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Status Updates posted by Huntyre

  1. I'm reserving today for rl.. no computer for me today. Sunshine and a book sounds good. :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      I may take your advice Parthes and go for another day.. felt super productive yesterday. :)

    3. Biscuits


      Productivity is hot.

    4. Parthes


      That's what happens when you get to the business of livin! :)

  2. This work, rl thing is totally getting in the way of my gaming time.

  3. ok.. working out and new diet = dip in energy level right now.. must.power.through

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre
    3. Caiffena


      I've lost 13 pounds this month - you can too! ugh.. do I sound like an ad for <insert diet pill>?

    4. Lapisluna
  4. Going to kick off some yoga today.. *excited*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      LOVED IT! But man, it kicked my ass.. :)

    3. Budah


      Tell me if you're still excited tomorrow...haha.

    4. Huntyre


      I've done it before, so it's not 100% new. Just revisited. ;)

  5. sick for 2nd day in a row... boooooo

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fera
    3. Xoric


      Stop being sick!

    4. Huntyre


      thanks folks.. more rest and lots of fluids for this camper.

  6. Pre-ordering SW:TOR.. May the force be with you

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. discofire


      Biscuits...you need to get it!

    3. Huntyre


      feelings mutual Nalo. :)

    4. Zombryo


      you better be ready to play GW2 when it comes out !

  7. Ok... who's playing Draw Something?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stasis


      I just saw this as being super trendy this morning...

    3. Huntyre


      there's a few features they could add, but it's a fun phone game.

    4. discofire


      Those were planes? LOL. Also, has anyone else had an issue of only one game showing up? I get notifications that others have sent drawings, but I can't see them.

  8. Time to pop in a movie and chill..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Darlantan


      You're a movie.

    3. discofire


      You aren't supposed to tell people about that video clip, Dar. I thought we had a gentleman's agreement about that!

    4. Darlantan


      I didn't say anything about that embarrassing video clip!

  9. Thanks for the PvPness ya'll.. that was fun and I'm looking forward to more!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. discofire


      I hope I have more time in the next one!

    3. Luminak


      I hope to make the next beta too. I think they said 1 beta a month? So late May I guess ;/

    4. Biscuits


      Stressed. Have some time. Can't pvp in gw2.

      So. Sad. :(

  10. Yeah.. blew up on a co-worker today.. surprisingly I don't feel bad about it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      That makes me happy to hear that B. It doesn't happen very often and yes Nalo.

    3. Feja


      Ditto, sometimes it needs to be done. More than likely they'll realize mistakes they've made from what you said.

    4. Malthas


      Assuming they deserved it.

  11. AC unit installed. Summer.. you may commence!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dililah


      Dar I send you our Summer.

    3. Fera


      Grats! Life w/o AC here in N.O. would simply never happen. 10pm last night and my Mn man commented how like steamy-pea soup the air was when he opened the door to let the cat in, lol.

    4. Huntyre


      Oh... at first I thought you were referring to me Fera. :p - True enough though.. I do not miss GA summers for the same reason. ;)

  12. In Phoenix and it's 105. Just saw a girl walk by wearing Uggs! WTF???

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Corbendallas


      The same girl probably wears slightly more than a bikini to the bars in Janurary

    3. Kantankerous


      every time i see a girl wearing uggs and shorts together i want to beat the crap out of her

    4. Kantankerous


      sry if anyone here does that :( i won't beat you up. just be angry

  13. Dar.. I need a report when you can tear yourself away from the pandas for 1 min...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Darlantan


      We're talking about my package.

    3. Huntyre


      it's true.. it's package talk.

    4. discofire


      Did it arrive via a special courier?

  14. must clean!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      could've used this info last night guys.. >.>

    3. Darlantan


      Oh no! What happened? Did the dirt in your carpet turn into gremlins? :/

    4. Huntyre


      gf flies in at 6pm.... no time to vacuum now - my fault for procrastinating & poor time management. :p

  15. servers down?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fixxall


      Sorry... I forget other games other than WoW exist occasionally. >.<

    3. Huntyre


      yeah.. that's what it looks like Balg.. oh well.. ME3 time.

