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Status Updates posted by Merriwhizzle

  1. We're now down in Salt Lake and all the major stuff is unloaded. Now comes the fun part of figuring out where our computers are going to go and finding homes for the small things.

    1. Rohj


      but your there and in! Hard parts over! Hope the rest falls into place nicely for you.

  2. The loading of the uhaul has begun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nez


      ^ until you get to the new place and think "Why did I pack so much."

    3. Huntyre
    4. Inedit


      Good luck with the move!!!!

  3. Just got back from Mr. Man's two month checkup. 22.5" long and 13lbs 8oz. Chunky monkey!

    1. Yuri


      Sounds like a good size. Now I want to hold babies :(

  4. Had to do a small powerpoint presentation with sound using Zoom for work. Took me five different tries to realize the reason there was no sound was because I wasn't hitting the "Audio on" button at the beginning of the presentation. Feeling like such an idiot.

  5. Now comes the weeding down, selling, and packing of stuff.

    1. Ashin
    2. Huntyre
    3. Merriwhizzle


      yes, moving back down to Salt Lake so we can keep our dogs and have Mouse attend school

  6. It really sucks when your options are the undesirable option a or the equally unattractive option b.

    1. Huntyre
    2. Ashin


      I chose somethin' else. And the reasons? There are no reasons.

    3. Merriwhizzle


      Technically there's an option c, but it's the "over my dead body" type of option that isn't really an option at all and makes all the other options look like rainbows and sunshine.

  7. Bunny: "Mommy, Jonathan is worried about her Pooh."

  8. Mr. Man now weighs 10 lbs 8 oz.

  9. Last night and this morning Mr. Man demonstrated that if his hands were in the right places during tummy time he could lift his head and shoulders up high enough to roll over onto his back. I think Mork and I are in trouble.

    1. Fera


      active lil bugger! and strong too ^^

  10. Things my girls have said today. Bunny: "Baby, you aren't so bad after all." and "You put Baby Jonathan in his crib? That's dangerous!" Mouse: "I'm as tall as 12."

  11. He's male and shirtless, but more chunky than hunky.

    1. Huntyre


      hahaha.. love it Merri.

    2. Fera


      He's gorgeous, Merri -- congratulations!

  12. Ok tomorrow, here we come! Please!

    1. Huntyre


      keeping fingers crossed. :)

    2. Fera
    3. Vanity


      Good luck guys!

  13. Last night was really bad. Extremely active baby + fairly intense contractions = not fun. The hysterical laughter earlier in the evening didn't help much either I'm sure.

    1. Huntyre


      lol... sooon

    2. Arrhythmia
    3. Merriwhizzle


      sort of, except without the exploding or the blood

  14. Had our second snake encounter of the summer. Fortunately neither have been rattle snakes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mattplex


      What's a snake!?

    3. Darlantan


      Yay snakes! Boo snakes + small children.

    4. Merriwhizzle


      Fortunately out of the 10 species of snake native to Montana, only the rattle snake is poisonous. Three kinds of garter snakes though! And Fera, not sure how tasty a Western Hog Nose snake is.

  15. I swear my dogs bark at random things just to irritate me.

    1. Sunny


      maybe your house is haunted?

    2. Merriwhizzle


      they don't bark inside the house much, just when they're outside and Domina has a really high pitched yippy bark a lot of the time

    3. Midri


      Myra barks at me every single time I come out of my room or bathroom. For two years!

  16. Happy birthday Mouse!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Owl


      Happy Birthday, Mouse

    3. Owl


      Happy Birthday, Mouse

    4. Reign


      Happy Birthday!

  17. Mouse was officially enrolled in Kindergarten today.

    1. Huntyre


      wow.. get big fast. :)

    2. Jackal


      Yay for Mouse!

      Fun story: when I was in elementary school, my mom would pack extra cookies in my lunch bag with the hope that I could pass them out to make friends.

    3. Merriwhizzle


      Lol Jack. I'm not concerned about Mouse making friends. I'm more concerned that she'll be able to shut up when it's time to learn.

  18. 2 shots, 1 doctor appointment, 0 tears from Mouse

    1. Jackal


      Mouse is a rockstar! Glad the Dr's appointment went well :)

    2. Owl


      That's amazing! Mouse should be proud of herself!

  19. Spending the day in town tomorrow so no chat room for me.

    1. Huntyre


      NOOOOOOOO! You're our chat rock though Merri. Have fun though. :)

    2. Merriwhizzle


      Plans changed due to weather. Will be in chat.

  20. About a dozen rabbits wandering around the front yard tonight. One really big one we think is male, a couple smaller adults, and a whole bunch of young rabbits of varying sizes and presumably ages.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Inedit


      Best invasion ever! (beyond Koalas)

    3. Merriwhizzle


      The small ones will come right up to the house to eat, the adults won't. On the other hand, can easily get within 5 feet, possibly closer, of the adults without scaring them, not nearly so much with the little ones.

    4. Grieve


      That reminds me of the time I was mowing the lawn and out of no where like 5 baby rabbits pop out of the ground not 5 feet from the lawnmower. They must have only been like a couple weeks old. Luckily, they were all safe.

  21. Mouse was stung by a wasp this morning. Great way to start the day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Merriwhizzle


      her favorite stuffed animal, a baking soda paste, some water, and rest on the couch watching one of her shows while using my bathrobe as a blanket and she's quite chipper and says she feels better

    3. Dililah


      Evil things!

    4. Fera


      meat tenderizer and spit, or tobacco and spit --- works every time!

  22. Apparently chat room doesn't like me. I keep getting errors.

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