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Status Updates posted by Owl

  1. Today, I feel like clearing my previous status to something happier!

  2. How do I get into chat on my phone #addict?

    1. Ashin


      It is extremely unintuitive!  Click your menu (the three lines), Click Browse, Click Chat.

    2. Owl
  3. It is with heavy heart that I announce that Dar has moved from chat veteran to chat ghost. If he returns and survives a two week reacclaimation period, he will be reinstated.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darlantan


      The works! They are so many!

    3. Owl


      I know. Just teasing. Although we do miss you in chat.

    4. Hyna



  4. It may be that may be is not the same as maybe, maybe.

    1. Darlantan


      Of course it's not. Jesus.

  5. PSA: In EvE a POS is a player owned station (for those EvE Lurkers). #PoorlyChosenAcronym

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ashin


      yeah this one took me a few weeks to adjust to

    3. Owl


      It finally bothered me enough to look it up. :)

    4. Tyrlis


      We use POS to differentiate from the big NPC-owned stations... but Elend and I have spent enough time hauling/setting up/tearing down POSes that I think we've called them pieces of shit as well.

  6. OBERGEFELL ET AL. v. HODGES . The Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriagebetween two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out-of-State. \o/

  7. Orphan Black remains amazing.

    1. Huntyre
    2. Grieve
    3. Fera


      I've heard good things but haven't yet watched it

  8. Daughter: Do I have to take a bath? Me: Yes, on every day that ends in a Y. Daughter: Today doesn't end in a Y is Saturd... oh shoot... ... ... OH SHOOT!

  9. Steam SALE!

    1. Lindels


      But I already have too many games I still need to finish!

  10. Happy Halloween and congratulation to Tilly and Dar

  11. My wife was talking to my daughter about boyfriends. She said "don't settle for the first boy, marry someone worthy of you like a prince or the President." My daughter looked at her and said "why do I have to marry the President. Why can't I be the President?" Go Sophia!

  12. GAH, Normal internet is DOWN! Of all the days...

  13. Those entering and leaving chat, we see you, please be patient, things are slow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mina


      PS. If you really want to get in chat - try your phone, my phone got in, my browser still hates me

    3. Grieve


      Ya, guess no chat for me...

    4. Mina
  14. No guild missions for me tonight. I know you're all shocked.

  15. I have a new nephew! His brother's reaction was ""I do not like the way that he looks. He does not look handsome like me."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Makiko




    3. Huntyre


      rofl.. nice. Congrats Toobz

    4. Sunny


      Nephews are awesome. You get to spoil the hell out of them and don't have to face the recuperation.

  16. Stuck overnight in an airport.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ashin
    3. Huntyre


      I wish you a timely departure and a comfortable corner.

    4. Owl


      It was Dallas Fort Worth. Got out this morning at 9:00. Had meetings all day. Tired now.

  17. Tree people came out today to remove the fallen tree, they said four more should really come out. :(

  18. Last night two of our trees fell on our neighbors house, and the hurricane is due to hit tonight! Fortunately, no one was hurt.

  19. I think I missed an area, I'm level 37 and I'm current quests say 39...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Vanity


      Gain better xp questing 2 levels above current!

    3. Reign


      I've been using the Ten ton hammer leveling guide and it seems to work pretty well.

    4. Jackal


      I seem to remember hitting a similar gap between level and quests around that age. It worked itself out in short order though.

  20. I'm at a polo match, of all places.

    1. Huntyre


      haha.. enjoy. :)

    2. Makiko
    3. Reign


      Luckily they make shirts for this exact situation.

  21. After this update wildstar is giving me

    1. Reign


      That's too bad. I just read there's going to be an AMD optimization patch next week though. Hope it helps.

    2. Huntyre


      have you dl the latest amd driver?

    3. Owl


      I have nvidia. :p

      It may be temporary, I'll try again later.

  22. I'm wondering if I read less because I have less time or because I keep trying to read on a kindle.

    1. Vanity


      I love reading on my kindle! But, you know, it could be that you're less interested since your daughter's comments when you went searching for books? :p

    2. Lindels


      I both love and hate my kindle. I prefer real books but I've run out of room, so the kindle I love for being a spacesaver. I hate it because it doesn't smell or feel like real books :(

    3. Mina


      I love my Kindle. I might get a paperweight just because I have the old touch and it doesn't have the backlight and I can't read in the dark :(

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