics are important. 

    4. Grieve


      If you need/want help, I should be around this weekend and have no plans. Not sure if that'll be too late or not.

  20. Hello post-board-meeting hangover.  Nice to see you again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinymanz


      I woke up still drunk and caught a train home to visit my family. It's been an interesting day.

    3. Kiffen


      Tu vas bien aller mon mec!

    4. Stasis


      Lol @ mec. Good word.

  21. Crew - I have put off shopping for new pants as long as I could.  I'll be out for the afternoon!

    1. Inedit


      Yay shopping!!!!

    2. Stasis


      Just pants, or underpants as well?

  22. Your Utopia stuff will be stranded (you will be on your own to move it) if you do not respond to me in this thread: 


  23. "Only a person who risks is free." - my iced tea bottle cap

    1. Torick


      Nobody who starts a game of Risk is free, that game takes forever. I'm looking at you Australia camper. 

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