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Status Updates posted by Huntyre

  1. Don't worry, I've been slacking off too. Shame on us!

  2. Downloading the patch!!! Over 10k files... and something like 200MB +

    1. Huntyre


      makes that 400MB +

  3. Dude! Going to check out the new stadium soon? I'm excited to be home for the summer and get to a few :)

  4. Dulfy will be including WS in her line up

  5. eff DS - that tiamat fight is ridiculous.. installing KOTOR for a break

    1. Luc


      hah, tiamat is kinda rough when you first get to him yeah.. probably the hardest boss if that makes you feel any better :p and if you're quick with the bomb-throwing, he isn't too bad.

    2. Toran


      I cheated for that fight :/

  6. emotionally drained..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Torick


      Would you like to get some coffee?

    3. Dililah
    4. Huntyre


      those are all sound.. I could probably swing something Torick. Let me know when you're free.

  7. errands have been run... few calls to make and then the gaming can commence

  8. Fallout NV - $2.50 and ME2 - $5. Good deals on Steam :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Huntyre


      I already owned these titles.. I was just giving everyone else a heads up. ;)

    3. Stasis


      You'll never have enough time to play them all! The dreaded insanely huge backlog. I haves it. It sucks.

    4. Grieve


      That's why you need to be very very picky with what you play or just shelter yourself or just stay loyal to certain "brand names". If one goes south maybe research a little and replace it.

  9. feel like poo.. going to bed.

    1. Dililah


      me too...bed time. Feel Better!

    2. Budah


      I feel ya man.. get to feeling better.

    3. Lapisluna
  10. first snow fall of the year and it's here with a vengence.

    1. Parthes
    2. Biscuits


      I read it caused 400 accidents in Minnesota alone.

      Holy crap.

  11. First! And I just noticed reading posts that you're from Minneapolis. Minnesnowta powa! Where are you going for nursing?

  12. FML.. can't sleep.. grrrrr

    1. Nez


      I envy you. All I want to do is sleep but to many things to do!

    2. Pride Lionheart

      Pride Lionheart

      I'm gonna knock you out, momma said knock you out. :) Sorry went old school. :p

  13. fml.. just leaving work now

    1. Atrael


      paycheck + long hours? Fried Spam + Aion? Discuss.

    2. Huntyre


      balance there is.. find it, we shall.

  14. fml... everything set up to log in from work and somehow it's not working... grr

    1. Booski


      So adorable...now there's a great pet owner!

    2. Fera


      Thank you, Hunt. So heartwarming... still tearing thinking of what I'd do for my aging Harry.

  15. for those of you with a snow day... enjoy. :)

    1. Dililah


      Roads clear for now so back in the office. :(

    2. Atrael


      I don't have one today, but I will tomorrow. 18"!

    3. Huntyre


      Atrael.. did you get my email?

  16. Forgot to update. I'm out of town this weekend. Catch you all on Sundy.

    1. Jackal


      Hope your trip is great!

  17. Forum break [incoming] - see you guys tomorrow

  18. Friday = 1/2 day

    1. Dililah


      nu uh...VACATION!

    2. Ashin


      going to settle for "leave on time day" :x

    3. Huntyre


      that's ok good Ashin.

  19. Friday.. is that you???

    1. Inedit


      Yes!!!! Liquor store, here I come!!!!!!!

    2. Grieve


      Don't remind me... I have an 8 hour drive ahead of me.

  20. Friday.. why can't you be over with already?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dililah


      I vote for hurry up nao.

    3. Huntyre


      I'm not in my zen happy place.. NAO please!

    4. Cryus


      I'm not either. The clock keeps staring at me and I have to stare back...

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