    4. Fera


      Twitter & FB both assert log-in issues. No ETA on a fix :/

  16. I'm now backing Star Citizen as well... I'm cutting myself off from any more games.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      To be honest, I'm kinda surprised at how many things I've backed too.. You do get a lot of in game perks, depending on the studio and level of backing. Out of the 3 I've backed, I'm guessing one of them might make the cut to something I'll play beyond beta.

    3. Stasis


      It's honestly just fun to be a part of it, but yeah you do get some perks/discounts. I actually just got access to Grim Dawn's beta. Very promising and totally worth my initial investment already.

    4. Traxx


      Again, it depends on the title, but with Shroud I don't have to pay for any of the expansions and I get free rent on the house and vendors..which IMO is much huge compared to the old +5 rings you got in collectors editions and used for 2 days.

  17. Hey folks - looking for some suggestions for companies that allow you to customize shirts & hoodies and stuff.. like cafepress - any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Booski


      This sounds like a Fantastic idea :)

    3. Kiffen


      I know a bunch of local shops here in Bellingham that could do whatever you're interested in. We work a lot with them for Mt. Baker doing shirt designs and stuff. If you had the image ready I could get it priced for you would like.

    4. Huntyre


      let me work on it when I have some time Kiffen. Thanks

  18. Hello new windows phone... let me try to figure you out.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dililah


      Ashin your plan should be up by now!

    3. Ashin


      It is but I'm putting money toward other things - phone is backburner.

    4. Booker Boltgrinder

      Booker Boltgrinder

      For some reason I tried to read this status to the song the sound of silence.

  19. ME3 completed and what a ride it was.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stasis


      Did you play through the citadel DLC? So much awesome.

    3. Huntyre


      I went blue. What Citadel DLC? I'm going to need to log back in!

    4. Stasis


      You so do! It was a kind of "we're sorry!" to all of us who love the story/characters but were left scratching our heads after the original ending. Even after the extended end, they did this to appease us. Mission accomplished.

  20. Umm.. I apparently lost my mind in a fit of game buying. halp...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Traxx


      WC IV?? That the one with Mark Hammeil and Biff from Back to the Future?

    3. Huntyre


      yes it is Traxx! Also has Malcom McDowell and John Rhy Davies.

    4. Traxx


      Oh yeah, that was good one, I liked it. Wonder if they have the cut scenes somewhere online... gotta go check now...

  21. Ok folks - Just Cause.. is it worth picking up?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huntyre


      LOL.. I could have been clearer.

    3. Stasis


      I just got it. Played through SP campaign years back and it was a a total blast. Looking forward to the newly released MP mod.

    4. Inedit


      Bros talked me into it -- it was fun! Never let Negido or Stasis drive you around!

  22. If you grew up with games like Zelda, you owe it to yourself to pick up Evoland.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stasis


      Hmmm. I've been getting my RPG on with the Ys series (awesome, btw) but this does look interesting. I really want the 3DS Zelda =/

    3. Huntyre


      It's truly amazing.. and yes Ashin, I'm probably over due for an intervention.

    4. Tinymanz


      was excited until i saw that boss fights were turn based.

  23. just gave my 2 weeks for my part-time gig... hopefully I'll see you all soon.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ashin


      Oh cool - so will you have 9-5 ish hours now or?

    3. Huntyre


      Yeah.. I'm working 8-4 at my current assignment.

    4. Rohj
  24. and so it begins... no day time chat room for me until Wednesday.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Midri
    3. Mina


      But... it's Wednesday, unless you mean NEXT Wednesday?? To which: :Onion 405:

    4. Mina


      Oh just kidding, it's Thursday. I'm out of it. please ignore me.

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