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About Tia

  • Birthday 06/16/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Glasgow, Canada
  • Interests
    Cook for a living, Apprentice.


  • Biography
    I play aion :D and i facebook creep in my spare time ; )
  • Location
    Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Interests
    gaming,reading,spending time with the fam jam
  • Occupation
    pshh who needs em

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  1. Been a crappy month anxious to get back to work. On top of that the government is sending people to houses to see if we are looking for work. That Canadian stereotype of niceness is going to be thrown out the window if they show up here. ugh

    1. Zombryo


      I've seen it in the news, i wonders hos pressuring the govrement to reduce the unemployement rate. Dont give up Tia ;)

    2. Tia


      Yeah they target seasonal workers like me, they have given me trouble too for taking an online course, it's like sorry for getting an education? Lol

  2. One year ago today my twin nieces were born, a month early but healthy! I remember it like it was yesterday

  3. Been busy with schoolwork(online) enjoying not working though(until may) I want to start playing some sort of game again but can't find time :(

  4. Lack of anything due to me being sick since Boxing Day(still sick), I had a great Christmas with my parent's/my family,also a great Christmas with Ian's family:)

    1. Fera


      Hope you rocked a Happy New Year!

  5. I can't decide whats better, my upstairs neighbour hammering all day OR my next door neighbour blasting what appears to be disco.. I cannot wait to move.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tia


      Thanks! I'll have to try those:)

    3. discofire


      I'm sorry, did you say you have a problem with...disco?

    4. Stasis


      Yeah, anything that makes white noise. I bought a $50 air purifier on sale to try it 4 years ago and we can't live without it on at night now, even with good neighbors. It's still going strong too!

  6. finished playing the walking dead today, so depressed, wahh

    1. Kantankerous


      i heard the game is really good! i'm sad the show is going on it's midseason break after the next episode

    2. Torick


      Things are about to go down...who will win...also the human versus human stuff is way more exciting than the zombies now, they are just filler.

    3. Tia


      I really liked the game I got into the story of the game :) I hear that even more episodes of the game have been confirmed. Tia= happy,happy,happy

  7. All done work for the season :), ( Was already called back for a shift(they must miss me;)

    1. Zombryo


      awww , you need to come play with us again soon girl , we miss you too !

    2. Tia


      I happen to not be working until April or may so I plan to start playing games again soon:)!

  8. finally use to looking at my phone through the view of a shattered screen, meh I'll wait it out and get an Iphone 5 eventually ;)

    1. Tia


      pp.s been so quiet lately due to work,and only having 1 day off /dead

    2. Xoric


      A friend of mine had same problem and he ended up just adding a line for like 5 or 10 dollars a month for 12 months and got a new phone for free. He said it was cheaper then the insurance at 30a month.

    3. Dililah


      Didn't you send your phone in for repair? Also get a solid otterbox for your new phone ;)

  9. I must be the only person on my facebook who could care less if I have timeline or not.... I've witnessed atleast 20 angry status' about it today

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Morkgrim


      I really dont care either way, I dont pay enough attention to facebook for it to matter.

    3. Fera


      I did a timeline out of sheer boredome one day ^^

    4. Luc


      I find it funny that the most active 'status update' (a facebook concept) is one about facebook, even on a board that has nothing to do at all with facebook

  10. ia Called the phone company and eventually got a call back saying that the estimate for fixing my phone would be 129, they didn't even fix it, they have had it two weeks and all they did was an estimate?! uggggh

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Xoric


      Yeah, my friend broke his phone almost every other month so he ended up getting the insurance. I just got all the protective junk and it seems to have worked pretty well for me up tell now.

    3. Lostguard


      If its just a shattered screen, couldn't you replace it yourself? ...google iPhone screen repair/replacement. Way less $129

    4. Tia


      Yeah probably

  11. I wonder if my phone will ever get repaired...christ.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mordrid


      lol I figured that out a couple weekends ago, I considered repairing mine myself since only the back plate shattered and the screen was displaying only 2/3 of it but it was working fine other than that.

    3. Mordrid


      I ended up just getting a temp phone for the next 3 months til I could upgrade.

    4. Tia


      I was told since I was just the glass they can do

      An in-house repair two weeks later and still no phone, the lady told

      me it would be a quick fix .. (insert rage face here)

  12. When going to log in to the site I almost put in my work time keepers name and password.. I think its time for bed despite it only being 8:30 pm :)

  13. Worked 11 hours then went grocery shopping for another hour, then came home and cleaned the whole place.. pooped, rinse repeat (minus the grocery shopping)

  14. Curse you rogers.

  15. Day two without my iphone... Did I mention I hate my phone company for taking longer then expected to fix it and did I also mention I hate myself for dropping it and shattering the screen. woopsies

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