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Status Updates posted by Torick

  1. Why won't the heat end so I can complain about it being cold again? At least when it's cold I can add layers.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jae


      Scare the neighbors, Go NAKED!

    3. Dililah


      We already do...gee

    4. Cryus


      for us i believe the number is 33. 33 days of 100+ temps... its times like this i hate being a welder...

  2. 2k points ahead of mag, outnumbered on every map, SoS non existant, mag blobs ppting their hearts out. The dream is real.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Torick


      Took more keeps and garrisons in the past 2 hours than I have in the past 2 months but now I'm headed out of town. Good luck all.

    3. Ashin


      Torick beat the game and is leaving now.

    4. Valcrist
  3. Xcel Energy Center is reppin our guild! http://imgur.com/43AhFIF (it actually stands for State of Hockey...close enough)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yuri


      I love the Xcel Center, that pic almost makes me miss MN.

    3. Fera
    4. Ashin
  4. School is how I remember it from 4 years ago, headaches/confusion and all.

  5. Anybody bought anything from Green Man Gaming? Are they reputable?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sunny


      I've used GMG many times with no problems. I'm annoyed at the amount of promo emails they send me. I know you can turn them off, but every time i do they end up discounting a game I want

    3. Reign


      Yep. Many times. Their reps are pretty active on reddit.

    4. Huntyre


      yeah. they're legit. I got my copy of WS (25% off) through them

  6. Wildstar is going f2p for those of you who liked the game but not enough to sub.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tilluk



    3. Etol


      I'll definitely peek my head back in once that happens

    4. Huntyre


      Terse hit me up on FB and she'sh going to check it back out. I'll probably check it out for the housing aspect. :p

  7. Anybody pick up Total War: Attila? Buggy mess or stable? I see it's $45 not $60.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valcrist


      Oh also, don't forget that traditionally CA screws up more with AMD than Nvidia, so it'll matter which GPU you're running.

    3. Torick


      From what I've been reading it's leaps and bounds better than Rome 2, that makes me excited. Im running Nvidia so its all good.

    4. Tyrlis



  8. The greatest thing about the WoD expansion is the return of Nagrand trees.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Torick


      Nagrand trees are love, they are life.

    3. Ashin


      Like hard cider?

    4. Darlantan


      I haven't seen them yet. Are they glorious?

  9. I should have remembered sun screen at the beach today. Incoming pain and skin cancer for this ginger.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kantankerous


      ^ what she said. although i've really been working on a tan and have started to see some success. i might actually not be glow in the dark....

    3. Yevren


      Ginger fail.

    4. Fera


      Also ginger... with skin cancer in my family so I hide & block, bob & weave ^^

  10. Arkham City is really awesome, well worth 10 bucks.

    1. Malthas


      Worth more if you had to pay more.. :)

    2. Hyna


      It was well worth the 60 bucks i paid for.

    3. discofire


      Yes, the game is awesome.

  11. Don't mix wine, beer and bad tequila in one night, makes for nasty hangover.

    1. Kantankerous


      I'm gonna go ahead and say that mixing alcohol is never a good idea. Last night I started with a few beers, had several jello shots, a couple drinks and a few more shots of god knows what. I'm pretty tiny and a lightweight, so I got pretty sick last night. I've been okay today though, just been chugging water like a crazy person.

    2. huntera


      i bet your house smells bad

    3. Torick


      Sometimes getting sick and getting it out is better, getting rid of the headache isn't bad it's the all day queasy feeling that I hate.

  12. I wish the Vikqueens would move to LA already so I can be a Green Bay fan.

    1. Huntyre


      you mock my pain...

    2. Darlantan



    3. Torick


      Whats the difference between the Vikings and a dollar? A: At least you get 4 quarters out of a dollar. Badum dum PSH!

  13. Protip: Added lemon zest/juice to my rice cooker, so simple yet so awesome.

    1. Ashin
    2. Darlantan
    3. Stasis


      Awesome with cilantro too!

  14. I shaved my beard off and wasn't even drunk. Immediate regret.

    1. Huntyre



    2. Yevren


      Was this before or after I picked you up from the airport? I didn't even notice...

    3. Torick


      After. I was tired of getting food in it.

  15. Metallica is playing at Blizzcon. I wish I wasn't a poor college student.

  16. I tried to go outside my comfort zone and try a new flavor of chip. Salt and vinegar was quite disgusting and now I smell like vinegar and I'm out a bag of original kettle chips. Never again.

    1. Sunny


      i love salt and vinegar chips, but i think its an acquired taste

    2. Lindels


      salt and vinegar is my favorite! I think it's one of those love/hate kind of things - there is no middle ground.

    3. Huntyre


      acquired taste.. stick to the jalapeno chips.

  17. First year of school down, bout 4 more to go.

  18. NCsoft has been getting their servers wrecked the past 2 days.

    1. Makiko


      Teq run ruiiiined D;

    2. Huntyre


      yeah.. they've been getting crushed. I keep getting W* and GW2 updates saying their data center is experiencing problems.

  19. 30 minutes until Curiosity landing, fingers crossed.

    1. Torick


      And touchdown, good job guys and gals.

    2. Dililah
  20. Avengers looks pretty cool, need to go pick up the Thor and Captain America movies and watch those.

    1. Huntyre


      I liked both of those movies.

    2. discofire


      Yus. Avengers is going to be pretty awesome.

  21. I hate when an apartment looks great online then when you go to the showing it looks like poop.

    1. Ashin


      down with poop apartments

    2. Xoric


      Its one thing if it looks like poop and completely another when there is poop in it.

  22. David Bowie tribute concert...what am I getting myself into.

    1. Darlantan



  23. Wish it would get cold and frost so the ragweed would die and I could get some relief from these allergies.

    1. Malthas


      Agreed though with triple digit weather I'd just be happy to see it cool down a bit.

  24. Picked up Batman Arkham Asylum, never really liked super hero games but this one is awesome.

    1. discofire


      It is, waith until you try Arkham City.

  25. New Sennheiser headphones, glorious.

    1. Karayne


      You have excellent taste. I've been using a pair of Sennheisers for a year and I still thoroughly enjoy them.

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